A broken tailbone, what could be the consequences

The Coccyx is one of the smallest divisions of the spine, is a vestige of the tail and very poorly developed, but, despite this, it is important for the overall ligament muscles and pelvic floor muscles. Damage to the coccyx can sometimes be not as common as damage to other parts of the spine, but the consequences of such fractures can be very poor.

fracture of the coccyx when falling

Primarily a fracture of the coccyx seen in elderly people age and children. Often occurs in women due to the anatomy of the pelvis. Still at risk are athletes and people leading an extreme lifestyle. The real turning point of the coccyx, occurs very rarely, often in patients is perelomova.

Causes and types of fracture

If you consider the fact that a broken tailbone often can occur in children and the elderly, to the peculiarities of this phenomenon can be attributed to the age factor. In children, bone has not yet formed enough to withstand all loads and muscular frame is not as strong as adults, so it coccyx gets to group of risk of injury. The same applies to people in age, but in their case the level of calcium in the body is reduced, thereby increasing the fragility of all the bones.

broken tailbone

The main reasons that may occur fracture of the coccyx, include the following:

  • fall on the buttocks;
  • a long drive on a bad road on a hard seat;
  • sports injury
  • kick in the coccyx area during a fight or an accident;
  • at the time of birth, when the baby can injure;
  • weak pelvic area;
  • low calcium levels, which can lead to fragility of bone tissue.

The damage to the tailbone in the first place depends on the cause of the fracture and circumstances. So distinguish damage with displacement and without displacement.

In Addition, the fracture may be closed or open. Occur mainly closed fractures, this is due to the peculiar structure of the body and the part surrounding the coccyx. The open form of fracture happens at strong shocks, for example in the event of an accident.


damage to the coccyx is manifested by many symptoms. In the area of the coccyx occur unbearable pain, in which a person can neither sit nor walk, nor to make any sudden movements. Pain may increase during changes in body position, bending over, coughing and having sex, defecation (any tension the muscles of the pelvic floor). During fracture it be emptied.

After some time after breaking the skin in the area of damage are swollen, there are bruises that take a long time do not pass. During the inspection of the coccyx can detect his non-standard mobility. In some cases there may be sharp and shooting pain in the legs.

fracture of the coccyx with displacement in the picture

In the case when there is at least one of the symptoms, you must consult a doctor urgently. Only a surgeon can help in this situation. Injury of coccyx is one of the most difficult types of fracture, since treatment is delayed due to its location and can last for several months.

read More about broken tailbone can be read here.


Treatment of injuries of the coccyx in the first place depends on the type of injury and there is misalignment in the vertebrae or not. In addition, take into consideration the General condition of the patient, whether there is concomitant diseases and pathologies that may lead to complication of diagnosis.

Initially, treatment is aimed at elimination of the pain. Doctor can be prescribed potent pain relievers – analgesics. If in the early days of treatment it may be injections and then prescribed the pills. On average, for relieving severe pain requires at least 5-7 days. In rare cases, appointed ointment, provided, however, that the skin in the area of fracture is not damaged.fracture of the coccyx in children

In the early stages after injury the patient must comply with bed rest, during which it is permitted to lie on my stomach or back (with special terms), without creating additional stress on the coccygeal region.

After acute behind, usually after a month of treatment, the doctor may prescribe rehabilitation measures, such as:

  • physiotherapy
  • leech therapy
  • electroanalgesia
  • exercise therapy.

during the rehabilitation period need to carefully treat their health and to protect the coccyx area from additional stress. Please observe the following recommendations:

  • sleep on your stomach;
  • to sit on a special pillow
  • it is forbidden to sit on a very soft surface
  • to avoid strong shaking in transport.


The Main consequences of fracture of the coccyx are the development of posttraumatic coccygodynia, violation frequency and painless defecation in females as a complication of laboractivities.

Kokcigodiniâ – is a pathology associated with the development of pain in the coccygeal region after a few years (months) after the injury, the treatment of this disease is prolonged and not always effective.

A Complication of labor, usually associated with the development of “clinically narrow pelvis” in the process of childbirth, due to the fact that after the injury can decrease the size straight out of the pelvic cavity for the baby's head. Therefore, when burdened by injury coccygeal region history, the woman should undergo further testing (conclusion, surgeon, x-rays) in pregravid preparation or pregnancy, to pre-determine the tactics of delivery.


  1. guidelines minzdravmedproma Russia from 28.12.1995. The estimated period of temporary disability for common illnesses and injuries.
  2. Handbook of traumatology and orthopedics. A. A. Korzh, E. P. Mezhenina, A. G. Pecherskaya And V. G. Ryndenko.
  3. Private pathology. S. N. Popov, N. M. Valeev, T. S. Harasawa