Causes of pain in the top of the head

Headache (cephalalgia, GB) – familiar problem of urban residents, especially common in office workers, the representatives of professions requiring high physical or mental stress. Most modern people don't think of intermittent pain in the crown as a serious malady, so prevalent is this phenomenon in everyday life.

headache in the upper part

The Pain usually is localized I to a certain part of the head – for example, compresses the whiskey or bursting the back of the head. There is often a ripple just to the right or to the left. Very rarely people who feel in between attacks perfectly healthy, go to the doctor, and therefore, the diagnosis of GB is a serious problem.

In the absence of serious pathology in the brain the brain pain go away after taking an analgesic or drug from the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and more are non-refundable. But this does not mean that the person does not need treatment. Any recurring pain is a sign of abnormalities in the body and a reminder of the fact that the problem itself is not solved.

Classification of headaches

The international classification of headache (MKGB-3) contains criteria for determining and principles of treatment of cephalalgias. All kinds of pain are divided in two groups – primary and secondary forms. The primary cephalalgias include pain, not associated with any functional disease of the body. Secondary complaints are the consequence of brain lesions, of the spine or a manifestation of systemic diseases (frequency of occurrence less than 5%, according to medical statistics). The third group includes cranial neuralgias, primary facial pain.

In structures of the brain lacks pain receptors, so the cause of primary headaches is the impact of stimuli on certain areas on the face, neck and spine. This can be the receptors subcutaneous tissue, eyes, mucous membranes, periosteum, blood vessels. The pain resolves with discontinuation of the stimulus. Secondary pain can only be eliminated after treatment of the underlying disease.

tension headache

The primary cephalalgias include:

  • tension headache
  • headache;
  • cluster-GB;
  • others.

The nature of the origin of cephalgia can be neurological, vasomotor, associated with muscle tension, liquorodynamics.

reasons TTH

The Vasomotor migraine headache – sore top of the head (parietal region) or asymmetrically on the right or left side. The reason is the change of pressure in the blood vessels (factors affecting vascular pressure surges, just not installed)

Neuralgic migraine – headache top in the parietal or temporal region. The reason – stress, overexertion, weather changes, lack of sleep. Pain is often accompanied by nausea, slight ataxia, loss of clarity of vision.

Migraine with aura – the so-called attack GB, preceded by certain symptoms. This is a complex of sensations that allow you to recognize the approaching syndrome. Characterized by such signs as dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, sweating, irritability, increased sensitivity to certain smells, loss of appetite.

The Exact period of time this state of no – precursors can occur for a few minutes until the attack or several days. Very common for migraine with aura is a disturbance of visual perception – objects lose their sharp edges blurred before his eyes.

Once the aura goes away, develops a headache, throbbing, unbearable, aggravated by any external stimulus, turning head, changing the position of the body.

Migraine without aura occurs on a background of full health. Lasts from four hours to three days. Pain is unilateral localization is concentrated in the parietal region, the right or left side. Growing together with the increase of intensity of pain nausea may cause bouts of vomiting, after which the patients reported some improvement in General condition and pain in the moderate transition stage. Conventional analgesics blunt the sharpness of pain, but not take it off. Folk remedies, teas with this attack ineffective.

Chronic migraine – a diagnosis is made in the case if pain occurs at least 15 days a month.

Tension Headache (TTH) is a fan of the frontal, temporal region, and sometimes the back of the head. People cannot relax tense muscles independently, so to headache with feeling of muscle fatigue. Pain increases when wearing a hat, combing, as well as from loud sounds and bright lights.

Typethe Nature of painDurationmore Symptoms
Simple migraineThrobbing.In one area (right, left, top).From four hours to two days.Nausea, photophobia, General malaise
Classic migraineThrobbing, risingParietal or temporal part, above.2-14 hoursNausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, photophobia
Facial migraineFacial migraineParietal or temporal part, above.6-48 hoursnausea, vomiting
TTHDumb continuousWithout clear localization, often on top, in the crown of the head, in the temples with two sides or as a wrap.repetitiveDepression, stress, overexertion

Secondary cephalalgia

A Secondary headache is an accompanying symptom of pathological process. It can be infection, trauma, systemic diseases.

A Sharp pain in parietal region is one of the leading symptoms of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, meningitis, encephalitis. Purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs ripple in the frontal part and the crown of the head, the head cannot tilt or rotate, so severe pain. In meningitis the pain can not be tolerated – man rushes, moaning, unable to look at the light, startled by loud noises. Both the disease runs hard, with high fever, but in meningitis the risk of complications is much higher.

Headache in the crown of the head – satellite of this insidious and difficult to diagnose diseases, such as encephalitis. In medical practice there are cases when encephalitis occurs with classic signs of meningitis, while in other cases the headaches are moderately, but not removed with traditional medicine.

The Pain in the parietal cortex can occur in hypertension or hypotension, after ingestion of certain medications (e.g., nitroglycerin), after prolonged sun exposure (solar and heat stroke), with alcohol intoxication.

Cephalalgia aching, constant, gradually increasing is a sign of cancer.

Acute, unbearable, piercing one side of the head pain, accompanied by loss of consciousness, loss of coordination, indicating growing stroke,

Pain and nausea, which appeared after the injury, is a classic symptom of a concussion.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment GB the doctors of different specializations – it all depends on the cause cephalgia and specificity of course of the pathological process. Therapist at the first appointment, collects all the information about the attacks, examines the patient, studies the card, then puts the preliminary diagnosis. If you are collecting data is taken into account, which medicines help to stop an attack, what factors provoke its appearance. As additional research is appointed by Doppler ultrasound, ECG, MRI and other methods of hardware diagnostics.

the treatment of headache parietal area

If the result of the diagnostic examination will not be revealed, systemic disease, infection, or pathology of the brain, which are accompanied by a headache, the doctor develops a treatment plan and rehabilitation, is effective against primary cephalalgias. It includes medications, acute pain, preventive measures (a set of procedures and exercises designed to improve the health of the whole body, ease nervous and muscular tension).


  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • sedatives.

non-pharmacological treatment:

  • reflexology
  • massage
  • diet;
  • laser therapy
  • balneotherapy
  • psychotherapy
  • exercise therapy.

Maybe, when you call a doctor with this symptom, as headache in the parietal region, you will notice a dangerous disease and can take adequate measures for its treatment. The syndrome may be provoked deadly diseases – meningitis, sinusitis, encephalitis, stroke, cancerous tumors. If pain is primary and not associated with systemic pathology, the doctor will develop an effective comprehensive program, which ensures the removal attacks that reduce the quality of life.


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