Why headache during early pregnancy

Headache, depending on its characteristics, may indicate various pathologies. For the diagnosis of the disease important nature and localization (temporal, frontal or occipital lobe), as well as the duration and conditions of occurrence. The pain may be the initial manifestation independent of other diseases, and secondary, as one of the symptoms of another disease.

headache in pregnancy

The Disease is visited at least once in everyone's life, so the secondary cephalgia are fairly common. In older people pain may indicate hypertension, in young – about stress. It can be caused by stroke or meningitis. So if you have a headache it is better to visit a doctor.

The Main feature of an organism of future mothers is the sudden hormonal alteration, mainly in early pregnancy. So their headaches as a companion in the beginning of pregnancy and throughout the period of gestation.

headaches, are a neurological disease should consult a neurologist. But the recommendations need to collect is also in charge of the gynecologist, the therapist, the therapist (when the reason was the accumulated stress).

Features headaches pregnant

The Trouble can overtake a woman at any trimester. At the beginning of gestation in the body disrupts the balance of hormones, increased levels of progesterone. The hormone has a relaxing effect on the uterus, and blood vessels (including the brain), which leads to a headache in one of the most unpleasant symptoms – migraine. The disease begins in the first trimester (the early stages), resulting in the second trimester due to the adaptation or the stabilization of a hormonal background. If pain occurs most often after the first trimester, the rate at which it is growing is a reason to turn to watching the doctor.

In General, pregnant women in the early stages of gestation is shown only migraine and tension headache. In other cases, the cephalalgia is continuing or chronic illness, or a symptom of an underlying pathology. Different causes of cephalalgias and a brief description of their symptoms is given in Table 1.

tension HeadacheCompressing, without the peaks and stihanii. Often appears in the evening. Accompanied by fatigue, sometimes pains in neck and back
HypertensionBlood pressure increased. The throbbing pain. Felt in the occipital area. Possible nosebleeds
AnemiaPressing pain. Noticeable General weakness, pallor of skin, cold extremities, and sometimes fainting the semiconscious state
PreeclampsiaSimilar to hypertension, but is accompanied by a number of symptoms: cramping, swelling, loss of consciousness
MigraineStrong, pulsating. Has unilateral localization. Often accompanied by increased light sensitivity

Symptoms requiring immediate medical consultation

we Urgently need to contact a professional if pregnancy causing headaches with the special forms:

  • change its nature, that is pain isn't like usual;
  • appears immediately on wakeup;
  • is accompanied by high or low blood pressure;
  • is localized strictly in a certain place;
  • observed violations of the nervous system (hearing, sight, speech, cramps, and numbness);
  • high blood pressure accompanied by protein in the urine can be a warning sign of preeclampsia.

The Doctor is in the process of interview, examination, using tests and instrumental examination of the data should understand the causes of disease, to separate primary effects from secondary. Depending on the identified objective reasons to prescribe medication aimed at treatment of the underlying disease or relieve headaches. Don't forget: for a relatively innocuous symptom can hide a serious problem, and in pregnancy it not only affects you but also for your baby. Before visiting the doctor do not lubricate the overall picture of the use of analgesics and other drugs.

the treatment of headache during pregnancy

What to escape when tsefalgii

At all stages of pregnancy, especially in the beginning, the women to give up drugs. Try to endure the pain worse than taking medication of a group of analgesics and/or (for mutually reinforcing impact) antispasmodics. To prescribe medication should doctor! Still list that you can take the future mother. Legal drugs of these groups and their recommended doses are included in Table 2.

drugstrade nameapplication Diagram
Spasmolyticsno-SpaDuring pregnancy is preferred preformed shape on 40 mg 3 times a day
Papaverine3 pills a day, after meals. Causes a decrease in BP
AnalgesicsParacetamolTaken after meals-500 mg, if necessary increase to 1 gram. No more than 4 grams per day
IbuprofenTablet 200 mg 3 times a day. Morning - before eating to speed up the absorption effect, afternoon and evening – after. Drink water in sufficient quantity

It is Forbidden to take aspirin, analgin, indomethacin and a combination of drugs which contain these substances. Unwanted reception of celecoxib, nimesulide, meloxicam, because the influence of these substances has not been studied, unlike paracetamol.

non-pharmacological means

we List the procedure that are worth a try and without a doctor's prescription:

  1. Complete relaxation to relieve stress.
  2. scalp Massage. Smooth circular motions of the fingers to massage the skin of the entire head.
  3. Regular meals.
  4. the Warm compress on the head in migraine, cold neck pain with tension.
  5. If you have early toxicosis is very good green tea in the morning, lemon water (with added mint), a change of scenery.

Those who often suffers from headaches, you should consult a doctor to diagnosis. Time has not eliminated violations can become chronic. Only a specialist should identify the causes of disease and how to treat it.


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