What foods cause migraines?

Many experts argue that there are foods that trigger a migraine. According to recent statistics, the disease bothers about 11% of the world population. Migraine – frequent headaches annoying, in which the human body is not able to function normally. The physiologists say that the condition is caused by a violation of vascular tone. It is from the degree of tension of the blood vessels of the brain depends on the presence of different uncomfortable phenomena, manifested by periodic pain in the head. Usually during an attack of headache dilate the blood vessels, therefore, the use of antispasmodic agents does not bring relief, because the lumen of the vessels expands even more.

the Problem of migraine

Often the pain during a migraine is distributed in one half of the head. The causes of this condition are not fully understood, but there is some theory that the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve innervating one or the other half of the head, simply fall into depression and significantly dilate the blood vessels. And the food containing amines, significantly activate these nuclei, a person predisposed to migraine, develops an attack of severe pain.

No wonder our eating habits depends on the state of our health. Modern scientists give a number of products that cannot be consumed because they can cause an incredibly tough and long lasting headaches. Moreover, such products contain substances, which are a kind of trigger for chemical processes in the human body that cause a migraine.

From a severe headache suffers huge number of people in the world. The solution to this problem involved hundreds of scientists in many countries, and her study involved huge financial resources. Therefore, if you want to improve the quality of their lives and to learn to control such attacks, you must adhere to certain principles.

Chocolate is a product that provokes a migraine

It is Very important to learn to identify the factors that trigger the occurrence of headaches. To do this, you should watch and determine, after which products you feel comfortable, and after some not so good. If you focus on the signals sent by the body, then gradually identify foods that cause migraines, and normalize your diet.

Foods that cause migraine attack

According to the researchers, there are some forbidden foods that can cause headaches:

  • chocolate
  • cheese
  • citrus
  • alcohol
  • grapes
  • figs
  • avocado
  • peanuts
  • bread and sweet pastries;
  • alcoholic beverages.

cheese is a food that trigger migraine

In addition, scientists have found that in many kinds of finished product contains aspartame (a sweetener), which causes severe migraines. Typically, this artificial additive included in the composition of ketchups, yogurts, cookies, soda or candy.

This sort of substance, as glutamate or sodium nitrate, as well as various food colorings, are always present on the labels of modern sausages, hard cheese, canned goods, beverages and ice cream. The immediate cause of migraine are substances derived from amino acids (such as tyramine, histamine and beta-phenylethylamine). Histamine is found in beef, pork, eggplant, spinach, bananas, fish, seafood, and beer, wine and vinegar. Tyramine can be found in gourmet meats and cheeses, chocolate, nuts and soy sauce. But beta-phenylethylamine in sufficient quantity is found in chocolate.

And everyone needs to know that if you have a tendency to migraine, it is best to use only fresh products, as all types of amines are formed as a result of tissue destruction. Ideally, you should buy fresh meat or fish, cook and eat it during the day. For those people who during the day, eating irregular and not quite right, it is necessary to quickly establish diet. After all, during the famine is the release of stress hormones that will certainly cause the migraine attacks. Therefore, even if you can't fully eat, definitely need something to eat.

It is Better to eat often and in small portions than to eat a large amount of food at one time.

Alcohol - the cause of migraine

Drinks that trigger migraines

In recent years, the number of people suffering from migraine headaches, is growing. And very often this leads to the caffeine in your favorite beverages.

It is worth noting that a small dose of caffeine is able to reduce slight headache, but in large quantities, caffeine should not be consumed, as it triggers a migraine. This is why everyone should be watching their response to the reception of tea, coffee, carbonateddrinks or any energy drinks.

Remember that if you are experiencing migraine attacks, limit your intake of beer, red wine, champagne, rum, cognac and liqueurs. It is here that contains a lot of tyramine and histamine.

In the end is to talk about the products, able to balance the content of serotonin and histamine in the blood. The amount of serotonin increases markedly, if included in the diet of foods containing unsaturated fatty acids (the fish of the sea, soy and olive oil, flax seeds and almonds).

Also stimulate serotonin products containing magnesium: spinach, dried fruit, brown rice, wheat bran and seaweed. And to reduce the amount of histamine will help products containing Pantothenic acid: buckwheat and oat cereals, lentils and poultry. Don't forget about green tea normalizing the amount of histamine in the blood.