Home / Headaches: causes, differential diagnosis, therapy, prevention / How to deal with a constant headache, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, nausea and dizziness

How to deal with a constant headache, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, nausea and dizziness

Headache (hereafter GB) is pain in the area of the cranium, sometimes referred to as cephalalgia. Depending on the reasons that caused GB, distinguish between primary and secondary. Are called primary headaches without organic substrate, which is an independent pathology. They are called secondary when the symptoms of pain caused by another disease, such as trauma, sinusitis, hypertension, etc.

Drowsiness and weakness with headache

The Problem of headaches it is always current, because sooner or later, feels almost everyone. However, most people suffer from GB from time to time and remove the unpleasant sensations in a simple way – by taking pain medication, sleep, etc. This confirms the serious attitude to the problem.

It is Worth remembering that if headache is often prolonged and appear, you need to consult a doctor. Drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, decreased quality of life – a call to what is needed to do something. The earlier the treatment the headache, the less risk of chronicity.


Migraine is a type of cephalgia, which is the primary, often due to hereditary and is characterized by intensive pain syndrome, meeting the criteria of this disease.

In most cases, the discomfort is strong enough, there are episodic (on average two to four times a month). They often occur in one half of the head, usually in the temporal, frontal, was performed, rarely parietal areas.

Migraine can cause nausea and memory loss

Usually the GB attack is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • increased sensitivity to light and sounds (triggers increased pain).

Drowsiness is more characteristic for young adults. It should be noted that physical activity causes increased pain.

This disease affects more often women than men. According to statistics, this problem is a quarter of the female population and up to a tenth of – males. More than half acquire the disease by inheritance. The first symptoms usually appear before the age of 20 years. And to 60 in most patients the problem begins to go away.

Criteria for migraine are shown below.

Criteria of migraine

In Addition to this form of the disease, produce and other.

  1. Migraines with aura (visual disturbance, blurring of the contours of surrounding things, the appearance of colored spots, stripes before the eyes, tingling sensation, chills or, on the contrary, numbness, speech disorders).
  2. Family hemiplegia.
  3. Basilar form.
  4. Cyclic vomiting (vomiting is not associated with other pathologies).
  5. Abdominal form: attacks of pain in the abdomen – mesogastric, dizziness, vomiting and nausea, lasting from 1 to 72 hours.

what doctor should contact

since migraine is a neurological disease, its treatment is largely a neurologist, rarely family doctor or therapist. To participate in treatment therapists and a reflexologist.

For the initial diagnostic need to contact your therapist. On the basis of patient interview and examination, he will prescribe the desired direction or course of treatment. You may need to undergo additional neurological examinations to determine the cause of the headache. Based on the results, will be determined by what kind of doctor can help in Troubleshooting problems.

When should the patient alert

If you have persistent headache, feel very sleepy, there is nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and weakness, is already bad symptoms.

But there are those, at whose appearance should immediately contact the doctor

  1. Sudden onset of severe pain in the head.
  2. the Appearance of the aura, if not previously observed in migraine. Aura called violation of perception by the senses some time before the pain and before the appearance of GB of neurological symptoms. In other words, before the head will start to hurt, deteriorating vision, hearing, smell, felt the numbness of the limbs and so on.
  3. changes in the frequency and intensity of pain after you start taking hormonal medications or contraceptives.
  4. Continuous GB, increasing over time.
  5. pain in the head in response to loads or changing conditions.
  6. memory problems.
  7. Change character familiar to the patient of pain.
  8. Pain that started after 50 years.

clinical Features and symptoms

Aboutuse call headache resulting from the adoption of too many painkillersdrugs.

Clinical featuresMigraineAboutusa GB
LocalizationOften with one sideUsually bilateral
the Nature of sensationsThrobbing painSqueezing that pushes the character
Intensitysevere painReasonable and average
Nausea, vomiting, phonophobia, photophobia. Sleepy, weakness, fatigue, dizziness
Nausea (mild to moderate), sleepy, weakness, fatigue, dizziness
Link loadObservedLoad does not affect the intensity

Ubusuna GB is often seen in migraine as a consequence of the fact that during the attack the patient takes many medications to relieve the pain.

Migraine is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia, fatigue, drowsiness and weakness. Photophobia – fear of light. Harsh light can be an irritant and cause new attacks of pain. Phonophobia – fear of sounds. Loud, sudden noises cause a flash of pain, accompanied by dizziness.

Ubusuna headache

the Algorithm for the diagnosis of the patient

This disease and its causes identified on the basis of anamnesis and examinations. After the doctors start treating.

while talking with the patient the following questions are asked:

  1. What is the duration of the attack?
  2. How much and how often a headache (assessment scale)? How many types of headache found in a patient?
  3. I would like to sleep during the attack, whether there is fatigue and sleepiness?
  4. What is the localization of pain?
  5. What are the symptoms that accompany an attack? What causes the development of pain syndrome?
  6. is there nausea?
  7. Enhances light symptoms?
  8. Strengthens the sound of the symptoms?
  9. Strengthens physical stress symptoms?
  10. is it dizziness? How much it is expressed relative to the intensity of pain?
  11. How the attack affects the patient's activity?
  12. have someone from close relatives like GB?
  13. the patient treats pain syndrome, and with what efficiency?
  14. does the patient decompensated and related chronic disease?

based On the responses you can understand why the patient has such symptoms, what are the reasons, to diagnose the presence and type of migraine and also to carry out differential diagnosis with other types of GB (the pain of stress, a secondary character).

Inspection with migraines is quite complicated, so as to identify its symptoms only during an attack. Therefore, if you have comprehensive information following from the survey and examination of the patient, can establish the diagnosis. However, the clinical picture, distracting from the “typical”, most likely, will be appointed the examinations in the special doctors, as the odds may be caused by other diseases. It may be a tumor, viral and bacterial infection and vascular disease.

Main areas and methods of treatment

Treatment of this disease is usually medication. Drugs are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease, taking into account the individual reaction of the patient to certain substances and the existence aboutuse headache. Medical therapy is divided into attack and interictal (preventive).

Agents from the group of NSAIDs that can be used when drug therapy during the attack:

NSAIDs during the attack of headache

All the drugs are interchangeable, with contraindications the patient to one of the drugs you can choose another. If the patient has nausea and vomiting, the doctor prescribes him anti-nausea drugs.

In an Antiemetic drug therapy:

  • domperidone and
  • metoclopramide.

If it is determined that the degree of the disease and severe pain is strong, can be prescribed other drugs. To be most effective in this case are triptana that are able in half an hour to stop an attack. This group of drugs is effective for early appointment (up to one hour after the onset of pain).

Triptana, which are used in drug therapy of migraine:

  • sumatriptan (tablets different dosage);
  • eletriptan
  • zolmitriptan
  • naratriptan.

Preventive treatment

This therapy is used to reduce the frequency of recurrence of seizures, their duration and severity. Medications prescribed during preventive therapy, prop'etsya long course in order to then you can objectively judge their effect.

Tools used to prevent migraine headaches:

  1. non-Selective beta-blockers, e.g. Atenolol, propranolol and bisoprolol.
  2. anti – epileptics topiramate, valproic acid.
  3. Antidepressants – amitriptyline.

The Basic scheme of application of these preparations are given in the table below.

Drug prevention GB

With constant headaches, accompanied by fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, nausea and dizziness, do not write off all on some indirect causes – consult your doctor. You need to establish why there are such illnesses. If time does not take control of the disease, frequency of attacks will only increase, as well as their duration and intensity.

You should Not rely on analgesics and other drugs that help relieve for a while the symptoms. If you take too much medication, a migraine can be added and ubusuna headache that will only aggravate the condition.

If you have continuous headache, better go to the doctor. A timely appeal to the specialist will not give migraines to become chronic. And treatment will help to reduce the symptoms to a minimum, allowing you to go about your business without suffering from weakness, fatigue and drowsiness and without losing activity.


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