Does spazmalgon headache

Even in ancient times doctors called pain chain the dog of the organism that resides on the guard of health. Pain warns the person of danger and gives him a complex and protective behavioral reactions aimed at the elimination of the cause of the discomfort. But perhaps nothing causes so much suffering to the patient and the problem doctor and nothing has such a diversity of causes, as pain in the head.

the different types of headaches

Primary and secondary headaches

Headache (GB, cephalalgia) is just a symptom, but a symptom of an uncountable large number of diseases. Anatomy of the head and neck, plenty of nerves and a close contact with them the most different in structure of organs and tissues make this state an indispensable part of almost all known diseases – from the common cold and the heating in the sun to serious acute and chronic pathologies. But from the standpoint of practice all studied varieties GB should be divided into two groups – primary and secondary.

Most often, doctors have to deal with secondary headache – a situation where it is one of the many symptoms of a disease. If you remove the disease will leave pain. The most obvious example of secondary cephalgia (as the doctors called a headache) is a pain in hypertension. If the pressure is increased, many patients feel a constant or intermittent cephalalgia. Thus, in order to get rid of pain, it is necessary first to normalize the blood pressure and not to use analgesics.


Thus for GB secondary origin is typical:

  • the presence of other symptoms of the disease that caused the cephalalgia
  • the disappearance of headaches as you decrease the manifestations of the underlying disease.

About a headache, the primary origin they say in that case, if the cephalalgia is the main complaint of the patient, it requires specific treatment with the use of certain groups of drugs which are effective only in this type of pain and no effect on other types. In other words, primary headache – it is always an independent disease, sometimes with a single complaint.

This table shows a short version of the international classification of GB, which is currently in use.

Primary headacheSecondary headache
Tension headache
Cluster (beam) cephalalgia
Primary headache when orgasm, stress, coughing, piznarski, etc.
GB associated with the following reasons:
• injury to the neck and head;
• vascular pathology of the neck, brain;
• various substances or termination of their intake (alcohol, ergotamine, opiates, caffeine, hormones, etc.);
• infections (meningitis, encephalitis, systemic infection, AIDS, etc.);
• disturbance of homeostasis (headache divers, high-rise cephalalgia associated with hypertension, preeclampsia, hunger, temperature etc.);
• diseases of eyes, ears, teeth, nasal sinuses, oral cavity and other structures (sinusitis, glaucoma, squint, infection, teeth, etc.);
• mental illnesses;
• neuralgias and facial cranial nerves (trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, visual, pain, herpes, etc.).


Thus, the cephalgia is a multidisciplinary problem. Her therapy can do with doctors of different profiles, depending on the reasons that caused the cephalalgia. But most often patients with chronic cephalalgias come to the attention of a neurologist, and this is no accident: migraine, cluster pain, various neuralgias are essentially diseases of the nervous system, and they occur not very rarely.

In certain types of headaches very effective reflexology, sometimes this is the only correct method of treatment. Tsefalgii with mental disorders should be treated by a psychiatrist or a therapist depending on the severity of the disease. And the workhorse of the medical service, receiving the first wave of patients with cephalalgias, is a therapeutic Department: physician engaged in the treatment of most cases of headaches of secondary origin.

As shown in the table, variants of secondary headaches a lot more. A very frequent mechanism of pain formation in such situations is inflammation. For this reason, the most popular group of drugs used for relief of cephalgia, are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDs.

Spazmalgon – combined preparation

All pills NSAIDs act by decreasing the synthesis of substances causing swelling, inflammation and secondary pain. To enhance the analgesic effect of NSAIDs is often combined with substances, analgesic effects which are due to other mechanisms. Suchcombined drugs include spazmalgon.

Spazmalgon with headache

The tablet of spazmalgon includes Metamizole (active ingredient dipyrone) and two different points of application of antispasmodic, causing relaxation of the muscles vessels and internal organs. With this combination of drug helps in the treatment of pains of different localization, including cases of cephalgia, which are associated with vascular spasm. So, spazmalgon headache helps in the following cases:

  • after hypertensive crisis;
  • on the background of the current infection;
  • when overheated in the sun, hangover.

As with all painkillers, tablet spazmalgon should be used upon the availability of pain that is symptomatic. Prophylactic use of the drug does not prevent the development of cephalgia. Instructions for use States: the standard single dose spazmalgon – 1 tablet, maximum 2 tablet, the maximum daily 6 tablets. Overreliance on drug, sometimes observed in patients with chronic cephalalgias, may be the key point of the formation aboutuse headache.

When NSAIDs are useless

Abusus – type GB, resulting from the use of certain medications in high (sometimes higher than recommended) doses. Drug, initially providing analgesic effect, with time itself becoming the cause of cephalgia. Prevention of abuses impossible, the only method of treatment – cancel "guilty" of the drug. Ubusuna cephalalgia worries man continuously, significantly amplifying at piznarski or dose reduction of the medication. In this case the drug does not eliminate, but only dulls the cephalalgia.

spazmalgon Tablets are sometimes used for the treatment of tension-type headache is the dominant form of primary cephalgia associated with persistent spasm of the muscles of the skull. She provoked negative emotions, stress, and being in a forced position for a long period of time (computer work, driving).

It Should be noted that no pills, no parenteral forms of NSAIDs are not critical in treating this type of pain, more effective muscle relaxants, antidepressants, reflexology, massage, manual therapy. Because of cephalgia voltage it is muscular and not vascular spasm, application of spazmalgon has no advantages over other NSAIDs: aspirin, Ketoprofen, diclofenac.

Migraine is another kind of primary cephalgia. Pulsating, paroxysmal in nature, high intensity, combined with nausea and vomiting, light - and phonophobia – that's a minimum list of possible manifestations of migraine. The mechanism of pain is vasodilatation of the Dura mater. For this reason, spazmalgon – least drug in migraine, the manual describing it, does not contain this statement. The advantages are also combination medications containing caffeine (tsitramon, askofen).

It Becomes clear that for the treatment of cephalalgias there is no universal anaesthetic. Same existing a long time, with the wrong treatment cephalalgia always has a chance to become chronic, mainly due to the excessive, uncontrolled use of medicines and adherence autonego component. This implies one thing: do not self-medicate! Frequent headaches are a good reason for doctor visits of primary care: physician or neurologist.


  1. Neurology. National leadership. M.: 2012
  2. Mashkovsky M. D. Medicines. M.: 2012
  3. Headache in General practice. Y. E. Azimova, V. V. Osipova, the Magazine “doctor”, 05/14