Improved posture yoga

Yoga for posture used in Oriental medicine to relieve muscle spasms, strengthen the musculo-ligamentous aponeurosis and the formation of correct posture when sitting, standing, walking and performing physical activity. In our country, yoga therapy has been used recently, but has already shown excellent results when correcting posture.

what yoga exercises is especially useful for posture

How to sit, stand, move

To keep the correct posture with yoga, the first step is to normalize the lifestyle. To do this daily follow the following principles:

  • Sit, lie and stand correctly so that all parts of the body was symmetrical with the plane of the spine;
  • When you stand, pull your stomach, expand your chest, so that the blades pressed to his back. Move to the throat and the chin give the head a stable position, which relieve tension with the tone of the extensor muscles;
  • When sitting upright and neck. Constantly monitor your position. If desired, you can purchase an electronic posture corrector, which will automatically determine the position of the body and sounding the alarm when curvature
  • Move, not straining at a steady pace without jerking. In such a situation will only activate the motor muscles that perform the movement. In the event of resistance to movement, skeletal muscles expend energy to overcome it;
  • Make the breath even and rhythmic. It will relax skeletal muscles and to correct deformations of the vertebral column. A deep breath contributes to a feeling of inner peace and increased energy;
  • Learn how to gently stretch out and straighten up after any physical effort.

Yoga Exercises for posture oriented to the stretching of muscles and ligaments, allowing you to twist and Flex the spine in different planes. With the help of twisting in the thoracic, cervical and lumbar is achieved by the correction of the curvature of the back.

These types of exercises are called "isometric" because they do not lead to a change in length of the muscles.

Therapeutic exercises for maintaining posture-based yoga

The Following exercise allows you to eliminate spasms and tension throughout the body and is applied in daily sessions of yoga therapy with the curvature of the back. Before it is executed should be to sit comfortably on the chair. Concentrate. The exercises in yoga is different from ordinary physical exercises the fact that every action requires the concentration of attention on inner processes occurring in the body during physical activity.

  1. Warm-up for the toes involves pressing the fingers of his right foot on the floor of the external and internal side. Then you should make a few circular motions. In the process of implementation should "feel" each individual finger. Repeat for the other leg;
  2. Training of the foot: pull leg forward and place it on the heel. Squeeze open and close their toes for a few seconds. Stay in each position for several seconds;
  3. Rotation stop is carried out while lifting her a few inches above the floor level. First there is the circular motion of the foot, which involves 3-5 turn clockwise, first in one direction and then in another;
  4. Pinch your legs together and rotate your knees. If you are in a sitting position, stand up on your feet. First, execute a small circular motion in the knee joints clockwise and then counterclockwise. The amplitude of movements should be the maximum;
  5. Rotate the knees with the feet placed shoulder-width apart. Adopt a stable position. Perform rotational motion of the knees inwards and outwards with a speed of about 2 seconds per revolution;
  6. Rotation at the hip. This gym is designed to improve blood flow in the pelvic area, relaxing the gluteal, femoral and lumbar muscles. Bend the right leg at the knee and lift it up. If it is difficult to keep balance, can be located on the edge of the chair. In this case, the right hip and pelvis have a little to hang down. Take rotary motion and pull the thigh up and back and forward-down. One circle time should not last more than 3-4 seconds;
  7. Circular motion of the pelvis. Adopt a stable position while standing, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. The arms must be placed "at the seams". Keep a straight back. Smile and start the rotational motion of the pelvis. Ensure that the shoulder belt was symmetrical. Do 5 repetitions initially clockwise and then anticlockwise;
  8. Rotate the pelvis with legs three feet. Spread your legs to the width of 1 meter, and socks place in parallel. Perform the exercise similar previous, but only start it with the given position;
  9. Circular motion of the upper third of the trunk. Lower your upper body down towards the floor. Relax your shoulder girdle, neck and spine. The upper torso should just be hanging, but the body position will keep stable. Next turnthe top third of the torso in the right and left side 3-5 times;
  10. Rotate the hands. Pull them in front of him and start a circular motion outwards and inwards to 2-3 seconds
  11. Circular motion in the elbow joints must be carried out with bent elbows to the outside and inside. Only 10 of circular turns in each direction;
  12. rotation of the shoulders with lowered hands. Put your hands down and relax them. Raise your upper limbs up, and then take them back. Take a deep breath and on the exhale drop your hands down;
  13. the Final stage of yoga for posture are exercises for the neck. Put your head down, tuck your chin to your chest and take 5 deep breaths through the nose. Then bend your head backwards and reach the forehead up. Follow 5 breaths and tilt your head to the right shoulder. Stretch ear to shoulder. Take 5 breaths and return to the starting position.

After you perform this yoga therapy for posture appears cheerfulness and comfort in the back. It remains only to relax and soak for a few minutes to consolidate the effect.