Home / A series of articles on spinal curvature and posture / Recommendations and effective exercises to align posture

Recommendations and effective exercises to align posture

When searching for an answer how to align your posture, people turn to the help of various specialists (spine, chiropractor, massage therapist) and treatment methods. If pathology is not running, in most cases, these efforts enough to align the spins.

According to statistics, even with timely detection of the violation of posture proper and regular treatment, to align the axis of the spine is possible only in 60% of cases. The article will examine why this is so.

How to align your posture

Why back is “curve”

A back Curve (asymmetric, bent, flat, round) before the appointment of treatment should be carefully investigated. Otherwise you will not be able to effectively align the spine and eliminate the asymmetry of the trunk.

The Main reasons for incorrect posture:

  • Congenital
  • Acquired.

Congenital disorder develops because of a genetic predisposition to weakness of the musculoskeletal system, musculoskeletal system and anomalies of the vertebrae. The most common congenital causes incorrect posture:

  • Funnel chest
  • Congenital hip dislocation
  • cerebral palsy.

The Frequency of congenital curvature of the back among all causes of disease does not exceed 10%.

Purchased organic causes curvature of the back:

  • School scoliosis (curvature of the spine sideways);
  • degenerative disc disease of the spine (reducing the height of the discs between the vertebrae)
  • Kyphoscoliosis in adolescents (offset of the thoracic spine backwards and sideways);
  • Osteoporosis in old age (loss of calcium in the bones).

functional Acquired causes incorrect posture:

  • the Weakness of mechanisms of regulation of posture in children;
  • Failure of stereotype movements;
  • Difficulty breathing due to weakness of the intercostal muscles;
  • overweight.

These causes are transient in nature, and with their elimination the axis of the spine back to its normal position.

How to estimate the degree of curvature

Before we tell you how to align your posture, should consider the principles of assessment of its deviation from the norm.

To analyze the correctness of posture in patients most physicians is the segmental structure of the human body. According to it the human body consists of several interconnected functional units (segments), which in combination with each other to build a vertical axis. Deviation in any segment leads to a certain type of curvature of the back (flat-concave, round, krugovorota, stoop). The loss of any one link requires a system for compensating disturbances in the form of alignment in the sagittal or the frontal plane of the spine.

what is the normal alignment of the vertical axis of the trunk in the sagittal plane:

  • Center line drawn through the middle of the parietal bones of the skull – 1 level;
  • point 2 – midpoint of a line connecting the external auditory meatuses;
  • level 3 – the point in the center of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7), first thoracic vertebra (Th1) and the acromioclavicular articulation
  • cutting edge 5 of a vertebra;
  • Posterior to center of hip joint;
  • Front of the knee joint;
  • Ahead of the ankle joint;
  • Mid arch of the foot.

The Alignment in the lateral (frontal) plane:

  • Occipital protuberance
  • Spinous processes of the vertebrae;
  • Centers of the joints on both sides.

Curvature of spine occurs by deflection of at least one of the above points from the normal position.

Another functional element of correct posture is a balance of muscles. In the human body in functionality they are divided into 2 types: fast and slow (force). The latter option is prone to prolonged tonic contraction. Relax slow skeletal muscle for a long time. Fast muscles contract almost immediately, but short-term.

Between these two groups in norm there is a certain synergy as they work together to provide reliable support of the spinal column and stability of equilibrium when walking. The balance of the muscles reflects their General capacity to strengthen the muscular system.

The imbalance occurs in the following situations:

  • Convergence of the segments in the shortening of the muscles, and divergence of functional units when their extension;
  • Weakness in skeletal muscles, which is a long time to be in an extended position;
  • Compensatory shortening of the prolonged contraction of muscle fibers.

To align your posture, be aware of these peculiarities of the functioning of the muscular system. Based on the above principles, doctors choose specific exercises to reduce or relax the muscles.

There is another link that affect the position of the vertical axis of the body – ocenochnoe oscillation. It is necessary for the formation of a stable position. So standing, the human body oscillates back and forth with a slight lateral swinging. The body weight is transferred periodically from one foot to another.Wiggle increases with eye closure.

The pathological changes in one of the functional segments of the body ocenochnoe oscillation increases. Normally, it is invisible, when pathology becomes apparent.

Assigning exercises for the correction of spinal curvature, it is necessary to consider the likelihood of vibrations and shakings, so as not to form excessive lengthening or shortening of individual groups of skeletal muscles.

How to achieve a beautiful posture.

Exercises to align posture aimed at:

  • the Formation of a muscular corset;
  • Generation of power endurance
  • balance Training
  • Recovery of the stereotype of breath;
  • Improve coordination;
  • removing the emotional tone;
  • maintaining a straight posture.

Ideally to choose the exercises that meet the above conditions, only by a qualified technician. We will describe only the important principles of therapeutic exercises for curvature of the back:

  • when Selecting exercises it is necessary to consider that the weaker muscle when performing physical activity is compensated by muscle is a synergist. Excessive load in the first place will "upgrade" it;
  • To avoid the effect of substitution in strengthening abdominals to lift your legs up;
  • Weakened gluteal muscles are tardy when performing leg swings forward and backward, therefore their functionality is partially offset by the extensors of the spine. With long-term cycle of quick movements with the legs posture is even more disturbed;
  • by increasing the angle of inclination of the pelvis, the advantage should be given to exercises for strengthening the lumbar extensors and decrease the complex of exercises to strengthen the abdominals and the gluteal muscles.
  • Symmetrical exercises are used to align asymmetric posture.

I Hope the readers realized the need for proper and rational selection of gymnastic exercises to align posture. Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find many different types of therapeutic exercises for the treatment of curvature of the back, I advise you to perform complex, selected a qualified physician. The only way to protect yourself from the progression of the disease.