Spastic torticollis: causes, symptoms, treatment, folk remedies

Spastic torticollis occurs most often in adults. In children, the pathology is due to morphological changes in sternal or clavicular heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle during fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Spastic torticollis is revealed in 1 case per 10 thousand people. It occurs in women 2 times more often than men. The average age of a person, which is determined by the disease 30-60 years.

spastic torticollis

Causes of pathology in adults

The causes of spastic torticollis in adults is often formed neurological changes. On the background of degenerative changes of brain tissue in Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases is the transmission of nerve impulses in muscle tissue. As a result the patient has spasm of skeletal muscles of the neck and face.

Injuries of the spine also lead to cervical dystonia (so in Latin called spastic torticollis).

If a strong blow in the neck, fluid accumulates in the projection of the roots of the segmental nerves, the man increases the probability of failing to transmit signals on the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

The Most rare causes of disease in the elderly caused by degenerative-dystrophic diseases (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, scoliosis). In strong destroy of the intervertebral discs is reduced, the height of the gap between adjacent vertebrae that results in the impairment of segmental nerves.

Cervical dystonia in infants

Causes circulatory dystonia infants:

  1. Diseases of the nervous system;
  2. Fetal distress
  3. Birth injury
  4. Long heads stay in one position.

In children, doctors believe the main etiological factor of the disease damage to the skeletal muscles of the neck. It often happens that after birth the baby appear muscle spasms. They provoked a blood disorder, and prolonged hypoxia of the brain during birth or in utero.

Against this background, spastic torticollis in infants may not appear in the first months of life. Often the child begins to turn your head right or left and tilt it to one side in 2-3 months. Symptoms gradually worsen and lead to a persistent spasm sternocleidomastoid muscle, which complicates treatment.


Folk remedies treatment of spastic torticollis is performed in combination with medical drugs.

If pathology in infants due to muscle spasms immediately after birth, it is obvious that it is provoked by tissue hypoxia. This condition can heal on its own, but not to "risk" it is better to use medical and folk remedies. In neglected diseases in the baby can occur changes of the cervical vertebrae with asymmetry of the face and skull, the curvatures of the cervical and thoracic spine, impaired vision.

These symptoms not observed in adults unless the disease is due to neurological manifestations.

Treatment of spastic torticollis in infants should be performed immediately after the detection of pathology. From conservative methods, doctors prescribe physiotherapy (physical therapy), massage, physiotherapy and electrophoresis.

How to cure disease in children

Treatment of spastic torticollis in children includes the following principles;

  • Put the baby on the chair. Stand behind at the back. Put on the baby's head left the brush. Right hand place on your shoulder baby and try to gently turn his head to the left. If you feel strong resistance, do not force events. Do the exercise every day so that your neck muscles relaxed. When conducting manipulation guided by the sensation of the child. Reject the hair should in the direction opposite to its rotation;
  • the Second method is carried out as follows: the fingertips of his left hand in for 1 minute should knock on damaged sternocleidomastoid muscle. Make sure that the muscles are relaxed. When this happens, try to take his head to one side as possible, but not through the pain;
  • the Third technique is more common in the treatment of spastic "curve" of the neck in adults. It is difficult to use in spastic changes of the neck muscles in children. The method is to lie on the affected side and thus to prop his head on his hand supported on the bed by the elbow. The position helps to stretch the painful muscle.

Folk remedies to treat the disease more effectively in combination with the techniques of brain stimulation. For these purposes we recommend:

  • the Dolphin encounter. In practice, it is established that Dolphin therapy helps with such diseases as vegetative-vascular dystonia, stuttering, cerebral palsy (CP) and torticollis;
  • Hirudotherapy – treatment with leeches. In this disease is assigned to the neck area. Helps to improve blood supply to neck muscles;
  • Sedative herbs to help relieve stress and relax the muscles. For cookingsedatives need to take 1 tablespoon of yarrow, 2 tablespoons motherwort, peppermint, chamomile, walnut. To brew this mixture in boiling water and drink an adult to ½ Cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • Treatment with fruits of juniper helps to treat circulatory dystonia in combination with medical recommendations. Medication starts with 1 berries every day and gradually increased until the total number is not equal to 12.

In the treatment of torticollis folk remedies should pay attention to the symptoms of the disease. If they progress, you must immediately consult a doctor for recommendations. It should be understood that a separate treatment of the disease is unacceptable, as it will lead to permanent hypertonicity sternocleidomastoid muscles and further progression of the disease.

There are many useful activities that improve physical and emotional state of a person:

  • nature Walks
  • Swimming and sports games;
  • Yoga and hardening.

When Krivoshei experts recommend to use all possible means to get rid of pathology.