Treatment of kyphosis in children

Kyphosis in children occurs most often between the ages of 13 to 19 years. In this time interval is observed active growth of the spine and muscular system of the back often does not have time to increase and maintain the axis of the spine in the correct position.

From 12 to 17 years of age high likelihood of disease Chairman Mau, which is characterized by not only enhanced concavity posteriorly in the thoracic spine, and a wedge-shaped deformity of multiple vertebrae.

Kyphosis the child often develops during the school years because of improper sitting behind a school Desk

A Safe time to correct curvatures of the vertebral column is 10-15 years, when the bone structure of the vertebral axis is represented the cartilaginous tissue, which is flexible and elastic, therefore is subjected to offset. After 25 years, the vertebrae are composed entirely of bone, and vertebral axis becomes stagnant.

pathological Anatomical features of the child's kyphosis

The child over 12 years, the spine has 4 natural curve: 2 2 kyphosis and lordosis. If you look at it in the lateral plane, the axis of the spine resembles the letter "S". In the cervical and lumbar forward bending of the traces, and in the thoracic and sacral – back.

In the thoracic region is "a large kyphosis", a curvature normal of which reaches 30-40 degrees. Small kyphosis is localized in the area of the sacrum. The angle of curvature in the norm is equal to about 15-20 degrees.

This design feature of the spine is biomechanically optimal. It provides the perfect "absorption" cushioning the load when running, jumping, walking. If the curves did not exist, any physical action would have quickly led to the destruction of the vertebral column.

photo of kyphosis in girls 10 yearsPathological kyphosis in children leads to disproportionate shift of the center of gravity of the body. However, there are the following features:

  • the Abdomen is protruding forward;
  • Slightly offset lumbar lordosis;
  • the Pressure of the body on the lower limbs.

Methods of treatment

The Treatment of excessive convexity of the thoracic spine posteriorly is carried out at the initial stages of therapeutic exercises, maintaining correct posture and physical therapy.

Special exercises during kyphosis in children under 18 has been held for 6 months. It should be done in a day, but regularly. Almost pointless to do exercises less than 3 times a week. Of course, during practice kyphosis not related to some simple and last from 40 minutes to 1 hour. The minimum result from the procedures can be expected not earlier than 2-3 months.

When the kyphosis in children include gymnastics 5 important blocks:

  1. Initial exercises should be designed to strengthen the back muscles and chest. When performing a workout it is necessary to distribute the load so that strengthening the back muscles took at least 2 parts from the whole session;
  2. In children with poor posture is almost always relaxed the muscles of the buttocks. The second stage of training for the treatment of kyphosis is to strengthen them. Each workout such exercises should take about 10% of the time;
  3. When the curvature of the thoracic you must relax the muscles of the neck and lower back. For a relaxing take on gymnastics class for 3-5 minutes
  4. Creation of stretch the chest muscles. When incorrect posture the child it is strictly forbidden to "pump up" the chest muscles, as it can pull the spinal column forward. Muscular frame of the chest, on the contrary, it is necessary to stretch. Select this type of exercise in each session about 2-3 minutes;
  5. Breathing exercises for each session should take about 5 minutes. They expand the chest and increase lung capacity. There are special breathing exercises for children to correct major deformities of the ribs and chest that appear when the disease Chairman Mau and hyperkyphosis.

The Selection of kinds of gymnastics and its duration is determined in each case by the orthopaedist-traumatologist or spine.

What exercises are contraindicated if kyphosis in children:

  1. Exercise with weights dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells weighing more than 3 kg for girls and 5 kg for boys. Other types of gymnastics with weights less than the specified values are performed only in the supine position;
  2. it is Desirable in the treatment of increased curvature not to apply sports the burden of jumps. Its background can be formed of a hernia Shmorlja that lead to the "flattening" of the vertebrae.

Right selection of furniture

Children a large amount of time on the computer or TV. Sitting for a long time adversely impact on the spine, so it is important to choose the right furniture and chairs.

  • the chairs should be with the head restraint and armrests. When sitting on it back the baby should not be too round or tooconcave, as in the opposite case, the slouch will only get worse. When sitting on a chair should not submit a body forward. To sit up, leaning back in his chair;
  • it is better to set the Monitor on the Desk which the height is at the level of the armrests of the chair. This should take into account that the child's feet must stand on the floor;
  • Orthopaedic traumatologists recommended for kyphosis in children smooth and hard mattress for sleeping. Only if there is pain on the background of kyphosis is possible to reduce the rigidity of the mattress.
  • Cushion width is chosen according to the size of the shoulder girdle. It should ideally repeat the cervical curvature of the spine, but not to push him.

Thus, the kyphosis in children is a complex pathology which over time without proper treatment will lead to serious complications. It is impossible to cure yourself. Even a qualified doctor will not be able without the help of a child to rid him of the disease. Get ready for a long daily work for several years to buy the perfect posture.