Home / A series of articles on spinal curvature and posture / Causes and treatment of flat back of the child

Causes and treatment of flat back of the child

Flat back posture disorder accompanying the straightening of the lumbar lordosis and the range of related changes of the musculoskeletal system and spine. This defect in children without timely treatment leads to the destruction of the vertebrae, and therefore requires the optimal selection of complex physical therapy (physical therapy). The disease often occurs compression syndrome due to infringement of spinal nerves in the lower back.

flat spin, and other types of posture

The causes of the disease are numerous. It leads to a wrong landing at a Desk, wearing weights and heavy bags on one shoulder. Proponents of genetic theory argue that the main cause of deformation is the weakness of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

Indeed, it is rare curvature of the spine observed in physically developed people. However, in children the bone-articular system is formed gradually, so from birth to develop a strong muscular frame back pretty hard.

There are other reasons for the disease: violation of metabolism and blood circulation, frequent trauma to the ligaments, muscles and vertebrae, poor diet, influence of physical factors (electromagnetic radiation, radiation).

How to identify the disease,

The Flat back of the child is determined by its appearance, because for pathology-specific the following changes:

  • Reduction of the tilt of the pelvis;
  • Weak expression of the thoracic kyphosis (bending of the spinal column posteriorly);
  • the Protrusion of the lower abdomen;
  • Aerofoil shaped blades – the bottom corners behind back;
  • Lateral curvature of the spine (expressed in degrees of curvature);
  • Different triangles waist on both sides (between the waist and the elbow joint is lowered hands).

spin-Concave shape of the deformation resembles the flat, but it decreases thoracic kyphosis, and lumbar lordosis does not change. In this disease formed the following strain:

  • Weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • Narrow rib cage
  • the distance in Different intercostal spaces;
  • Irregular arrangement of the shoulder girdle.

Both of the above types of violations of posture in appearance of deformation of the vertebral column are similar, but are accompanied by various clinical symptoms and syndromes. Their timely identification and treatment can not only prevent compression syndrome, but persistent curvature of the spine to one side – scoliosis.

To Identify the deformation of the back of the child in the initial stages is better when tilted anteriorly. Thus, there is an apparent protrusion of the blades, offset to the vertical axis of the torso, changing the angle of inclination of the pelvis.

In the home to assess posture you can perform a simple test:

  • Put the child back to the wall;
  • the back of the Head, buttocks and heels of feet should fit snugly to the plane
  • Ask the child to draw the belly.

If you are performing this exercise reduced the observed gap between the lower back and the wall (in norm it is equal to the width of the palm of the hand), likely a flat spin. In this situation, you should consult your doctor for the selection of physical therapy exercises.

If you leave the disorder without treatment, the weakness of the muscular frame of the body will progress as the spinal column is supported in a certain position for the most part due to the tension of skeletal musculature. Particularly quickly observed organic lesions of the spine on the background of the incorrect posture in physically undeveloped children.

flat back of the child leads to a weakening of the muscle around the spine frame

treatment Guidelines

To determine the tactics of treatment of flat back, a thorough examination of the child. It identifies the causes of deformation that should act to correct the position of the vertebral axis, and conservative treatment.

Common events you should pay attention to the following features:

  • Sleep on a hard or semi-hard bed. The choice of mattress should be based on the feelings of the child. If in the morning after sleep it is amplified pain syndrome, you should make a bed softer. The pillow you need to pick up a small (shoulder width);
  • Precise correction of shoes is very important for the formation of correct posture. Practical experience of orthopedic surgeons shows that the most often a flat spin in children is formed due to the difference in leg length due to the fact that parents do not get footwear by age of child;
  • Regular physical activity helps to strengthen the muscular frame of the back, which prevents curvature of the spine;
  • Students need to sit correctly at the Desk and eliminate harmful to the spine of the habit to stand on one leg, wearing a backpack on one shoulder.

Only after the implementation of the above principles of exercise therapy will help to adjust the position of the vertical axis.

The Medication helps to remove the pathological syndromes that accompanypathology and complicate the implementation of physical therapy in children. It involves administering anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac), medicines to improve blood flow (pentoxifylline), muscle relaxants (mydocalm). When strong pain syndrome may be introduced into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord anesthetic procaine (novocaine blockade).

parents should teach children to regularly do the exercises with a flat back


Physical therapy Exercises for the treatment of flat spins are selected individually. They primarily should be aimed at improving the mobility of the spine bending it back and forth, strengthening skeletal muscles of the thorax and shoulder girdle. When performing physical therapy should be observed that none of the added frontal curvature – scoliosis.

In professional rehabilitation centers in the complex exercise therapy included exercises on gymnastic wall and the sloping conditions that allow you to quickly strengthen the muscles of the body.

Straightening of the thoracic kyphosis accompanied by deformity of the chest that can form the syndrome of respiratory and cardiovascular disease. To prevent the reduction of vital capacity of the lung in the complex treatment necessary to include exercises on Katharina Schroth and Strelnikova.

General strengthening of the body of the child is achieved by ball games, skiing and therapeutic swimming.

Special principles of physical therapy in pain:

  • If the inclination of the body occurs pain syndrome is necessary to exclude strenuous bending;
  • When the wing blades should perform circular Mahi hands, but in the rhythm, which does not cause pain;
  • When pain syndrome in the thoracic spine should be deleted exercises in the supine position.

The Above principles are applied in the initial stages of treatment, to strengthen the muscle corset back, which will prevent the appearance of pain in the future. Over time under the guidance of the instructor, the child will gradually perform strenuous flexing and bending.

Complex exercise therapy by Paul Bragg

The Complex physical therapy on Paul Bragg's perfect for the flat curvature of the back in a child with pain. This treatment includes 5 exercises that allow for 6 months to correct the pathology, regardless of cause, which led to its emergence. The technique of Bragg based on the practical observations of animals. He noticed that cats and dogs are often arch the back, which leads to the fact that they have always the spine mobile and healthy. People of 70-80 years, almost always there is pain in the lower back.

The implementation Principles of exercise therapy by Bragg:

  • do Not make sudden movements, especially in relation to areas of the spine that has lost mobility;
  • Do the exercises according to your physical condition. If the compression syndrome appears, stop the procedure and relax;
  • should Not be charge with minimum amplitude. Start with "swinging" movements. The amplitude increase should be made gradually and carefully.

You Should additionally be noted that the success of any event depends significantly on the motivation. It depends on the regularity and the correctness of physical therapy. Convince yourself that exercise needed to be healthy.

Exercises for flat spins by Paul Bragg:

  • For the relief of pain in the upper body, head and eliminating tension eye muscles applies the following exercise. Lie on the floor face down. Place your palms below the chest, feet spread shoulder-width apart. Then gradually adopt the following provision: raise the torso up, vignete up the back and put your weight only on the toes and palms. The pelvis position above the head, arms and legs straighten. This situation makes the stress of the baby's spine, so it should raise the pelvis up slowly. The number of repetitions initially, 2-4, and then increased to 8-12
  • Second exercise is aimed at strengthening skeletal muscles of the lower back. Its essence lies in the improvement of the liver, gall bladder kidney, which increases the supply of nutrients to organs and tissues, including the spine. It is similar to the previous exercise, but during the lifting up of the pelvis must rotate it left and then right. While performing the exercise, move the hands and feet to the right. The child has to perform the movement smoothly;
  • you have created a strong tension for the skeletal muscles. The following exercises are aimed at removing the residual load from the muscles. Simultaneously relax the muscles of the pelvic floor. Sit on the floor and oprates on straight hands placed behind his back. Lift the pelvis up, leaning on straightened arms and legs. Raise to a horizontal position the spine, and then return to the starting position;
  • the Following set is assigned to strengthen the spine, from which come the spinal nerves for innervation of the stomach. Lie on your back, and his hands clench the chest. Simultaneously touch the knees with your chin. Keep the position for 5 seconds. The number of repetitions 2-4;
  • Walkingthe fours Paul Bragg takes a major role in the treatment of flat back. He recommends walking around the room on all fours with his head down, pelvis up and arched back.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the above-described complex gymnastics Bragg recommends taking into account individual characteristics. First, the number of repetitions of each exercise should not exceed 4 that will identify movements that increase pain.