Home / A series of articles on spinal curvature and posture / What is spin-concave and how is it treated

What is spin-concave and how is it treated

spin-Concave – curvature of the spine, characterized by loss of physiological kyphosis in the thoracic spine and some weakening of the lumbar lordosis.

Under the kyphosis refers to the posterior convexity of the spine, and lordosis is a concavity anteriorly. The physiological curves of the spinal column allows you to compensate for the depreciation burden that affects the human body when walking, jumping, lifting weights.

Illustration-concave back man

This pathological condition, as with other types of violations of posture, dangerous, leading to the infringement of the nerve roots in the thoracic region and failure of the musculoskeletal system.

Why is formed pathology

The Main cause of the disease remains unknown. Highlights the many precipitating factors of the disease:

  • Prolonged sitting in one place with hunchbacked spine.

Prolonged sitting with incorrect position of the back forms an "addictive" muscular system to the forced position. In this situation, the skeletal muscles are developing asynchronously: on the one hand relaxes, and is in a condition of hypertonus. If the condition continues for a long time, the formation of "clips" that feel massage therapists palpation of skeletal muscles of the person.

  • Frequent bending of the trunk.

Frequent flexion of the trunk leads to the limitation of the reserve capacity of the muscles. They, like all other bodies have a limit stock of contractility. If it quickly to spend the flexion and extension, the muscles of the back will not be fully functional. In such a situation it is difficult to count on maintaining the spine in the correct position.

When performing flexion movements straining primarily the muscles of the upper back, making it flat.

Similar changes are observed when the abrupt changes of body position. Gymnasts are often seen "flat spin" due to the frequent stays in the vertical and horizontal position. The muscular system has a "memory". It accumulates toxic substances in case of frequent strain. As a result while walking the person may not notice as the spine due to muscle spazmirovannah deviates from the vertical axis at an angle exceeding the physiological norm.
When fatigue of back muscles and frequent flexion of the trunk develops-concave back

  • the Availability of spinal disorders.

Various diseases of the spine combined with abnormal muscle tone lead to deformation of the vertebrae. If the process is attached to a sedentary lifestyle and impaired blood supply, there is a fixed posture.

  • Long stay in one place;
  • Abrupt change of position;
  • Disease of the spine and muscular system.

Krugovorota back normally disappears when the person acquires a horizontal position and back in vertical position. Pathology at a fixed deformation is always observed.

Disease in schoolchildren occurs for the following reasons:

  • Wrong position at the Desk;
  • carrying a heavy portfolio;
  • repeated and prolonged abnormal location of the back;
  • poor development of the muscles;
  • Frequent stress and muscle "clips".

The Above changes create a single pathological system of several factors, so the treatment of the back-concave in schoolchildren and adolescents differ from those applied to adults.

Methods of treatment

Treatment For the disease in the first place is assigned orthotics (the wearing of orthopedic corsets). They help to relieve muscle clips and synchronize the muscles on both sides of the body. To relax the muscular system 2 is applied for method:

  • Regulatory
  • Physical.

The Physical method involves the daily gymnastic exercises, appointed by the orthopaedist-traumatologist.

Before performing exercises to remedy back-concave Niches on the methodology should be able to relax. To do this:

  • wear loose clothing
  • , Remove jewelry and metal objects;
  • Create silence in a room;
  • Take a comfortable position;
  • Optimize breathing;
  • don't move for 10 minutes and think about something pleasant.

There are other methods of relaxation. They are used to relieve muscle tension before performing gymnastics.

Regulatory method of treatment of the back krugovorote involves the appointment of tranquilizers, which relax the muscular system. Antidepressant drugs help to relieve the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. If pathology is observed pain, doctors prescribe muscle relaxants and painkillers.

spin-Concave in children and adolescents treated by Paul Bragg. This therapy has maximum effect when a flexible spine during active growth of the vertebrae.

Medicalgymnastics Field Bragg in violation of posture in children

  • Solve straightened kyphosis, the position of the head and neck is achieved daily the next exercise. Stand back to the wall. Try to keep the head, shoulders and buttocks tightly with her contact. Draw the belly inwards to reduce the gap between the vertical plane and the lower back;
  • To strengthen the abdominals lie down on your stomach and turn left and right. Repeat exercises 9-10 times;
  • To relieve residual stresses from the muscles sit on the floor and rest in his hands placed behind. Lift your pelvis as high as possible. Keep the pose for 2 minutes and scroll down;
  • Grasp knees with hands, sitting on the floor. Raise your head and touch the chin chest. Try to move your buttocks up and head to retract. This exercise trains the lumbar back muscles. It should be repeated 2-4 times daily.

Treatment-concave back requires diligence, regularity and accuracy when performing gymnastics. If these requirements are met, on average, for 2-3 months the axis of the spine can be back in physiological position.