What is a C-shaped scoliosis and how it is treated

for C-shaped scoliosis is characterized by a curvature of the vertebral axis in the lateral plane to form one arc deformation (right or left). This abnormality is common in children of school age who do not sit at a school Desk.

The Disease has a tendency to progression, as scoliotic arc pulls the muscular frame of the back. In this situation, you receive an asynchronous tone of the skeletal muscles. However, the rate of progression of the pathology depends on the magnitude of the constant pressure on the vertical axis of the body.

C-shaped scoliosis is a frontal curvature of the spine with formation of one arc deformation


Side C-shaped curvature of the spine 1 with one degree of scoliotic arc usually not accompanied by clinical symptoms. In addition to a slight external deformation of the back of other manifestations when it does not occur.

2 degree Scoliosis characterized by the following features:

  • Pronounced vertebral hump (increased thoracic kyphosis);
  • the Rotation of vertebrae around a vertical axis (rotation);
  • retraction of the ribs and intercostal spaces are uneven;
  • Weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • Irregular arrangement of the blades;
  • drooping of the pelvis on the side of the deformation;
  • Deviation of the body from the vertical axis to the right or left.

A C-shaped lateral curvature of the vertebral column is the most invisible of all types of scoliosis. Due to the presence of one arc of curvature, the pathology is often confused with increased physiological lordosis and Koposov. To reliably detect scoliosis with a single arc helps radiography.

C-shaped scoliosis is the least visible to the eye view

treatment Guidelines

The Disease is 1 degree treated with therapeutic exercises. It used manual methods. However, the 2nd stage of pathology, when the curvature angle reaches 25 degrees, the efficiency of these methods can be reduced. In this situation, doctors are considering surgery for establishment of metal structures in the spine that will effectively prevent the progression of the disease, maintaining the vertical axis of the body in the correct position.

Gymnastics when the disease allows to relax the back muscles and effectively strengthen a muscular corset, to correct deformities and has a restorative effect on the entire body.

Most effectively treated curvature of 1 and 2 degrees in children in the period of intensive growth through systematic charging, which is appointed by the doctor.

A sample list of exercises for children with scoliosis:

  • From a standing position lift your hands up and pull them to the side. This exercise will help to improve the circulation and flow of the lymphatic fluid from areas of pathological scoliotic arc
  • Tilts back, forward, down and up allow to increase the elasticity of the spine and contribute to overall strengthening of the muscle corset back and abdomen. They improve the condition of abdominal organs
  • Squats help to increase joint mobility and with regular repetition help to strengthen your posture. When you do not need to tear away from the heel of the feet;
  • Lying on your back with your knees bent lift your pelvis up. While thoracic spine needs to bend.

students the most effective treatment C shaped deformation during exercises on the wall bars.

C-shaped scoliosis in the x-ray

Therapeutic exercises on the Swedish side

Scoliotic arc in the pathology is focused in the same plane, therefore effectively "stretched" in the regular classroom to the monkey bars. To workout have a good effect, you should perform smoothly, no swinging.

A sample list of daily activities on the Swedish side with a C-shaped curvature of the spine:

  1. Hang on the crossbeam of the Swedish wall so that muscular frame of his back was straightened, and all the anatomical structures of the spine straightened. This exercise can be performed with additional strain on the feet;
  2. Exercises for training the back and abdominal muscles involves vis on the crossbar with a slow rocking and spread the legs back. Attention! Don't be jerks!
  3. To strengthen the muscles of the chest and upper limbs attempt to pull the Swedish wall. Enough daily to catch up 1-2 times to stabilize the curvature in the thoracic region of 1 degree.

The Exercises on the wall bars has a positive impact on children not only with the curvature of the spinal column, but also to those who have heart disease. To bring a positive effect, you should combine exercise with other diagnostic procedures: physical therapy, massage,chiropractic procedures.

How to catch up on the bar with a sideways curvature of the spine

for C-shaped lateral deformation of the spine to help correct scoliotic arc and pull-UPS on the bar. In this disease they must be performed correctly in order not to aggravate the disease:

  • Before beginning your workout relax your back muscles. To do light exercises;
  • Narrow grip focuses physical stress on muscle groups of the elbow joints. It is ideal for the development of the biceps, latissimus and serratus back. When training also develops the deltoid muscles;
  • Tactics pullups narrow grip on the bar involves the movement up until the chin is positioned above the crossbar;
  • If the person feels the tension of the latissimus dorsi and biceps while performing pull-UPS, you should refrain from further charge;
  • perform Each movement to the beat of the breath, and you are experiencing shortness of breath relax and catch your breath;
  • When you perform pull-UPS wide grip should grasp the bar palms and the hands positioned shoulder-width apart;
  • for scoliosis of 2 degrees must be careful when you pull-up, as it may be pain;
  • Pulling up "for a head" run without deflection in the thoracic spine.

Thus, C-shaped scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees is treated by gymnastics, but the process is lengthy and requires regularity. However, therapeutic exercise is the most effective method of getting rid of pathology.