Evaluation criteria of disability for scoliosis grade 3 and 4

how to establish a disability for scoliosis grade 3 and 4

Disability for scoliosis of the 3rd degree in most cases is caused by vertebrogenic syndromes and complex neurological disorders. They arise from the infringement of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the spinal cord compression due to pathological deformity of the vertebral column.

Disability for scoliosis 4 degrees occurs due to paralysis and paraplegia of limbs (complete or partial immobilization), disorders of pelvic organs, with frequent urination and uncontrolled defecation acts.

what are the criteria For a disability exhibited

To set the degree of disability during a lateral curvature of the spine medical Commission (MEDC) it is necessary to analyze the whole list of indicators the functionality of the organism:

  • the Presence of pathological neural activity by infringement of spinal nerves, and the power and the intensity of their irritation;
  • Degree of pathological changes in internal organs, caused, as lateral curvature and secondary metabolic disorders;

determining the strength of stimulation of the receptors is evaluated by:

  1. analysis of complaints patient (pain in certain areas of the body);
  2. Palpation of the study back to determine areas of pain (dermatomes);
  3. the use of special methods to identify specific symptoms of the pathology.

Disability for scoliosis exhibited in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • "Seal finger" – when a light touch to the field of spinal deformity, a person experiences severe pain;
  • of the"washboard" – when the feeling of the skin it acquires an irregular appearance with areas of elevation and inflow. The symptom is caused by changes in the turgor of the skin on the background of partial loss of nerve sensitivity
  • Abnormal temperature when measuring the local temperature along the spine, it will be uneven in different areas, as the loss of the nerve sensitivity is observed asynchronous contraction and vasodilatation.

2 the degree of disability observed in human movement disorders. They are due to:

  1. impaired range of motion in the limbs;
  2. Loss of muscle strength;
  3. Loss of efficiency.

The doctors it is important to determine the motor pattern of the patient, which significantly affects the subsequent forecast. This is done by analyzing antalgic postures and study of statics during the movement of the patient.

The Degree of myopically pathological disorders is one of the factors determining the degree of disability. If the affected section of the spine observed negative symptoms are flexion and extension – evidence of complete loss of innervation of local areas.

When this symptom is a high likelihood of spinal cord compression. If this version is confirmed by magnetic resonance study, most likely, the medical Commission will expose the person 1 or 2 disability group that depends on the presence of other signs of impaired working capacity.

Disability can be caused not only by lesions of the nerve root, but also changes in other organs (sanogenetic reaction):

  • Primary – dystrophic changes in the muscle tissue, bones and ligaments
  • Secondary – neural and vascular responses.

If to speak more briefly, a disability for scoliosis grade 3 and 4 based on the identification of the following factors:

  • Quick course and severity of clinical disease;
  • damaged spinal disc segments;

The Existence of comorbidities and secondary changes in the internal organs on a background of scoliosis.