How to treat scoliosis in adolescents

Treatment of scoliosis in adolescents involves the use of conservative and surgical methods. Surgical techniques are used when the use of pharmaceutical drugs was not effective or did not bring the desired result.

How to treat scoliosis in teenagers

conservative Treatment

The Most effective method of treatment of lateral curvature of the spine is physiotherapy. She is appointed by the doctor to strengthen the muscle corset back, which will keep the spine in the correct position.

swimming the front crawl or breaststroke in special medical groups is carried out in rehabilitation centers, uses the method dikulja or Bubnovsky. It should be noted that professional instructors chosen from each swimming style only certain elements that are optimally suited to the patient.

Scoliosis in adolescents is developing quite rapidly at puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. In this situation, except for physical therapy prescribed hormonal therapy.

Symptomatic treatment pathology complications:

  1. Elimination of muscle spasms with muscle relaxant (mydocalm);
  2. Antiinflammatory therapy (diclofenac);
  3. Improve blood circulation in the spine (Cavinton, trental);
  4. Correction of the curvature of the orthopedic belts and corsets;
  5. fix the different length of the extremities (orthopedic shoes).

Adolescent scoliosis can be effectively treated if they begin therapy early on. The best age for this is 5 to 10 years.

Corsetteria when lateral deformation of the vertebral axis

to treat scoliosis of the spine in adolescents wearing a corset yielding tangible results

Corneotherapy is one of the oldest methods for correction of lateral curvature of the spine. However, the first corsets cannot be compared with modern analogs. In the middle ages these products were uncomfortable and very heavy. They created for teenager a significant inconvenience in carrying.

Modern corset is made from a plastic or light alloys. They can be worn without significant restrictions in mobility.

The Teenager such a product is assigned to for long term. He cannot go to school, do their daily work. The product fit perfectly under the figure, but is constantly adjusted with the growth of the child.

Types of braces for scoliosis:

  • Lumbar – supports spine from pelvis to armpits
  • Hypercarnivorous – has a concavity opposite to pathological bending;
  • Chest – worn on the chest area;
  • Concealer – light corset for the formation of correct posture.

Physiotherapy is used in all types of scoliosis. It is most effective at the early stages of the disease. When choosing a set of exercises the doctor prescribes exercise endurance and elasticity.

Together with the wearing of corsets is assigned to rhythmic gymnastics. It is very important that it was organized by a balanced diet.

Physical exercises improves muscle tone, improve breathing and posture, and strengthen a negative impact on the body.

surgical methods of correction of scoliosis in adolescents

the surgical treatment of adolescent scoliosis is applied at stage 3 and 4 pathology

Running scoliosis in schoolchildren most often treated with osteoplastic spondylodesis. If translated literally, the method is called "snapping vertebrae". Its essence lies in the fact that a dissection of the deformed vertebra and the alignment of the vertebral axis in the physiological plane.

Types of bone-plastic fusion:

  • Front;
  • Rear.

In the anterior spinal fusion is an incision in front of the vertebral body. The operation is carried out on the intervertebral discs and the vertebral bodies that allows to eliminate the cause of the curvature. However, this type of surgery is rarely performed, as is long-term, requires anesthesia and is characterized by a complicated postoperative period.

In posterior spinal fusion an incision is made on the dorsal part of the spinal column, and the operation is carried out on the transverse and the spinous processes. When her access to the vertebrae is significantly facilitated, as the spine comes under the muscles and skin. In posterior spinal fusion the vertebrae are held together by metal retainer that contains additional bone plate.

If you need a rear spinal fusion to treat scoliosis in schoolchildren, based on a selected lock of floating structure. This configuration does not hinder the bone growth.

In European countries therapy a lateral curvature of the spine surgical techniques based on the application of the retrofit systemCotrel-Dubousset. However, before the surgery a person needs 1-2 months to do therapeutic exercises to relax muscular frame back.

The Essence of the intervention is that the deformity is corrected by metal rods, which are pre-modeled under physiological curves of the spine.

Thus, the reader learns how to treat scoliosis in adolescents. It should be noted that this process cannot be performed, as it involves the combination and use of multiple techniques simultaneously.