Causes, symptoms, signs of scoliosis of the spine

Clinical signs of scoliosis greatly depend on the size of arcs and angles of deviation of the spinal column. Diverse clinical disease due to the influence of several predictors on the body, different arcs of displacement of the vertebral axis, the individual characteristics of metabolism and the presence of secondary diseases.

Although the causes remain a mystery, the pathology treated according to a unified scheme.

the Symptoms of scoliosis are characterized by frontal displacement of the vertebral axis

Pathogenetic aspects and the reasons for the formation of the disease

To date, the major causes of scoliosis remain a mystery to scientists and doctors. In 80% of cases the disease is idiopathic, because doctors can be difficult to determine the cause of its formation.

However, in patients with scoliotic arc there are always precipitating factors:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle
  2. Wrong position at the Desk;
  3. Abnormal development of the muscles;
  4. Classes "asymmetric" sport
  5. musical instruments
  6. genetic predisposition.

Mobile children who spend large amounts of time, not for notebooks and computer, and run across the street – less likely to suffer scoliosis.

In 20% of cases, the symptoms of a pathology due to the following factors:

  • joint hypermobility Syndrome
  • Congenital deformity of the vertebrae;
  • Rachitic bone changes;
  • the Difference in leg length
  • Defeat muscles by polio, syringomyelia, tick-borne encephalitis
  • After heart operations.

There are 3 morphological types of pathology:

  • C-shape;
  • S-shaped
  • Z-shaped.

Characteristic signs of scoliosis
Depending on the containment there are 5 types of pathology:

  • Lumbar
  • thoracolumbar
  • Breast;
  • Cervico-thoracic
  • Neck.

x-ray classification of scoliosis:

  • 1 degree is characterized by a lateral curvature angle up to 10 degrees
  • 2 degree of deformation with an angle of 10-25 degrees;
  • 3 degree – angle curvature is equal to 26-50 degrees;
  • 4 degree manifested by the angle of deformation of more than 50 degrees.

depending on the combination of the above characteristics are symptoms of scoliosis of each person.

Symptoms of lateral curvature of the spine in degrees

the Initial stage of the disease rarely accompanied by visible external displacements of the vertebral axis. When her lateral curvature is detected on radiographs, but displacement can be observed only when bending forward.

the Clinical symptoms of scoliosis of the spine on radiographs2 degree manifested by external deformation of the vertebral axis, which moved to the right or left. At the same time can be a deformity of the chest, and a ladder arrangement of ribs.

3 the degree of scoliosis Characterized by serious violations of function of internal organs and external defects of back, chest and even lower limbs. In children, congenital causes displacement of the spinal column to the side leading to asymmetry of skin folds on the buttocks and legs. This symptom can be caused by the uneven length of lower limb bones on both sides.

radiographs, the pathology is manifested not only by the dislocation of the spine but also rotation of the vertebrae around a vertical axis (torsion).

An Especially dangerous twist in the cervical spine, where the vertebral artery. This vessel provides blood supply about 25% of brain structures. When instability of the cervical vertebrae may be the cerebral blood supply and a momentary loss of consciousness.

The lumbar Scoliosis is accompanied by increased tone of the muscular frame. It leads to violation of work of intestines, stomach and urinary system.

The Symptoms of lateral deformation of the vertebral axis affect the lower extremities: gait disorders, flat feet. Sometimes also venous varicose veins in the violation of their innervation.

due to infringement of the nerves of the cauda equina women have problems with fertility, gestation and menstrual cycle.

the Clinic depending on the localization of deformation

The Symptoms of scoliosis depending on the localization of curvature:

  1. the Offset of the cervical and thoracic: the asymmetry of the shoulder girdle, headaches, dizziness;
  2. Chest deformity of the spine (with the top at Th7 segments-Th10) is accompanied by a curvature of the chest, difficulties of breathing and heart activity;
  3. Lumbar-thoracic curvature (the peak in the region of Th10-Th12) is characterized by a wedge-shaped deformation of the vertebrae with pinching of nerve fibers. So, it becomes a violation of the heart ratereductions and reduced respiratory excursion of the lungs;
  4. Lumbar scoliosis (apex at L1-L2) is manifested by pain in the back, urinary disorders.

S-shaped curvature represents the simultaneous displacement of the spinal column right and left. The first bend is localized at the level of the seventh to twelfth thoracic vertebrae, and the second between the first and third lumbar vertebrae. Such distortion has a tendency to rapid progression and increased pain.

The Z-shaped curvature manifests similar symptoms, but it sharpened the angles of spinal deformity.

The C-shaped deformation is manifested by displacement of the several sections of the spinal cord in the same direction. It is characterized by many symptoms due to compression of spinal nerves at different levels:

  • Vertebral
  • Extravertebral.

signs of frontal Vertebral deformations manifest themselves with pain, impairment in sensation along the spine or at some distance along the damaged nerve trunks.

Extravertebral signs of pathological changes of internal organs for violation of its innervation.

Age the clinical picture of the scoliotic arc

About a billion people on the planet suffers a lateral curvature of the spine. More than half of the patients among children aged 10 years. The symptoms differ somewhat depending on the age of the person, so created the "chronological" classification:

  • Age period (after the end of the growth spine) – from 18-19 years of age;
  • Adolescent (youth) is observed from 10 years to 18 years of age, when the spine goes through the stage of intensive growth and muscle mass are increasing at a slower pace;
  • for Children from 3 to 10 years. In this period there is weakness of skeletal muscles. If the child leads a sedentary lifestyle, the spine is not retained in the normal position, and displaces in a lateral projection;
  • Infant – up to 3 years. Caused by congenital anomalies of the vertebrae, the pathology of fetal development, a lack of vitamin D.

Many experiments have proven that after the growth of the spine to return it to its normal position when the curvature is difficult. In this situation the main task in the treatment of pathology is to eliminate symptoms and prevent its progression, as well as to neutralize the causes of disease.