What to do at detection of scoliosis in children 5 years old

When finding the answer to the question of what to do for scoliosis in a child of 5 years, specialists have to develop a comprehensive therapy pathology, as the disease is characterized by a large number of changes in the body.

The mainstay of treatment of lateral curvature of 1 and 2 degrees (with an angle of curvature not exceeding 25 degrees) is a therapeutic exercises. Despite the fact that she is chosen individually in each case and is performed under the supervision of physicians in medical institutions, some types of exercises a child can do at home under the guidance of their parents.

how to treat scoliosis in children 5 years old

At home for scoliosis can be performed the following exercises:

  • To strengthen the muscles of the body;
  • Classes on the gym wall;
  • Lying on an inclined plane
  • Breathing exercises by Strelnikova or Katharina Schroth;
  • Active ball game.

To correct the curvature of the back doctors often recommend swimming "breaststroke" and walk on skis. Even if your child does not know how to swim, attempts to mimic Mahi hands and feet in the water benefit back.

If the scoliosis is combined with changes in physiological curves of the spine (lordosis and Koposov) should pay attention to the features of the back:

  • If allowed flat back exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle, exercises to reduce lordosis and increase of the angle of inclination of the pelvis. For children 5 years of useful training of the extensor muscles of the thigh;
  • back-Concave, in combination with lateral curvature of the spine requires the exclusion of exercises designed to strengthen the abdominals. Useful exercises to decrease the tilt angle of the pelvis and elimination of the lumbar lordosis;
  • With a round the back to avoid further progression of the curvature of the recommended exercises to develop muscles and correction of the location of the blades. For these purposes perfectly fit some yoga asanas: "Bow", "Snake", "Polyethnic";
  • To eliminate krugovorote back are exercises that reduce thoracic kyphosis and increased cervical and lumbar lordosis. Yoga is recommended for children: asanas: "Polyethnic", "Snake".

It Should be understood that the above gymnastic exercises for children of 5 years can be prescribed only by a doctor.

Gait, landing, bed

The Second part of the answer to the question of what to do when there is a sideways curvature of spine in children after 5 years, is the study of the principles of correct gait, landing and even sleep.

recommend Parents to choose the right chairs for the baby. Thus guided by the following rules:

  • Chairs and tables should match the age of the child. High backrest and long legs – that's not nothing. If the baby sits in a high chair static load on the spine is distributed unevenly. As a result over time the formation of the defect of posture and scoliosis and then:
  • Correct gait allows you to evenly distribute the shock load on the spine. Qualified doctor before anything to do with the deformation, examines the feet. If necessary, he will choose the arch supports (to correct the difference in leg length)
  • make Sure that the child always sat with a straight back. His buttocks should be placed behind hard and straight seats. The lower back tight to the backrest of the chair;
  • During sleep tonic relaxes the muscles of the spinal column. Because of this, the spine takes on the shape of the surface of the mattress. On the soft bed, it "sags" down and too hard – can't fully relax. For children podiatrists recommend a bed of medium hardness.

If you follow the above recommendations, you can ensure the correction of pathological lateral curvature of the spine.