Useful exercises to correct scoliosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine

Exercise to correct scoliosis of the thoracic spine aimed at addressing the lateral deformation of the vertebral axis by strengthening the skeletal muscles of the upper back.

Among them are the asymmetric and symmetric types. The former are more gentle and are appointed to normalize all the muscular corset back. Asymmetrical gymnastics designed to improve the tone of individual muscle fibers that are "clamped" or, on the contrary, relaxed.

exercises to correct scoliosis of the spine

Parterre gymnastics

Ground exercises not using weights, so can be used at home. With its help achieve the following objectives in the treatment of frontal deformation of the vertebral axis:

  • Teaching methods of relaxation and tension of individual muscle groups with specific breathing;
  • to Develop a separate abdominal muscles;
  • to Restore movement patterns and to teach the patient to move synchronously with consideration of the peculiarities of the disease;
  • to Regain the flexibility of the vertebral column even in the limited mobility in the intervertebral joints;
  • Develop the skills of the amplitude and power of performing gymnastic exercises.

Before the ground of gymnastics it is necessary to remove the muscle "clips", so the complex has a preparatory phase – warming up. It is necessary to learn how to keep correct posture.

For these purposes, lean back against the wall so that between the shoulders and the buttocks there was no free space. This position the back should be maintained when performing the exercises.

set of classes for chronic pain

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine is often associated with pain in the back. If he has a chronic course, ground is applied gymnastics, involving the following exercises:

  • Lying on your back, always lift your legs up at 90 degrees about 20 times. Try not to touch the floor when lowering. Follow the procedure on the exhale;
  • Take the starting position, sitting on the floor. Place your hands behind. Follow "scissors" straight legs. Each swing you make on the exhale;
  • Sitting on the floor, close your hands above your head into the castle. Alternately touch the elbows knees. Exercises should be performed serially for each side separately;
  • Place the hands in front of you and perform a cross-leg movements
  • arms out to the sides, raise and lower upper torso (see picture).

a set of exercises to correct scoliosis

Exercises to correct S-shaped scoliosis

For deformity correction in thoracic and lumbar spine with S-shaped scoliosis can apply the following exercises:

  • Place hands behind head, sitting on the bench. Rotate the shoulder girdle and head first to the left side. Then position the blade with the edge of the seat bench. Peregrinates through it so that the back is sagging. Repeat procedure for right side;
  • position yourself on the bench stomach down. Make sure that its edge was located at waist level. Shebites to the formation of a right angle. If you do the exercise easily, you can add a little weight
  • Easy pull-UPS on the crossbar allow you to increase the height of intervertebral discs. Execute them carefully, as it may be increased pain.

It Should be noted that the correction of S-shaped scoliosis physical therapy is possible only when taking into account the individual characteristics of pathology. If there is a deformity in the lumbar spine, it is necessary to pick up exercises to compensate for curvature, as well as to stabilize the spinal column in position.

On the choice of the circuit of physiotherapy influenced by the degree of curvature of the vertebral axis. For example, when the 2 degree scoliosis exercises are aimed at securing a stable position of the spine. For this selected set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular frame of the back.

The displacement of the vertebral axis to the left it is necessary to use asymmetrical exercises to develop equilibrium and balance back. Mainly for this purpose the inclination of the torso to the right side.

Scoliosis thoracic 3 degrees treated with the help of exercise, including better physical condition of the patients and correction of deformation.

Asymmetric threat training, therefore, should be conducted under the supervision of physicians physical therapy. At home to comply with them is not recommended.

Restorative exercise

For General strengthening of the organism patients with frontal deformation of the spinal column recommended procedure is as follows:

  • torso Twists;
  • Metered Jogging;
  • Squats on one leg;
  • Tumbling over her head;
  • sports Acrobatics and dance;
  • pulling up on the bar (in the absence of pain)
  • games.

Forconsolidate the effect of physical therapy should do at least 5 times a week. This will allow you to align your posture, and also to adjust the condition of the spine.

Despite the high benefits of exercise therapy for curvature of the spine in the frontal plane, not always it should be applied. At lateral curvature of the spine grade 3 and 4 there are pronounced anatomical changes in the vertebrae, which violates their mobility. If this applies therapeutic exercise, pathology will not only improve but also enhance the pain.

However, for scoliosis of the thoracic spine in children 1, 2 and 3 degree some gymnastic exercises are the basic Foundation of therapy pathology. With their help it is possible to achieve not only the return of a vertebral axis in a physiological position, but also the normalization of blood circulation, digestive system and avoid problems with the respiratory organs.