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What is coccygeal hernia, what are its symptoms and risk


Coccygeal hernia – the totality of the pathology causing pain in the anal-coccygeal region. Because the weight of the human body does not press on the spine, pain in pathology (kokcigodiniâ) is not associated with weight lifting, or sudden turning of the body. He detected 3 times more often in women than in men, due to anatomical features of the female pelvis.

Hernia coccyx

read More about the symptoms and causes of coccygeal hernia.

coccygeal hernia symptoms

pilonidal Cyst is formed in place of damaged cartilage

Hernia coccyx first identified in 1859. Scientist James. Simpson first described the unique symptoms of coccygodynia, and then found the cause (cyst, epithelial false).

Thus, in this disease there is loss of the cartilage disc with compression of the spinal cord in the lumbar region. Structure of the coccygeal discs are coarser, and is not intended to perform a cushioning function.

Rupture of sacrococcygeal cartilage, occurs most often in a mechanical way (trauma, childbirth). Frequency in the second place inflammatory diseases of the pelvis and metabolism (Bechterew's disease, tuberculosis).

The First symptom of ankylosing spondylitis is sacral ileitis (inflammatory changes in the sacroiliac joints). On this background while walking increases the load on the coccygeal vertebrae. In this situation, even a small injury can lead to coccygodynia.

Among other causes pathology can distinguish large cysts of the pelvic organs, chronic diseases of the bladder and even spasm of the gluteal muscles. These diseases are only aggravating factors that weaken the functionality of the sacral-coccygeal spine. For the formation of a hernia of the coccyx to an external impact.

The Symptoms of coccygodynia are not always a sign of damage to the coccygeal intervertebral disc. They can be due to:

  • diseases of the genitals;
  • spasm of the muscles of the gluteal region;
  • Diseases of the rectum;
  • Renal disease.

Qualitatively to distinguish between pain caused by herniated coccyx and other diseases, will only x-ray study of coccygeal vertebrae or magnetic resonance imaging.

Acute signs of disease manifested immediately after traumatic exposure on the Sacro-coccygeal region. In other cases, people can throughout life not to know about their pathology. It only reminds of itself when sitting on hard surfaces or during birth, when the passage of the child through the pelvis, there is severe pain.

What problems does it give damage to the intervertebral discs of coccyx

hernia formation tailbone

Stages of formation of the coccygeal hernia

Many doctors deny the existence of such a diagnosis as "hernia of the coccyx". Coccygeal vertebrae are considered to be the rudiments (unnecessary legacy from animals) that do not affect the functionality of the body.

here Only patients with coccygodynia sometimes you have to treat. Severe pain is not the only problem with coccygeal pathology. In some people it is difficult urination and defecation. The symptoms are due to neuro-reflex irritation of the bladder and rectum with permanent inflammatory changes of the Sacro-coccygeal region.

They occur first in the weakest place – the intervertebral discs. In the coccyx area weak blood supply, so infection in this area "feels comfortable". Over time there is a false coccygeal course as a result of purulent fusion of cartilage and bone.

Pain at night do not allow a person to fall asleep. It doesn't completely go away after taking painkillers. Constant discomfort limits the physical activity of the person.

Other symptoms of pathology:

  • pus in acute inflammation;
  • Increased temperature
  • Local thickening in the zone of purulent focus.

Another serious complication of a hernia coccyx is the formation of sinus tracts with destruction of the bone tissue (osteomyelitis). In the inflammatory process is activated adipose tissue, which is a bacterial infection spread to other organs.

To Determine the presence of these external changes can change the skin. They acquire a reddish tinge, locally thicken and place of opening of the fistula output was observed purulent discharge.

Thus, despite the fact that the coccyx is considered a rudiment, complications from damage to his cartilage discs are quite serious. Long infectious process is completed by the open of fistula in the anterior abdominal wall, the scrotum, perineum, genitals.

Secondary hernia symptomscoccyx

operation for hernia

surgery for hernia coccyx

The Secondary symptoms of the pathology are accompanied by changes of other organs and systems:

  • Changes in the psychic sphere are accompanied by vegetative disorders (dizziness, sensation of fever without high temperature, coldness of the extremities). In humans, disturbed sleep, appears anxiety and anxiety. Often on the background of coccygodynia increases the headache (severe, localized headaches due to vasoconstriction)
  • changes in the musculoskeletal sphere arise from the disease by infecting damaged disk, as well as distribution process for hip, sacroiliac and sacrococcygeal joints. Formed arthritis, the cause of which, as a rule, doctors remains outstanding.

On the background of the pivot the load is redistributed coccyx to the sacrum, and pelvic articulation that changes the stereotype of human walking. Deformation of the pelvic ring leads to the impossibility of natural delivery in women;

  • Pathology of the intestines, reproductive and urinary systems resulted in violations of defecation, urination and sexual disorders. These violations are of a recurrent nature (other end).

The List of complications could be significantly expanded, assuming a chronic infectious lesion in any organ.


The Coccyx is anatomically – small final formation in the lower part of the spinal column. It consists of 4 small vertebrae that are completely fused together after 40 years through the synchondrosis (cartilage).

Most of the people intergrowth of 1 coccygeal and last sacral vertebrae do not occur after 50 years. Only in the elderly the coccyx is the bone structure. Their symptoms coccygeal hernia can occur due to the lack of anatomical substrate for the occurrence of the disease.

Given the statistical evidence that the pathology is in most cases in women after 40 years one can assume that the herniated coccyx occurs initially in the region between the last sacral and the first coccygeal vertebra, which injured at birth. The natural result becomes kokcigodiniâ for many years.

do Not forget that a sedentary work also leads to permanent injury of the coccygeal vertebrae. This significantly increases the likelihood of damage to the cartilage of the body with the formation of the above-described consequences.

A vestige of Dangerous to human health and whether to treat it – think for yourself on the basis of our article.