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How to treat intervertebral hernia medical ointments


Apply the ointment with a herniated spine doctors recommend for pain relief and relieving inflammation. It can be used in the composition of mono and combination therapy of the disease. Consider what types of prescribed neurologists in the treatment of loss of cartilage disks.

ointment for herniation of the spine

Irritating way: the comfrey ointment with a content of bee venom

Classification of local funds from hernia

Local funds are intended exclusively for external use. They are applied to the skin in the area of pain or in the treatment solutions.

Medical classification of ointments:

  • non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory gels are the most common when herniated. The mechanism of their action consists in the blockade of inflammatory mediators (substances that trigger an inflammatory response). They also possess antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Indications for use NSAIDs when the prolapse of the intervertebral disc: constant aching pain, lumbago (backache). Fastum gel, Ketonal, voltaren, Nurofen, Nise gel – the most common representatives of the group.

  • Combination remedies contain multiple active ingredients. Along with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties they have wound healing, thrombolytic and resolving the effects. Representatives of the group are dolobene and dexpanthenol, which quickly eliminate swelling and clots in the blood;
combination ointment used when herniated

Combination ointment of Comfrey for the treatment of the spine

  • Drugs are irritant (apizatron, nikofleks, analges, capsicum) facilitate the state when intervertebral hernia due to the stimulation of receptors, resulting in local vasodilatation. It is shown these funds in the back pain that occurs after heavy lifting, strong muscles;
  • Chondroprotectors (chondroitin sulfate, artrotin cream, hondroksid) restore the damaged tissue of the intervertebral cartilage, and normalize their water-salt balance. Increasing the amount of fluid in the pulpous nucleus of the spinal disc, cartilage protectors pain relief by preventing activation of the nervous receptors;
  • Homeopathic remedies (target T, Traumeel C) include small doses of different herbs in combination with minerals. Due to the unique composition, they provide anti-edema, analgesic and immunostimulatory effect. Funds also stimulate the circulation to the skin at the site of application, accelerating the healing process. Used in lumbago, myalgia and radiculitis in combination with other methods of treatment;
  • Balms for massage made on the basis of phytotherapeutic agents (balm dikulja Sophia cream, ointment Comfrey). They belong to the category of skin care products, so often sold in beauty salons. The effectiveness of these ointments maximum, if they are applied on the skin before massage.

Mechanism of action ointment are divided into:

  • Warming
  • Cooling.

Irritating and cooling gels

irritant gel used in intervertebral hernia

Irritating gel at the combination of the cartilage matrix

In folk medicine is widespread gels on the basis of bee and snake venoms. Their action by scientists has not been elucidated, but it is assumed that the effect is due to specific irritation reflexogenic zones of biologically active substances.

From these funds at a vertebral hernia can recommend:

  • Vibratex – contains the venom of several snake species in combination with camphor and methyl salicylate. The ointment is rubbed into the pain site in the amount of 5-10 grams, 2 times a day;
  • Viprosal – as part of Viper venom in combination with pine oil, camphor, glycerin, and salicylic acid. Method of use is similar to vibrators;
  • Virapen – purified bee venom, for rubbing 2 times daily;
  • Apizatron contains essential and mustard oil mixed with bee venom. It is used to the daily rubbing in a dose of 2-5 grams.

because of the danger to the body active ingredients of these drugs not advisable to exceed the recommended dosage. Also contraindicated ointments on the basis of snake and bee venoms in tuberculosis, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy.

Bee and snake venoms are often added to the composition warming ointments together with pepper and salicylate. These funds greatly expand the peripheral vessels, therefore increase heat exchange. The rate of metabolic reactions in the body also increases, which accelerates the time of redemption from disease.

Immediately afterspinal injury should be applied not warming, but cooling only local funds. In their composition usually includes an anticoagulant, an analgesic, an essential oil and menthol that soothe and anesthetize the area of damage.

If the injury is fresh, cooling means cannot be rubbed into the skin. They should just apply and wait until the substance is absorbed independently. For these purposes it is better to use gels that are absorbed fast and thus provides the active effect.

About the treatment of hernias of the spine ointments

anti-inflammatory ointment

Local means for relieving the inflammatory changes of the spine

Ointments from vertebral hernia are not a panacea. To the active substance to penetrate to the spine, it requires high concentration. On the way of diffusion there are several kinds of fabrics, in which the active ingredient also acts (skin, adipose tissue, muscle layer).

stimulation of the nerve receptors of the skin leads to vasodilatation (irritant effect). In this action one of the most effective means is considered the "Vietnamese star".

To enhance its validity before applying creams to clean the skin with soap and water. After rubbing means the skin need to wrap up a woolen scarf, so the active substance will quickly penetrate to the deepest salt.

As some gels from herniated discs have an unpleasant odor, preferably at night to do the application, and the skin to lubricate them only during the day.

To summarize:

  1. basically, all ointments, gels and creams applied at an intervertebral hernia, have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These effects are most relevant when the constant aching pain, when you can't quickly eliminate their pharmaceutical medications;
  2. mechanism for all local remedies against the loss of the cartilaginous discs of the spine are classified on cooling and warming. The last kind of dangerous in overdose, as it contains a snake and bee venoms;
  3. using the warming balms recommended in case of fresh injuries of the spine. Cannot be rubbed into the skin, and should only be applied to the injury site and to wait for product to absorb on their own;
  4. it is Difficult to count on the full recovery of herniated discs when using some ointments, but in combination therapy, they can speed up the healing of damaged areas of the spinal column.

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