How to treat a protrusion in the home folk remedies


Treatment of protrusion of folk remedies at home is possible only in combination with medical methods. Due to the complex set of changes in the spine, the disease cannot be cured without surgery. Folk remedies help only to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and prevent its progression.

protrusion treatment at home garlic

Garlic is used to treat diseases of the spine since ancient times,

Basic principles for the treatment of protrusion of folk remedies

Before to treat prolapsed intervertebral discs of folk remedies, be sure to check with pathogenic changes in the body in this disease to properly treat it:

  • Inflammatory changes of soft tissues caused by the pressure of the prolapsed disc on the ligaments and bony structures of the spine;
  • Pain occurs due to irritation of nerve fibers in the Central roots or the spinal cord;
  • disruption of the blood supply may be the underlying cause of pathology in degenerative processes and a consequence of the presence of the protrusion;
  • Numbness of extremities caused by infringement of the nerve roots in the spine;
  • loss of cartilage occurs due to a lack of nutrients and fluids.

Some of the most effective recipes

The Main task of conservative treatment and of folk remedies when the protrusion is to eliminate the inflammatory changes, to get rid of pain and protect cartilage from further damage.

For these purposes, often used tincture of garlic. For its preparation should:

  • Peel and chop 300 grams of garlic;
  • Add the mixture into 150 ml of vodka;
  • to Put the tincture in a dark place;
  • After 10 days you can apply paste on the affected area (when properly prepared tincture gets thick)
  • on Top of the pulp to lay a polyethylene or a soft cloth;
  • to Keep the compress on the skin is necessary until you feel a slight burning (about 45 minutes).

Attention! A compress of garlic can cause burns to the skin. Their use is not recommended by experts as consisting of garlic, in addition to useful chemicals, there are toxic compounds. In this regard, you should not do these wraps every day. Combine them with tubs containing the turpentine.

How to do a turpentine bath:

  • Take 10 grams of baby soap and grate it on a grater;
  • Add the resulting mass 1 liter of boiling water;
  • Add the solution in a glass of turpentine and 30 ml salicylic alcohol (1% solution)
  • Stir the solution and add 3 tablespoons in a bath of hot water (40-45 degrees)
  • the duration of the bath is 10 minutes.

Attention! Turpentine baths are contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Kalanchoe - a great folk remedy for the protrusion of the disc

Kalanchoe is one of the best means to restore damaged tissues

Common treatment of spinal diseases in folk medicine with the help of Kalanchoe ("house ginseng"). In the composition of the plant, scientists have discovered substances that reduce inflammation in humans. When applying to the damaged area of the skin of the leaf of Kalanchoe helps heal cracks and prevents frostbite and education Sciences.

When protrusion can be applied to the leaves of the plant to the site of pain as a compress. To do this, take a sheet of Kalanchoe, remove film and attach to the site of inflammation. Fix the sheet by taping or a soft cloth.

Pharmacies for sale ointment Comfrey that is assigned to physicians with lower back pain. When the prolapse of the intervertebral discs can be combined with alcohol tincture of Comfrey. For cooking at home should:

  • Chop the root of a plant;
  • to Add it to 500 ml of alcohol;
  • If you wish to add to the mix a spoonful of honey;
  • Insist in a dark place for 10-14 days
  • Take 1 teaspoon in the morning.

The Course of treatment with tincture of Comfrey is about 10 days. After that it is recommended to take a break for a week. The tincture can also be used for applying compresses.

In the Spring the treatment of disc prolapses folk remedies can be done by using flowers. They possess antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. For the preparation of them healing agent should:

  • Pour a glass of lilac flowers and 1 liter of vodka;
  • to Insist for weeks;
  • RUB the tincture at bedtime the sore spot.
lilacs effective in the treatment of protrusion

the Flowers of lilacs are used to relieve inflammation in the spine

Birch leavesincreases blood flow and metabolism in the area of application to skin. For use when protrusion can prepare a tincture. To do this:

  • Fill the 3 litre jar of birch leaves
  • Pour the mixture of corn oil;
  • Cover the jar with nylon cover
  • Keep it in full sun for 2 weeks;
  • Regularly shake the tincture;
  • By the end of the retention period filter the solution through cheesecloth.

Received infusion should be lubricated lower back pain at the site.

bedtime with the protrusion for getting rid of pain in the 17th century used a tincture of mullein to lubricate the lower back. For its preparation you need to fill with 50 grams flowers of mullein a bottle of vodka. 2 weeks after storage in a dark place remedy will be ready. To RUB it in a waist every day before bedtime during the week. Then take a break.

Artemisia absinthium is not only a wonderful remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also a wonderful medicine to relieve inflammation and pain in the back. In ancient Syria it was called "eagle heart", as it was believed that the plant makes a man fearless and strong.

To ensure the protrusion is applied tincture of flower baskets wormwood. However, the infusion of wormwood to prepare on the water and not the alcohol. To do this:

  • Take a spoonful of the flowers of wormwood;
  • Fill it with 300 grams of water;
  • Steep the mixture for 3 hours;
  • RUB the tincture before going to sleep in a place of pain.

folk recipes Above are the most common in protrusion, but before applying them should consult a doctor.

When choosing folk remedies for the treatment of intervertebral disc protrusions also need to respect the limitations of the body.

Traits of an organism that influence the effectiveness of treatment

every person Has a unique biochemical features of metabolism, so the drug some people benefit and others harm.

There are special types of people to whom the drug is contraindicated to apply:

  • With weak adaptive capabilities to changing environmental conditions. Such people have a change of weather or barometric pressure cause pain in head and limbs;
  • With high functional tension. This category is subject to frequent stress, so it's difficult to predict what effect will the drug have on the body;
  • With a low compensatory capacity of the organism. Due to multiple pathologies of internal organs in this group of people any non-physiological connection is very difficult neutralized and removed from the body;
  • With low functional abilities and adaptive mechanisms on the verge of collapse. The consumption of herbal tinctures will provoke them multiple pathology because of the lack of reserve opportunities of an organism.

Thus, treatment of protrusion of folk remedies at home should be done with caution. When choosing funds it is necessary to consider not only the mechanisms of their action, but also the individual characteristics of a person.