Characteristic protrusion of the thoracic spine


The Protrusion of the thoracic spine is less frequent than loss of the intervertebral discs in other departments. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the Department, fixing the vertebrae ribs and low mobility of segments. However, excessive physical activity and the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine leads to bulging of the intervertebral discs at these levels.

pain and stiffness in protrusion of the thoracic spine

causes of loss of discs in the thoracic region

To the emergence of a protrusion in the thoracic region leads to a number of reasons:

  • Degenerative changes of the spine lead to weakening of the bone, cartilage and muscle structures;
  • Traumatic injuries of the sternum, resulting in its deformation;
  • Other diseases of the spine, forming changes of articular-ligamentous apparatus.

For the understanding of the pathology requires knowledge of the basics of anatomy of thoracic. It includes 12 vertebrae (Th1-Th12). Between them there are the fibro-cartilaginous discs, which perform the cushioning function. To the lateral part of the vertebrae are attached the ribs, creating a framework for the protection of lung, heart and liver. The vertebrae form a special channel in which is located the spinal cord.

The Anatomical integrity of the structure is supported by musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

Cartilage does not have its own microcirculation. Nutrients it receives from the surrounding tissue by diffusion. Consequently, any damage to the anatomical structures of the spine affects the quality of functioning of the intervertebral discs.

Gradual degradation of the cartilage leads initially to the appearance in it of numerous cracks, and then to the loss of nucleus pulposus (Central part of the disc). The peripheral part of the disc fibrous ring consists of coarse connective tissue, therefore has increased strength. It can be stretched to a certain size (5-12 mm) without breaking. This leads to the displacement of nucleus pulposus. This is the mechanism of formation of the protrusion. When the fibrous ring is torn, forming a hernia of the spine.

degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc

Degeneration of intervertebral disc

Symptoms of chest protrusion

The symptoms of the disease at the early stages of the disease usually do not show. Rare tingling in the turn of body or lifting weights man "withdraws" on fatigue. Against this background, the disease progresses.

When nerves following symptoms occur:

  • Pain in the back and the damage of the vertebra;
  • Stiff back in the mornings (due to swelling of tissues);
  • Increased pain during movements;
  • Numbness and tingling in your chest;
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Weakening of the intercostal muscles results in a sharp pain (intercostal neuralgia).

The signs described Above protrusion thoracic doctors often mistaken for intercostal neuralgia or pathology of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. These manifestations of pathology require diagnostics with application of instrumental methods (magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound, radiography).

some patients with a herniated disc in the thoracic region, is manifested by headaches and increased blood pressure because of the surge vessels. Similar symptoms appear when the diseases of the heart and brain, so you will need to consult a cardiologist and neurologist.

Neurological symptoms "breast protrusion":

  • Symmetrical paresis of the upper limbs (limited mobility) – occurs when the Central protrusion of the disc;
  • Pain in the spine from the side of the lesion, aggravated by touching the skin with the fingers – medial-lateral protrusion
  • Isolated pain at certain points of the spine occurs at the lateral location of the diverticulum.

At the same time with the above signs of pathology neurologists often see protective muscular contraction in the chest area.

Among the thoracic nerve roots there is a large number of fibers, which Innervate the internal organs. When infringement occurs extensive symptom complex of pain in the chest and abdomen. They can mimic myocardial infarction or acute pancreatitis.

Special option is a sagittal pain in the upper abdomen, which resembles peptic ulcer.

Principles of diagnosis herniated disk

Treatment of protrusion considerably depends on its type (medial, lateral, mid-lateral). To assess the localization and characteristics of loss of intervertebral disc the most effective method is considered magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The shots the doctors determinethickening of the fibrous ring, the presence of cracks in the intervertebral disc and the extent of his loss.

Magnetic resonance imaging is an expensive method of research. Not every medical facility can afford to bear the large financial burden associated with the operation of MRI.

In most cases, protrusion diagnosis in General hospitals is conducted indirectly on the basis of data radiography of the thoracic spine in frontal and lateral projections, examination of a neurologist and therapist. Of course, with this approach the treatment of disease is carried out by a common combination scheme.

And There are contraindications to magnetic resonance imaging of the spine:

  • the Presence of cardiac pacemakers;
  • Claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces)
  • Wearing metallic implants
  • Metallic foreign body in the intestines.

Treatment of protrusion in the thoracic spine

The Best treatment protrusion in the thoracic spine is its prevention. For these purposes applied:

  • Massage
  • Manual therapy
  • Osteopathy
  • physiotherapy
  • physical Therapy.

Manual therapy may be applied when the tingling in the back. It helps to strengthen the muscular corset, which prevents further displacement of the axis of the spine.

Massage improves the blood circulation and tissue trophism.

Osteopathy helps to restore the normal position of the vertebrae.

Therapeutic exercise strengthens the muscle-ligamentous apparatus of the spine and helps to normalize blood circulation.

Physiotherapy techniques are designed to eliminate inflammation in the surrounding tissues and normalize the blood supply of the vertebral column.

Qualified treatment protrusion in the thoracic region involves the elimination of:

  • Vertebroneurological;
  • Myofascial
  • Reflex syndromes.

When choosing tactics of treatment the doctors are guided by the following principles:

  • addressing the causes and pathogenesis of the disease;
  • Removal of the lesion and stage of disease;
  • Normalization of the functional state of the person.

To correct the incorrect position of the vertebrae are measures aimed at stabilizing the spinal segment. For these purposes we recommend:

  • the Wearing of corsets;
  • spinal Traction
  • Exception of physical activity and bed rest.

To develop muscle fixation used drugs that stimulate reparative processes (plasma, vitreous body, fibs, aloe, polybion). Promotes anabolic muscle building. They are used in severe degree of malnutrition (retabolil, potassium orotate, methylandrostan, nerobol).

In the conditions of a neurologic hospital in the presence of compression syndrome apply:

  • Procedures for elimination of the compression factor;
  • Traction therapy;
  • Manual exposure
  • Anti-procedure;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

Patients with the presence of the compression factor, dehydration is carried out therapy, which helps numb the pain caused by entrapment of the nerve is edematous tissues. Typically, the duration of dehydration treatment does not exceed 7 days. At the same time as prescribers, normalizing mineral composition of blood.

Against the background of infringement of the thoracic nerves may cause irritation sinoauricular node that will lead to a "breakdown" of heart rate. In this case, the purpose of medications for normalizing the functionality of the heart.

Symptomatic treatment of the loss of intervertebral disc includes:

  • Desensitizing agents;
  • non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • anti-stress, which prevents the formation of edema of lower extremities
  • Means to stimulate regenerative processes (hotazel, naproxen).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs lead to complications such as gastro-intestinal tract. Diclofenac and Ketorolac violate the blood supply to the intestine, and therefore provoke the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane. In such cases they are replaced on ActiveRecord-Bon or careplan. These funds have the ability to stimulate reparative processes.

From desensibiliziruyuschee drugs prescribed suprastin, diphenhydramine, tavegil, the duration of treatment which must not exceed 15 days.

The Use of immunosuppressive drugs (drugs used to suppress the immune system) by many doctors is not recommended, as they increase compression syndrome (pain upon infringement of a nerve).

For the prevention of brain lesions have recently become actively used to improve vascularity in the brain (Epsilon aminocaproic acid and heparin). These drugs are injected directly into the area of injury.

To prevent the breakdown of cartilage in the conditions of a neurologic hospital used the introduction of vitamin C.

In some experimental studies set the positive effect of the introduction in the area of injury orotate potassium, and hydrocortisone.

To remove the abnormal impulses in the field of infringement of the nerve root can be used physiotherapy (electrophoresis withnovocaine and ganglionic).

The microcirculation is carried out in several ways:

  • Normalization of peripheral blood circulation (nicotinic acid derivatives);
  • Elimination of autonomic disorders (autonomic ganglionic and drugs).

Thus, symptoms of protrusion in the thoracic spine are numerous. Before treatment should conduct a thorough examination of the person to establish the main pathogenetic links in the process, to be addressed in therapy.