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Sports for strengthening the back muscles with a hernia of the spine


A herniated disc and sport – compatible are these concepts? Sports in some cases become a cause of intervertebral hernia, but also some of their kinds are basic therapy of the disease.

Strengthening of back muscles with a hernia of the spine

Contraindicated sports when intervertebral hernia

Any excessive loads on the spine are precipitating factors for developing hernias. Especially dangerous in this plan of exercise, involving an axial load on the spine is when the force vector is directed from the head to the pelvis, therefore, immediately excludes the following sports:

  1. weightlifting. Especially presses barbell (deadlift) or dumbbells, standing or from a seated position, including weight lifting
  2. Certain types of athletics – jumping in length and height;
  3. Active sport associated with running or long vertical – football, volleyball, basketball, skiing;
  4. Bodybuilding
  5. Marathon walk.

What to do to strengthen the muscles of the back?

do Not worry, if you are a fan of sports there are several systems of sports exercises, activities which not only harm your spine, but will strengthen it, which is one of the methods of treatment and prevention of herniated discs.

  • Pilates.

Named after the founder, this system of exercise is quite effective and safe in diseases of the spine. It is based on the principle of back exercises to strengthen the muscle corset and support the spine. Pilates is conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Training on the floor – lying down or sitting
  2. Pilates with the use of sports equipment;
  3. Exercise fitness equipment. Exercise equipment for Pilates studios do not have rigid fixation, resulting in them developing good balance and strengthens the small muscles of the back.

during the Pilates one learns to properly distribute the load on all muscle groups supporting the spinal column. In parallel, there is the strengthening of deep muscles, thereby eliminating the Hyper-mobility of the vertebrae is one of the causes of the protrusion. "Soft" load at Pilates help to relieve muscle spasms that are responsible for exacerbation of the disease. This, in turn, leads to improvement of the trophic paravertebral tissue and enhance regeneration.

  • water Aerobics and swimming.

Swimming in conjunction with other lessons in the pool, has a very positive action with a herniated disc.

  1. first immersed in the water body considerably loses weight (Archimedes ' principle), which drastically reduces thrust load on the intervertebral discs.
  2. secondly, the feeling of weightlessness relieves the maximum number of muscles, including the muscles of the back. Relieve spasms leads to improved blood flow in the area of the protrusions, the activation of protective systems.
  3. thirdly, the active work of ligament-articular apparatus helps without undue stress to strengthen the ligaments of the shoulder and hip joints, which is an important fixation points of the muscular system and the back muscles in particular.

Swimming is shown in the recovery period after surgical treatment of herniated discs. Besides, swimming develops a breathing system which provides oxygen to the entire body. They should do no more than 2 hours a day. The rest of the time, use the exerciser to strengthen the muscles of the back to form a persistent muscular system.

  • Fitness.

Contraindications for fitness classes when the disc herniation of the spine no. Fitness classes are structurally very similar to physiotherapy (physical therapy). Practiced step approach to practice:

  1. At the first stage of stabilization skill by synchronizing intermuscular interaction. It uses a special cuff sphygmomanometer (the device of measurement of pressure). The goal was to keep the cuff in a certain level of pressure when performing complex exercises. For example, hyperextension on the floor to perform when the pressure is 70-80 mm Hg. Exercises same on the back are performed at a pressure of 30-50 millimeters of mercury.
  2. the Next stage of the exercise is transferred to the simulators. Tasks are slightly more complicated – added power with the removal of the movement for anatomic limits. An example is the wide swings of the arms in the supine position on the bench.
  3. Ultimate goal is the formation of stability of the spine: in the home, in sports, in work.

Among other useful lessons included in some of the training in physical therapy, and fitball. Not to mention the positive effect from the use of the ball when intervertebral hernia – this is mainly a firming effect. Advanced classes fitball can be used as a fixing effect from pre-workouts.

However,fitness does not solve all problems. Full stabilization is impossible without exercise the functions of a "secondary stabilizers". This includes the abdominal muscles, longissimus dorsi, muscles of the shoulder girdle.

  • Strength exercises.

will Help to strengthen the back muscles and other muscle groups, improve their tone and increase endurance following exercises:

  1. abs – leg raises in supine position, or twisting the torso with elements of stretching. The method is the following: you lie on an inclined Board with his feet up – feet fixed, hands behind his head. The elbows alternately seek to reach the crest of the Ilium on the opposite side. You need to try to reach the maximum amplitude for better stretching of the muscles of the back.
  2. Hyperextension. You can do them on a special simulator, but you can do a simple "goat". This exercise perfectly load the back extensors, which are largely responsible for stabilization of the spine. Some instructors, physiotherapists hyperextension is considered a primary exercise with a herniated disc.
  3. Pull-UPS, narrow and wide grip on the bar.
  4. Bench press. When a vertebral hernia it is better to use a bench press with a blank fretboard or with minimal cargo – the main objective not to load the muscles, and teach them to work properly, to form muscle memory.
  5. Pull from the top of the block behind your head allow the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and significantly relieve the spine. This adds the effect of pulling. Similar effects have and pull the horizontal block.
  6. Exercise your arms and shoulders generally can be done without restrictions, except those, which are accompanied by pronounced axial load (i.e. barbell presses, deadlift CANNOT be set!)
  7. of the exercises with dumbbells can be useful Mahi with dumbbells to the side or above, but only in a reclining position or lying down.
  8. Sessions on stationary bikes. It is advisable to use special modifications to the bikes, where a person is in a half upright position. While actively working the muscles of the legs and pelvis.

What exercise equipment you can use

rowing machine effectively strengthens the muscles of the back case of intervertebral hernia

rowing machine effectively strengthen the muscles of the back and are safe when intervertebral hernia

exercise Equipment for strengthening muscles used by people with diseases of the spine, need to have special supports, an inclined bench, adjustable load. They are classified into several types depending on the mechanism of action:

  • Trainer for strengthening the back muscles with hyperextension ("twist", row) permit from lesson to lesson, increasing the load on skeletal muscles and to gradually increase its tone;
  • Vibration model have monotonic pressure on the skin. Dosed vibration accelerates the recovery processes of tissues and organs at different levels of the vertebral column.

Special attention deserves the couch "Gravitron", which appeared recently on the market. It is autogravitation device. Its regular use helps to significantly extend the vertebral column and prevent the terrible disease of the spine (sciatica, lumbago, low back pain). The couch is one of the most effective means to strengthen back muscles, if it is used when performing exercises.

Bodybuilding and herniated disk

If you want to bodybuilding, pay attention to the prevention of intervertebral hernias because in case they arise in a sporting career have to put the cross. Many professional athletes have left the profession just because of the fact that I didn't pay attention to proper technique with the load on the spine.

free weights to strengthen the muscles of bodybuilding when you should be applied with caution. The load increased gradually from lesson to lesson, but not through pain. The first task is treatment of diseases of the spinal column. Build muscle mass again.

  1. Always check the position of the body when performing deadlifts, squats and lifting a barbell;
  2. With increased load on the vertebral column strain the abdominal muscles – this way you will partially redistribute the load;
  3. Straining of the lumbar muscles when performing these exercises, you imprint the spine and limit the hypermobility of the vertebrae.

what you need to know every

You must always remember that movement is life. Physical inactivity is one of the reasons for the development of intervertebral hernias, so you need to lead an active lifestyle – moderate exercise, a daily walk, use professional trainers to strengthen the muscles of the back.

But do not rush from one extreme to another – try, as quickly as possible to achieve cure of the pathology of the spinal column can be a "disservice". After all, excessive stress also can lead to a herniated disc. Therefore, you should look for a middle ground to be healthy and find opportunities for sports activities.

Any excessive loads on the spine are the precipitating factor for the development ofintervertebral hernia. Especially dangerous in this plan of exercise, involving an axial load on the spine when the force vector is directed from the head to the pelvis.

Physical exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back (including sports equipment) are held only during the period of stable remission. Training program to better plan together with an experienced doctor. Pain is a reason to limit exercise intensity or to completely abandon them.