The symptoms and treatment of myositis of the chest on the right and left

Myositis of the chest on the right is a pathological condition and is characterized by inflammatory processes in the chest. with the Disease is caused by many reasons, therefore, for the treatment of the disease should identify the factors leading to the emergence of myositis.

Symptoms of myositis of the chest

what causes disease?

Myositis of the thoracic cage is a complex process. You should be familiar with the principles of this body part, in order to understand the inflammatory processes. Muscles are constantly involved in the implementation of the respiratory function, so their work does not stop for a minute. Sometimes the muscles can relax, or period of calm alternated, as in the case of biceps and triceps.

However, this does not apply to muscles that are involved in maintaining the body in an upright position. They cannot lie dormant, some beams rest, but in General involves and cannot be relaxed for a few hours. The muscles that help in breathing, is always operating. Therefore, the disease easily develops on the background of others. It can be rheumatism, sore throat, complications resulting from influenza. Infections of a parasitic type also adversely affect the state of the field, therefore, the defeat of the plot of Echinococcus, Trichinella leads to myositis.

The Negative impact of toxins that contribute to the lesion site. An important prerequisite for the development of the condition is stress the muscles or the entire group. Most often this is due to the peculiarities of people. This affects musicians, typists, drivers and computer operators. The reasons should include diseases of the autoimmune type.

Palpation for the diagnosis of myositis

Symptoms and diagnosis

Often a pathological condition characterized by pain in the muscles of the chest. The doctor can detect abnormalities in a patient observed incorrect movement. In the future, the symptoms only increase, appear complaints of fatigue and weakness, pain, of a minor nature, muscle spasms occur. In the morning the patient is experiencing the pain of a bursting character, formed the numbness.

This condition requires the cessation of all kinds of activities. Otherwise there are more severe symptoms. Pain worse, and if you press on the sore muscle, increased discomfort, often pain radiating. Diagnosis is carried out on the previously mentioned characteristics and the results of palpation. To do this, a survey of small and big pectoral muscles on the right, resulting in the detected density and the tension.

At the next stage the symptoms change. On palpation the muscles are weak and flabby, uneven texture. Some of the beams are in a state of spasm, while others are relaxed, which creates a sense of unevenness in the survey. Is not excluded the appearance of edema, swelling, redness. It shows the development of the disease and the transition into a purulent form.

Bed rest in myositis

In Addition to palpation requires differential diagnosis with diseases of the internal type, neuritis and arthritis. And although palpation of the collected data is sufficient, differential diagnosis is needed.

diagnosis is done clinically, palpation data and present symptoms. In addition, a special examination, which allows to determine the degree of muscle destruction and the potentials of atrial. Detection by time analysis of blood eosinophils suggests that in the body there is a parasitic infection. Therefore, the patient needs to undergo x-rays.

How to treat the patient?

Elimination of myositis is a complex process. You need to immediately seek medical help to avoid other diseases and development of disease. With regard to activities aimed at treatment, the patient is assigned rest and bed rest. An important component of treatment – a special diet that involves eating fruits, vegetables, cereals, vitamins C and B. banned fatty and spicy foods, wine and spirits.

the Prohibition of alcohol in myositis

Further procedures are performed depending on the type and causes of myositis. So, in parasitic form is used anthelmintic method of treatment, when bacterial – antibiotics. When it comes to the purulent type, requires the intervention of the surgeon. He opens the abscess, washes the wound and the drainage. To eliminate autoimmune forms of corticosteroids are used.

Note that in all cases of extracorporeal detoxification, including plasmapheresis and tifferes. In addition, it is required to facilitate the patient's condition with pain medication and drinking plenty of water. It is useful that the IV drip of saline. In addition to these fundsused Diclofenac, Ketonal, Meloxicam and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs type. To improve the circulation therapy is applied. In this case, using Pentoxifylline and Trental. However, such funds are not assigned in the purulent form of the disease due to contraindications.

At the final stage, apply heat ointments, for example, Apizartron, Finalgon and Nikofleks. However, they have contraindications, eliminating the use of ointments and acute purulent processes. In addition, the attending doctor prescribes massage, and ultraviolet irradiation.

Thus, the development of the disease can be caused by ingestion of infection and overexertion of the muscles.

You want to seek medical help and not try to eliminate the symptoms alone. The doctor will choose the method of treatment and prescribe the right treatments.