Types, causes, symptoms and treatment of myositis of the neck muscles in adults and children

Many people quite often during the day feel pain in the cervical region. This can be an alarming bell for the development of such diseases as myositis of the neck muscles. This illness – not that other, as the inflammation in the muscles of the neck, accompanied by a very unpleasant pain and General weakness of man. When people say that they have a sore neck, it should be understood that it is inflamed muscles in the neck, which are attached to the human skeleton.

Myositis in the muscles of the neck

causes of disease in adults and children

Cervical myositis affects not only the adult population, it is very often met in children. The causes of the disease the child has, in General, coincide with the causes of disease in an adult. The main ones include:

  • hypothermia, such as prolonged exposure to drafts
  • strain the neck muscles during sports activities, for example while swimming
  • incorrect position of the cervical spine during a long stay in one position, for example when sitting at the computer;
  • other injuries that can occur when sudden head movement, for instance, by tilting or bending.

the Flu as a cause of myositis in the muscles of the neck

Symptoms pathology

Quite often myositis of the neck can develop after a viral respiratory infections, flu, sore throat. Specialists have convincingly demonstrated that the reasons for developing this disease are correlated with human presence in stressful situations. This is not surprising because the stresses are forced to decrease muscle fibers, so frequent and involuntary contractions may provoke spasms and inflammation.

Common symptoms of this disease are identical to most people:

  • pain in the cervical spine is of a pulsating character, often can give a whiskey or in the shoulder Department;
  • sharp turns of the head is difficult or impossible;
  • muscle fibers are markedly condensed, during the manual examination occurs aching pain;
  • the pain does not go even after a long sleep and when he is almost immovable.

youth myositis of the neck muscles makes itself felt after a night's sleep, especially when the head was taken the wrong position on the pillow. In some cases, patients complain that the pain makes itself felt not only in the neck, but even in the arms, causes increased weakness and fatigue, which, in turn, interferes with focus and properly organize their daily activities. This is not surprising because constantly clenched muscles interfere with the normal channel of blood to the brain. To a certain extent you can say that cervical myositis is a social disease that can negatively affect the academic career of a person, especially if the activity requires finding the body in a constant posture: drivers, office workers, operators, PC, etc.

Superficial muscles of the neck

Types of myositis of the neck muscles

Doctors are divided cervical myositis acute and chronic. You might guess that is constantly ignored by patients signs of acute myositis can lead to chronic course of the disease.

The prevalence of myositis is divided into localized and diffuse. Quite often this disease captures the entire muscle group, in this case the doctors are talking about polymyositis. The appearance on the neck skin eye-catching reddish spots are symptoms of dermatomyositis, neyromiozit simultaneously affects the muscles and nerve fibers.

Sometimes people confuse osteochondrosis of the neck with myositis. When degenerative disc disease discomfort occur after heavy physical work. Myositis of the neck makes itself felt a few hours after the impact of any negative factors or after sleep. For myositis also characterized by asymmetric pain: they are always stronger with one hand, the degree may increase with weather changes or physical activities. Sometimes this disease can affect the muscles of the larynx, esophagus, pharynx. In a patient having certain problems with breathing and swallowing food. For purulent forms of myositis characterized and the increase in body temperature, frequent nausea and vomiting, redness of the face due to the blood flow, in the seals accumulated pus. Dermatomyositis under the skin accumulate calcium salts. In addition, in this form of the disease the muscles of the neck for a long time become loose.

General weakness in myositis neck

treatment Methods

This disease responds well to treatment, but only if it is carried out by a qualified technician, and only after carefully conducted tests. To treat myositis yourself is strictly not recommended, as without proper research the common man hardto determine the shape and the root cause of the occurrence.

Any treatment strategy determines proper diagnosis. If you suspect suppurative myositis, the patient is sent for bacterial culture and total blood. Neyromiozit diagnosed using electromyography. For General diagnostic use radiography, to verify the diagnosis of "polymyositis" is used electrocardiogram and General blood analysis. In some very advanced cases, and biopsy tissue. This is the only way to identify the underlying causes of illness and to prescribe adequate treatment. We must remember that, postponing the visit to the doctors (the therapist, the neuropathologist, in some cases the surgeon), the person at risk of Contracting a chronic form of myositis.

to consult a doctor in myositis of the neck muscles

General treatment strategies of this disease is the need for the relief of inflammatory processes, improve the nutrition of muscle fibers and compensation of electrolyte disturbances. It should be remembered that patients with myositis need to rest, in some cases, bed rest during the day, as without it is simply impossible to achieve relaxation in the neck and force muscles to "recover", which, in turn, is very important to achieve a positive effect.

whatever the causes of the disease, patients compulsorily appointed analgesic drugs like "Nimesulide, Metamizol", etc. If a person suffers very severe pain, experts prescribe procaine blockade. If the disease is accompanied by fever, high fever can be prescribed medicine for fever.

For further stage of treatment are assigned non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their group includes "Diclofenac", "Indomethacin" and "Ibuprofen", "Movalis", etc. The Above mentioned medications lead to minimal impact on other internal organs.

ointment for the treatment of myositis of the neck muscles

A common cause of myositis, and may become parasites. To neutralize their negative impact administered de-worming therapy. Infectious form responds well to treatment with antibiotics type "Gentamicin", "Sumamed". If a person was diagnosed with purulent form, the wound is compulsorily opened and treated with antiseptic drugs.

From other forms of treatment good effect and give supporting procedures, among which an important place is occupied warming ointment, compresses, electrical stimulation and exercise therapy.

Among these medications are popular "Viprosal", "Finalgon", "Menovazin", "Sanitas", heparin, turpentine ointment, etc. The Use of such drugs can improve blood flow, the metabolism, which, in turn, improves the nutrition of the muscular tissues, reduces muscle tension, reduces inflammation and better displays the body of various metabolic products.

It Should be noted that in the treatment of children experts do not recommend the use of ointments that contain snake or bee venom. Suitable ointment, the composition of which camphor, menthol, turpentine oil. Ointments of type "Mentholatum Balme" can be used in the treatment of children older than 3 years. But even these creams can cause an Allergy in the child in each case. Ointment with the active active ingredient "Ketoprofen", for example "Fastum gel", can be used for children less than 12 years, and type ointment "Finalgon" – over 14 years of age.

Fastum gel for the treatment of myositis of the neck muscles

Therapeutic tactics in children

The Main goal of therapy of any pathology – eliminating its causes. Therefore, it is often used for treating childhood myositis is applied nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug "Ibufen Junior". It is a suspension with dispenser and is taken internally three times daily after meals. The dose is determined by the doctor individually, based on body mass of children and their age. The drug is not suitable if your child has an Allergy to aspirin or have problems with the digestive tract. When you assign this type of treatment adults still need to be very careful because of possible side effects and allergic reactions such as headaches, sleep disorders, nausea or vomiting.

Patients with this disease are prescribed and massage the cervical spine, and special therapeutic exercises. These exercises are designed to prepare sore muscles for future physical stress and remove pain. To this type of treatment also include acupuncture and Spa treatment in special medical institutions.

Massage in myositis of the neck muscles

green pharmacy

In Addition to conservative medical treatment, can and should be applied and folk. For example, a good warming ointment that is not difficult to prepare at home. For its preparation it is necessary to melt 200 grams of unsalted pork fat and grind into powder 50 g of dry horsetail herb. This herb is poured in melted fat and well mixed. When the mixture has cooled, it's put into a container made of dark glass and put in the fridge. Since this ointment spoils quickly, it is not recommended to prepare large quantities at once.The ointment is applied to affected area, let her soak. You can then make a gentle massage, which helps to eliminate the blood stagnation. Folk healers recommended to treat myositis with salt or cereal (semolina, wheat), which hold heat for a long time. Pouch of natural fabric with preheated salt or barley should be applied to the sore spot.

the Use of honey in myositis of the neck muscles

To Fight inflammation in muscles and helps drink from 9% Apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp of natural honey. They get divorced in a glass of boiled water. To drink this drink twice a day.

To Cope with severe pain will help and regular cabbage. We need to take 2 relatively large cabbage leaves, rolled them with a rolling pin to soften, then soaping them children's soap, and the top is lightly sprinkled with baking soda. These sheets to put on the shoulders, and the top is wrapped in something warm, such as a feather shawl, and lay down in bed. After a while the pain starts to go away.

Preventive measures

During the treatment of myositis doctors recommend more to eat oat, rye and wheat cereals, dairy products, chicken liver, vegetables and apples. But the smoked, spicy, salty foods and alcohol, should be deleted. Should drink at least 2 liters of liquids per day, preferring herbal teas, broth hips and natural unsweetened juices.

Among the preventive measures to prevent the development of various forms of myositis must be distinguished:

  • dress for the weather and to prevent hypothermia;
  • keep your feet warm
  • to conceal the neck in cold weather;
  • not to start an infectious disease and not to carry them on his feet;
  • in sedentary work at least once in 2 hours to do small exercises for the neck muscles, for example light circular movements of the head.
  • to regularly give yourself some gentle exercise.

Adults need to follow the correct posture of the child, that children are during cooking lessons every 35-45 minutes did regular warm-up and not sitting all the time in the same position. To strengthen children's muscles promotes outdoor activities and outdoor games. The main thing – not to allow them after the excited child was going through the drafts.