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Bedsores: causes, clinical symptoms, current treatments

Bedsores on the tailbone: causes, treatment, prevention

The Doctors called a bedsore death of soft tissues (muscles, subcutaneous fat and skin) as a result of violations of blood circulation, innervation and lymphatic movement when read more...

Stages of occurrence and development of pressure sores, their symptoms, treatment and prevention

Stage pressure sores are significantly different from each other. However, they share the fact that they are hard to cure. Much easier and more effective to carry out preventive read more...

Factors leading to the formation of pressure ulcers, their favorite places and stages of development

Factors leading to the formation of pressure ulcers can vary. This is a particular problem for bedridden patients and those who cannot move. Addressed specific causes and places of read more...

Bedsores on the sacrum: treatment, symptoms, treatment

decubitus ulcer of the sacrum is formed when a person is a long time in a fixed position. When lack of motion stagnates the blood, tissues do not receive read more...

Treatment of pressure ulcers on the coccyx: methods of traditional medicine and folk remedies

Relatives of seriously ill people are constantly concerned about: how to apply the treatment of bedsores on the tailbone, so the native people became easier. Most often in bedridden read more...

Treatment of pressure ulcers in the home folk remedies

When the house is sick, in this case, you need to know about treatment of pressure ulcers in the home folk remedies. When the skin is damaged due to read more...

Effective ointment for treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients: names, how to lubricate

Ointment bed sores for bedridden patients is an important element of prevention or treatment of very serious problems. Bedsores are not that other, as the damaged areas of human read more...

Treatment of pressure ulcers in bedridden at home: technique how to handle

How is the treatment of bedsores? This question bothers many, and not only those who are directly faced with this problem, but also those who care for the sick. read more...

Bedsores in bedridden and elderly patients: treatment at home, causes, types, ICD-10

Pressure Ulcers occur in people who have previously suffered from some kinds of diseases. Bedsores, the treatment of which depends on the degree of manifestation of the disease, not read more...

Better treat bedsores in bedridden patients: the most effective means

Pressure Ulcers in bedridden patients, than to cure this problem, because it can cause very serious complications? Pressure ulcers occur in bedridden people due to the fact that they read more...

How to treat sores on buttocks: causes, symptoms, remedies, prevention

The Question of how to treat bed sores on the buttocks, worries many who are faced with this. Because the problem requires not only medical treatment, but correct home read more...