What are effective means to treat decubitus in bedridden patients?

Pressure Ulcers in bedridden patients, than to cure this problem, because it can cause very serious complications? Pressure ulcers occur in bedridden people due to the fact that they do not move, their bodies too weak, and the skin does not receive the necessary care.

the Problem of pressure sores

Why are there sores?

Most Often the sores are formed in those parts of the body where bones protrude, or where a significant mass of the human body presses on a small area of skin, which leads to poor circulation. Bedsores in bedridden patients arise from the fact that terminated the nutrition of tissues and they gradually begin to die. This condition can prevent the subcutaneous fat, which is present in every person, but at lying he will eventually become thinner and will no longer perform this function.

In addition, severe pressure sores occur on those parts of the body, which a little contact with some surface. If the sick person is constantly lying on their back, pressure sores, over time, begin to form on the blades, heels, elbows, sacrum. If a person lies on the abdomen, this problem occurs on the pubic hair, on the cheeks and in the area of the Ilium. While lying on the side of the tissue begin to die on the thighs, ankles and the side of the knee.

overweight is the cause of sores

How many practice shows, the sores in most cases occur in older people whose body is more exhausted. Also affect the development of the problem of excess weight or that the person is too thin. Among the factors that cause pressure ulcers include:

  • diabetes;
  • heart problems
  • defecation and urination, which the patient cannot control;
  • poor diet of a sick person.

Sometimes the sores may occur after a few days, and so you need to inspect the parts of the body where they most often occur. If there is a similar problem, you should immediately begin treatment.

Stages of pathology development

If the person is conscious and has not lost its sensitivity, even before he began to develop a bedsore, the patient may complain of numbness in a particular part of the body, and a tingling sensation in this area. Bedsores have four stages of development.

Redness is the first stage of bedsores

The First stage. The skin becomes red and the redness eventually fades. There may be the presence of the seal. In some cases there is swelling, but the integrity of the skin is absolutely not broken. To treat bedsores at this stage of development by using a special antibacterial and wound-healing medicines.

The Second stage. On the skin you will notice a strong compaction, erosion and sloughing, is a violation of integrity. Then the process begins to spread to the subcutaneous tissue. At this stage to treat the problem more complicated, but very real.

The Third stage. Damage deeper layers of soft tissue, resulting in necrosis and complete death. In some cases, wounds can start to stand out liquid. The third stage is treated of course, but the result of this treatment is not always as expected.

hydrogen Peroxide to treat bed sores

The Fourth stage. Damage is very strong, occurs necrotic changes of soft tissue in the cavities you can see the tendons and even bones. Stage IV bed sores are very dangerous because they can cause severe intoxication or blood poisoning. Although pressure ulcers are considered to be dangerous at any stage of development and it is better to prevent their occurrence.

treatments and drugs

A method for the treatment and the drugs are chosen depending on what stage of development the problems and the severity of the patient is observed supine. Talk about a rough degree, it is not treated with conservative method, only an operation will help. The basis of treatment are actions aimed at restoring full blood circulation in damaged areas of the body are removed with necrotic mass, and the wound heals. So, there are several treatment options for problems:

  • whatever stage you need to do everything possible to prevent the issue continued to progress;
  • in any case, you cannot use deaf bandages or ointments softening type, which will not allow the oxygen flow in the tissue;
  • if during the development of dry necrosis to apply a wet bandage, we begin to experience oozing sores and soft tissue damage a few times faster and die;
  • if there is oozing wound with pus, it is necessary to apply antibacterial ointment or another anti-bacterial remedy for bedsores;
  • be sure there is an additional antibacterialtherapy, during which take into account the sensitivity of microflora and dangerous individual characteristics.

ointment for the treatment of pressure ulcers

When there is the first stage of development of a bedsore, you need to turn a patient every two hours, and even more often. In addition, it is very important to eliminate constant pressure on the skin or make it minimal. With this, you can use special rubber circles, mattresses or pillows. At the same time need to use medication against the sores, which will not let the problem develop further.

When there is a second stage, we need to use a tool from bedsores that would help the skin recover faster. If the inflammatory process is clearly defined, and the sore continues to develop, it will be prudent use of antibacterial agents. Quite often you need to clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide, using scissors the damaged area is cleaned of epithelium, which has already managed to die. After examination of the patient by a specialist on the sores can be applied special bandages-antiseptics.

The Third stage of bedsores is necessary to treat with surgery. It is very important to cleanse the wound of pus and necrosed mass. Don't count on the fact that the body will reject tissue independently, since in this case, the lesion starts to move to the neighbouring tissues and parts of the body. After the surgeon removed the necrosed portions and pus, are appointed for the treatment of pressure ulcers and therapy. In this case, using various kinds of antiseptic agents, antibacterial drugs, this provides cleansing of pressure ulcers.

flax Seeds to treat sores

The Fourth stage is the most dangerous to human life, after all . In this case the defeat of the joints, bones, muscles, tendons. In this case, the only treatment is excision of the dead tissue, then there is the detachable absorption. It is very important to do everything possible to the ulcer during the healing process dry.

traditional medicine

Folk remedies for the treatment of pressure ulcers show a good result, and so they may well be used in practice. The most effective ways of treatment of pressure ulcers consider the following.

If the wound is moist, it can be a little dry using potato starch, the tool is much better than the powder, because not form crusts, and the skin can breathe normally.

Under the places where they are formed bedsores need to put a pillowcase of small size, which is pre-filled with flax seeds or millet.

In a water bath melt the beeswax, add a bit of refined olive or plain vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly, will produce a rather soft mass, which in appearance resemble vaseline. The place where begin to arise bedsores lubricate the tool.

At night, the damaged areas need to put a bandage soaked in the juice of Kalanchoe or even an entire sheet, which is cut along.

The Problem in the first and second stages of development a couple times a day wipe fir, sea buckthorn or tea tree oil.

Fir oil for the treatment of pressure sores

Prepare a fresh elderberry leaves, then scald them with boiling water or hot milk. Such leaves are applied to sores twice a day.

In order to handle the wound, you can cook the ointment of calendula at home. This means you need to treat the sores 2-3 times a day. To prepare this agent for treatment of leg ulcers need to take a tablespoon of pre-chopped calendula flowers and then carefully mix them with petroleum jelly (50g).

One of the effective ways

Before you start apply the ointment on the wound of the patient bedridden, it is necessary to wipe the damaged area of the sores with saline. In addition, you can wipe with alcohol and camphor. Some time ago in order to kill the microbes used different kind ionoobmennye means, but it is best to use a solution of camphor and alcohol, because they do not kill the cells, and do not reduce the ability of cells to resist pathogens.

As a means, which dries the wound well you can use a special powder – Xeroform. In addition, you can use the Balm of Shestakovo. These medications are the best and well dried weeping sores. If we talk about the Balm of Shestakovo, before it gets warm under hot water, then applied to the wound and above it is necessary to apply a sterile dressing of gauze.

Potato starch for the treatment of pressure sores

In order to tidy up the blood circulation in the affected area of the body and to nourish the soft tissue of oxygen you can use special ointment Actovegin. Very good analog to consider another medication Solcoseryl. Using these tools can significantly speed up the process of recovery and regeneration of affected areas of the skin and soft tissues. Quite often, specialists prescribe drugs on the basis of panthenol,Bepanten and D-panthenol that helps to recover the skin of the patient.

This is an Effective remedy to the problem – spray Olazol, which well treats the sores. It contains sea buckthorn oil, boric acid, benzocaine, chloramphenicol. Doctors recommend to use spray even when the wounds contained pus.

Of Course, these bedsores before applying the spray should be thoroughly washed with hydrogen peroxide and clean away the pus.

The Only drawback to the spray is that it stains things and linen, exactly the same as pure sea buckthorn oil.

How to properly care for bedridden patients?

There are special rules for care that is very important to observe, in order to avoid any problems, because all know how dangerous bed sores and that it may even lead to death.

The Skin of a reclining man must be kept at maximum cleanliness. However, it should not be too dry or wet. To achieve this you need from time to time to carry out an air bath.

When washing the person, not RUB the skin, do not use antibacterial soap. Use a soft sponge and soap is the simplest.

If the skin is too dried out, you should moisturize using baby oil.

In that case, if the skin is very wet, immediately dry it using a solution of potassium permanganate, zinc ointment, or of brilliant green. Zinc ointment can be used only on the first stage of the formation of bedsores.

If you notice redness, you should immediately do massage using a dry towel or a Terry mitten. To do massage you need to the damaged areas of the skin were not affected.

In that case, if the patient supine person is very highly distinguished sweat or increased body temperature, instead of water, use a weak solution of vinegar and obturate patient.

Pressure Ulcers are a serious problem, the formation of which in any case should not be allowed, because in this way not only faster, weakens the human body, but also due to tissue necrosis it is poisoning. All of this can cause numerous health problems and the person may even die.