Home / Diseases of the soft tissues of the back: causes, diagnosis, methods of therapy / Talking about a lump (swelling, edema, tumor) in the sacrum

Talking about a lump (swelling, edema, tumor) in the sacrum

A Lump on the rump is formed not only in injuries of the lumbosacral spine. Although the cause of pathology most often. Inflammation of bone tissue caused by the irritation of the soft tissues. If it continues for a long time, then in place of dead tissues grow rough connective tissue fibers. In such a situation on the skin there is swelling or edema.

Inflammation of the sacrum occurs in infectious causes and circulatory disorders of the spine. Very often the disease is accompanied by pelvic pathology in women. When the bacteria penetrate into the sacrum and the coccyx due to the formation of sinus tracts.

inflammation of the sacrum


A Bump on the sacrum and coccyx revealed later. The delicacy of the problem hampers the timely treatment to the doctor. This is often due to swelling or edema in the sacral spine revealed accidentally in the study of the reproductive organs or kidneys.

Well, if the disease causes inflammation of the sacrum or trauma history. Sadly, when the patient has a tumor lumbosacral region. In such a situation because of late treatment to get rid of the pathology of radical anymore.

To understand the pathology, consider common causes of the disease:

  • Traumatic injuries. When struck in the lower back are not always visible symptoms. In fractures of the callus formation was observed from the 21st day. Later he discovers that he has a swollen sacrum or the coccyx.
  • Self-treatment inflammatory changes of the skin after trauma is not always ends in complete recovery. Amid the bleeding may form a hematoma. Over time around it grows connective tissue, there is a cosmetic defect, leading to neurological disorders.
  • soft tissue Abscess without treatment leads to the formation of an open fistula (freeplay between different bodies). Independently you detect it problematic, maybe it's only after the accumulation of significant amounts of inflammatory fluid.
  • Inflammatory changes in the tissues of the pelvis.
  • In newborns sometimes a tumor on the sacrum is evidence of a coccygeal stroke from behind the cleft of the anatomical structures of the lower spine.
  • Dermoid cyst – a rare cause of the disease. It occurs in people with an increased amount of body hair. One of inflamed hair follicles in the area of the sacrum is broken and forms a cavity formation. If left untreated, high risk of transformation to cancer.