The role of gymnastics and other non-pharmacological methods for sciatica

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica, sciatica) is a very common problem. If the neurologist gave you that diagnosis, he will prescribe complex treatment of sciatica, in which, in addition to drugs, can include non-pharmacological methods of treatment for sciatic nerve. These include: physiotherapy, massage, yoga and physiotherapy in sciatica. Although they are partially available for independent use at home, physician and determining the cause of sciatica be sure. A key role in the reduction of pain, prevention of relapse plays exercises case of sciatica, and yoga.

exercises sciatica


When you visit your doctor often prescribed thisprocedure the following:

  1. Magnetic therapy. Reduces pain, swelling and inflammation. Under the action of magnetic fields are the active recovery processes in the tissues around the sciatic nerve.
  2. Laser. Stops the pain, relieves swelling surrounding the nerve improves the blood flow in the capillaries, accelerates the metabolic processes in the tissues.
  3. UHF. Has a warming effect, thereby improving local blood flow, reducing pain and inflammatory changes around the nerve.
  4. Electrophoresis. This method allows to introduce drug directly into the tissue surrounding the nerve. Use of medications with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

An Indication to perform all of these techniques is pain along the sciatic nerve.

Contraindications for all types of thisprocedure are:

  • hypertensive disease stage III, hypertensive crisis, recent AMI and stroke;
  • epilepsy
  • blood disorders, especially disorders of coagulation;
  • cancer, TB, infectious diseases in acute period;
  • skin and allergic diseases (if rashes are located in the impact zone).


The Gymnastics required when sciatica during the acute phase and for relapse prevention, as exercise not only helps to relieve the pain, but also affects the cause – the pathology of the spine or muscle spasms. Exercises to do when sciatica it is necessary under the supervision of a specialist physical therapy (or at least the first few times), then you can move on to independent exercise at home.

exercises for sciatica

The Complex must be repeated daily, one day you can make two-three approaches. All exercises for sciatica need to do smoothly, without jerks, in order to avoid nerve irritation, muscle strain thigh and buttocks.

Contraindications to physical therapy:

  • aggravation and decompensation of chronic illness
  • purulent processes;
  • high body temperature
  • severe pain along the nerve.

Basic complex exercise therapy for sciatica

  1. Lying on back, hands behind your head. Raise your belly to the knee, hold. Straighten the leg, then do 8 repetitions for each leg.
  2. Sitting on the floor, place hands next to your buttocks. Bend and unbend your knees, sliding your feet on the floor. Repeat several times.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees, gradually push the pelvis up. Do 20 repetitions.
  4. Lower your knees alternately to the sides, holding for 5 seconds. Do several repetitions for each side.
  5. Lying on right side, left leg and arm a bit and lift up. Pull your left knee to the stomach, hold for a few seconds, straighten the leg. Do several repetitions, then turn on your left side.
  6. get down on your knees, hands clasp in the lock. Open hands at the sides, leaning back. Perform the exercise 15 times.
  7. while Lying on your stomach, extend your arms at the sides. Simultaneously raise legs and arms and slowly lower. Do 15 times.
  8. Lying on his stomach, uprites palms into the floor and push the pelvis upward, straightening the arms. Stay in this position for 20 seconds, get down on the floor and repeat 8 times.
  9. Sitting on the floor, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Crucifies body alternately in both directions, pausing for 3-5 seconds. Do 8 times.
  10. Based on the knees, and bend round the lower back smooth movements, do at least 7 reps.
  11. get down on your knees, stretch your hand to the opposite heel, change a hand. Make a few repetitions.
  12. get down on your knees, put one palm on the floor. The other arm straighten and pull upwards. Follow hand 15 circular movements, move away from your hand.
  13. Stand up straight, slightly lean forward, lowering straight arms. Smooth motion straighten up, slightly bend in the waist and lifting the chin. Do a few repetitions.

exercise therapy for sciatica

Asana of yoga

An Alternative exercise therapy for sciatica yoga can offer. With the right approach well yoga allows you to relax muscles.

For the prevention of acute sciatica can be recommended asanas of the following:

  1. Sitting on the floor, move your right foot over your left knee. The left hand stretch to the floor through the rightknee. Remain in the pose for about a minute, then do the other side.

turn sitting

  1. Sitting on the floor, slightly bend right leg. Put your left heel above the right knee. Gently pull your thigh to your chest. Lock this position for a couple of minutes, then repeat for the other leg.shoulder to the knee
  2. Make a wide step forward with your left foot, feet are adjacent to each other. Tilting the enclosure down, push right hand to left foot. Hold for several breaths, then do the other side.1 asana sciatica

Yoga helps not only to liberate strangulated sciatic nerve, but also contributes to overall relaxation, which is very important in sciatica. The exercises are quite simple, you will master them, even if yoga was not familiar before.

Massage for inflammation of the nerve

Can be used during the exacerbation, and a decrease in pain. Contraindications are the same as fiziolechenie.

Massage therapy for sciatica are doing in the lumbar region, buttocks, posterior thigh, leg and foot on the affected side. When severe pain massage movements are very light, stroking so as not to irritate the nerve. When the pain subsides, you can move on to more intense massage of the area where the sciatic nerve passes.

Technique of cupping massage

Lubricating massage oil, baby cream the lumbar region and buttock. To prepare the Bank for the massage: to set fire to a match and make a flame inside to create a vacuum. Ready jar tightly pressed to the skin of the lower back where it hurts, slowly to lead the Bank over the skin, moving in a spiral. Thus massage the lumbar region and buttock pain on the side about 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily until the disappearance of pain.