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Causes, symptoms and treatment of compression syndrome of the spine

The Term "compression syndrome" comes from the Latin "compression", which means hug, staving, compression, pressure. The disease occurs for a variety of reasons: bleeding in the brain and spinal cord, impairing the nerve roots, intervertebral hernia, increased intracranial pressure, swelling of brain tissue.

Treatment of disease depends on the cause. The effectiveness of therapy is determined not only etiological factor but the specific pathological changes. Clinical symptoms of the disease are variable, therefore, to identify among them specific features of compression of the nerve fibers is not always possible.

compression syndrome on the x-ray

Factors of development of compressive-radicular syndrome

compression-radicular syndrome

Compression-radicular syndrome is always a result of primary pathology. The disease is not considered to be independent, which has implications for treatment.

What causes compression syndrome:

  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the vertebral column. Low back pain (reduction of height of intervertebral discs), spondylosis, deposition of calcium salts into the ligaments of the spine (Bekhterev's disease) – can cause entrapment of spinal nerves emerging from the spinal cord through the vertebral foramen. Such diseases are the most common cause of compressive-radicular syndrome;
  • herniated Intervertebral provokes not only the compression of the nerves, but the spinal cord compression. If any one feels intense pain that persists anti-inflammatory drugs. The majority of patients helps novocaine blockade (injection of anesthetic directly into the spinal canal), but it can be done no more than 3 times a year;
  • Spondylolisthesis – displacement of one vertebra. The disease is accompanied by a sharp "blow" in the lumbar region. To cure it, surgery is needed to stabilize the displaced segment of the spine;
  • Komissionno-vertebral compression with a persistent flow is observed when spondylarthrosis. The disease is accompanied by lesion of the facet joints of the spinal column. Because of this tapering the space of vertebrate slits, through which the nerve root;
  • Osteoporosis (calcium deficiency of the bone tissue) results in decreased height of the vertebrae. This reduces the height of the intervertebral segment and the disc is not getting enough nutrients. Gradually developing protrusion and hernia that cause compression and pain in the back;
  • Compression-spinal symptom spinal cord tumor occurs due to the narrowing of the spinal cord;
  • In spondylosis in vertebral openings can be directed bony outgrowths (osteophytes).

The Above causes pathology are the most common. However, there are other etiological factors of disease. To identify doctors perform radiographic and magnetic resonance study.

Characteristic symptoms

Compression-radicular syndromes of vertebral and accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Paresthesias (sensory disturbances of the limbs, feeling of "pins and needles") are accompanied by that person during the night not feeling the limbs due to congestive changes. Without treatment over time lost skin sensitivity
  • Spontaneous pain is a typical symptom of compression-radicular syndrome. They may be aching or sharp. Lumbago ("cross") the person cannot straighten his back because the slightest movement causes an aggravation of pain;
  • most of the people appear gipestesia (areas of decreased sensitivity) and hypalgesia (areas with absence of pain from the action of sharp objects). If these problems appear in the later stages of the pathology, clearly expressed the extent of the disease;
  • movement disorders with compression-vertebral syndrome may range from mild twitching of individual muscle fibers to a complete restriction of mobility of the limbs.

Despite the severity of the clinical symptoms of the disease on early stages does not manifest itself acute. As a consequence, the disease is rarely detected immediately after the occurrence, which complicates its treatment


the nerve roots that pass through the spine

To Treat compression-radicular disorders should health methods. Folk remedies permitted only in conjunction with pharmaceutical drugs and only after consultation with your doctor.

The Methods of Tibetan medicine in the treatment of compression syndrome don't bring relief, if the cause of the disease is intervertebral hernia and injury the vertebrae.

The Methods of treatment of compression-radicular disorders:

  • Procedures to enhance circulation and lymph flow in the spine;
  • Massageprocedures;
  • Underwater
  • Manual therapy
  • stone Therapy
  • Darsonvalization;
  • Electrophoresis with diprospana;
  • Acupuncture
  • Magnetic stimulation.

In combination with the above methods, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and treating secondary diseases.

Compression-vertebral (spinal, radicular) syndrome is a disease, which without adequate treatment will result in disability. It requires careful diagnosis and skilled treatment. Don't think you can cure the disease in the home folk remedies! Will only worsen the course of disease.