The symptoms and treatment of intercostal neuralgia on the right

If a person has had intercostal neuralgia, the symptoms are few right. This pathological condition occurs due to compression and irritation of the intercostal nerves. Algia in Latin means “pain”, and the thorax is the “thoracic cage”. The literal translation is “pain in chest”. Torakalgiya is a clinical syndrome, not a specific disease. What are the etiology, clinical features and treatment of intercostal neuralgia?

Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia

Features intercostal neuralgia

The Chest of a person is formed by the sternum, spine and ribs. The ribs are nerves. A total of 12 pairs. They are left and right. They start from the thoracic. Those nerves, which are located in the lower part of the thorax, lying close to the upper part of the abdomen. That is when inflammation of the intercostal nerves pain may also occur in the upper abdomen. Intercostal nerves are located very difficult. They include plenty of fibers. Isolated sensory, motor and autonomic fibers. First Innervate the skin. Motor fibers involved directly in the reduction of respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm. Autonomic fibers responsible for the tone of blood vessels, the glands in the skin of the breast.

The Clinical manifestations of neuralgia will depend on the site of a nerve lesion. Often all become inflamed fiber, which explains the varied symptoms. The disease increasingly occurs in adults. Increasingly intercostal neuralgia is diagnosed in young people. It is important that the right pain syndrome associated with lesions of the intercostal nerves can be mistaken for another disease. In this situation it is very important to make a differential diagnosis and examine a patient.

Trauma is the cause of intercostal thoracalgia

Etiological factors

The causes of intercostal thoracalgia different. The main etiological factors of thoracalgia right are:

  • mechanical damage to the nerves in the area of the ribs;
  • broken ribs
  • increased muscle tone
  • the curvature of the spine;
  • slouch
  • nerve damage on the background of the tick-borne encephalitis
  • the presence of diseases of the spine (osteoporosis, displacement of the vertebrae, degenerative disc disease)
  • herniated discs
  • tumours
  • exposure to bacterial toxins;
  • intoxication with salts of heavy metals or drugs;
  • the presence of a herpetic infection;
  • malformation of the spine.

equally Important when inflammation of the nerves of the right side have different predisposing factors. These include lowering the resistance of the organism, alcoholism, stress, presence of endocrine pathology (diabetes or hyperthyroidism), diseases of the digestive tract (peptic ulcer, hepatitis, colitis), frequent colds and acute respiratory viral infections, metabolic disorders, occupational hazards (awkward working posture).

encephalitis - a cause of intercostal neuralgia

To Trigger the appearance of intercostal neuralgia can be severe cough, heavy physical activity. A role in the development of the pathology is played by atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, lack of vitamins. Neuralgia often occurs in women during menopause.

At school age neuralgia of the right may occur on the background of the incorrect posture. This causes inflammation of the nerves are the slouch, the presence or flat-concave back, round hump. Stoop characterized by the fact that thoracic spine protrudes out. The cause of pain may be a lesion of the ligaments. They are a large number of pain receptors.

Clinical manifestations

If a person is suffering from intercostal neuralgia, symptoms mainly on the right will be presented pain. Pain syndrome characterized by the following features:

  • have high intensity;
  • occurs suddenly;
  • increases with palpation of the ribs on the right;
  • is often combined with a violation of skin sensitivity in the affected area of the nerve;
  • is a stabbing or burning character;
  • may increase when you rotate your torso, coughing or sneezing;
  • can last hours.

pressure variation in intercostal neuralgia

The Pain is felt along the nerve. It is important that pain on the right side is less common than from the left. In the latter case, the neuralgia can be easily confused with angina pectoris or even infarct. Often the pain in neuralgia is paroxysmal. It makes breathing difficult. People can't take a deep breath. Symptoms may be aggravated with pressure on certain parts in the skin of the back or spine. The pain of intercostal neuralgia mayto radiate to the right scapular region (if affected nerve fibres from the right side). If a doctor can detect the injury of the nerve in the intercostal space, in this area you can identify numbness (loss of sensation).

other symptoms

The Pain is the only symptom of neuralgia. Other possible signs include:

  • redness or blanching of the skin in the affected area;
  • autonomic disturbances (excess sweating)
  • blood pressure changes
  • muscle contraction
  • violation of sensitivity of skin;
  • irritability
  • sleep disturbance.

Sick people with the appearance of the pain syndrome often accept the compelled position of the body. While the body is bent in a healthy way. If the pain is localized to the right, torso tilted slightly to the left. This position provides an increase in intercostal spaces, and the decrease compression of nerves and pain itself.

excessive sweating is a symptom of intercostal neuralgia


Directly before the treatment, the doctor must put the correct diagnosis. This requires examination of the patient. Diagnosis of neuralgia includes:

  • medical history;
  • palpation of the affected area (chest)
  • instrumental examination.

In the latter case may require x-ray examinations of the spine and thorax, MRI or CT, electroneurogram. If the pain is not localized to the right and to the left, you want to exclude heart diseases (heart attack and angina). With this aim is the ECG. Intercostal neuralgia may be of infectious nature, so you might need a blood test for antibodies to the herpes virus. General analysis of blood and urine, it is advisable to do, if the pain affects the lumbar region.

Of Great importance in the differential diagnosis. The physician must exclude the following diseases: pleurisy, pneumonia, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, peptic ulcer disease, hepatitis. Pain with right-sided pneumonia most often occurs in the development of pleurisy. When pleurisy pain sharp, localized on the affected side. The pain becomes stronger when coughing, the inhalation of air. An important distinguishing feature of pain with pleurisy is that it decreases as the inclination of a person towards the healthy side (left). In addition, when possible pleurisy fever, cough with sputum, shortness of breath.

shortness of Breath with intercostal neuralgia


Treatments for intercostal neuralgia on the right should be aimed at eliminating the main aetiological factor. If the reason lies in the back pain, the doctor may prescribe analgesics, protective agents, exercise therapy, physiotherapy. If the cause of neuralgia became an intervertebral hernia, may require surgical intervention. In severe cases is the stretching of the spine. If the neuralgia has evolved on the background of viral infection (herpes), the treatment involves the use of antiviral drugs. In addition, immunomodulators are appointed and sedatives.

With the development of acute pain right side treatment should include bed rest, applying hot compresses, intake of NSAIDs (Indomethacin, Voltaren), physiotherapy.

Pain relievers can be used in the form of tablets, or drugs are administered by injection. In marked muscle spasm in the treatment regimen should include muscle relaxants. These include Baclofen, Sirdalud. To improve circulation you can apply Apizatron. To improve nutrition of the affected nerves is assigned the B vitamins (Combilipen).

To ensure normal sleep and sedation of the patient is advisable to use drugs such as Depron and Gelarium.

Of great importance in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia is physical therapy. Often used UHF, iontophoresis, acupuncture, magnetotherapy. Along with the General treatment can be prescribed drugs for local application (gels, ointments). They relax the muscles, eliminate pain, improve blood circulation. In the presence of space-occupying lesions, surgical treatment. Treatment for neuralgia is selected by the doctor (neurologist).


Neuralgia is easier to prevent than to treat. The prevention of this condition includes:

  • maintain active (movable) lifestyle;
  • prevention of herpes infection;
  • proper nutrition
  • cessation of Smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • exercise.

Great importance is the maintenance of normal posture and the condition of the spine. This should be done from childhood. Thus, the main symptom of intercostal neuralgia is pain. When it appears you do not need to self-medicate, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe examination and adequate treatment. The prognosis of neuralgia is favorable.