What is paresthesia of the body and limbs, what are their causes, diagnosis, and treatment?

Paresthesia of the lower limbs – what is it? This issue is of concern to patients with this problem. Paresthesia is numbness of various body parts, most often the extremities, may also appear on the face, tongue, lips. It is the result of irritation or damage to nerve fibers. This may feel a tingling numb parts, the so-called "goosebumps". Pain this person feels. This phenomenon may be temporary or permanent. Temporary paresthesia with no health risks no. Paresthesia is not an independent disease, but a symptom of any pathology.

Symptoms paresthesia of the lower extremities


The Symptoms may be the following:

  1. numbness, tingling, "pins and needles". Usually paresthesia of hands and feet, face, neck, tongue.
  2. In this disease can be such symptoms as pale skin, lowering the temperature.

Paresthesia of the fingers. Sometimes the person feels tingling in the fingers – who will pay attention to this little nuisance? However, this symptom may indicate the presence of any disease, so you can't miss this signal by attention. Numbness and tingling of fingers felt for sure everyone at least once in your life.

They appear when there is compression of the nerve endings. This may happen if, for example, a long time holding a weight or night clutching their own body weight. You just need to return the arm to its normal position, massaging the wrist, and fingers will regain their sensitivity. But if the discomfort in the fingers appear without any apparent reason, be wary – this may be one of the symptoms of the disease.

Trauma is the cause of paresthesia

Our hands and feet are in very close connection with the spine, and the problems in it, immediately affect the condition of the hands and feet.

Paresthesia of the fingers often appear in the following diseases:

  • entrapment of the nerve in the cervical spine;
  • spinal cord injury
  • spina bifida
  • degenerative disc disease
  • displacement of the vertebrae.

The Sensation of tingling in the fingers happens during a stroke. Paresthesia of the fingers of the left hand in combination with pain of the left half of the body is threatened by a heart attack and requires immediate medical attention.

Regular symptoms of paresthesia are athletes that lift weights. In such cases there is compression of the ulnar nerve, the so-called cubital syndrome. Paresthesia of the fingers often in people who do repetitive manual work. For example, work on the computer, playing the piano. In such cases, there is compression of the median nerve of carpal – tunnel syndrome.

Dizziness is a symptom of paresthesia

In Addition to the paresthesia, can occur:

  • General malaise
  • confusion of consciousness
  • difficulty in pronouncing the words;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of control over the body;
  • fainting;
  • frequent urination.

A Combination of all or several of these symptoms is a reason for immediate treatment to the doctor.

Paresthesia of the lower extremities

Paresthesia of the lower limbs – what is it? TOOOhe Appearance of such symptoms as loss of sensation of the skin of the legs, speaks of this disease. It manifests itself on different parts of the foot:

  • this occurs most often in the feet;
  • calf cramps sometimes drives
  • necrosis also happens to be on the hips.

Fainting when paresthesia

Sometimes paresthesia of the legs occurs at night. If you change the pose, massage the leg and the symptoms go away for concern reasons. People just slept wrong and pinched the nerve.

If paresthesia regular, because of them people does not sleep, pain and cramps, you should consult a doctor and be tested.

Cause discomfort

The causes of this pathology are:

  1. the Most common cause is osteochondrosis. The spine is deformed with age, due to injuries, in the end, nerves and blood vessels are compressed for a long time and paresthesia occur.
  2. After the removal of a spinal hernia the muscles of the legs can be paralyzed, this causes numbness. When the patient's condition improves, paresthesia pass.
  3. In diseases of the cardiovascular system there is a lack of blood supply to the tissues throughout the body. Small blood vessels in the legs suffer the most from lack of blood, narrowing the lumen. Therefore, there is numbness.
  4. paralysis, which is a consequence of a stroke, the sensitivity of some areas of the body is lost.
  5. Paresthesias are the result of brain tumors and spine. Treatment depends on the underlying disease and treatment of paresthesia.
  6. Blood vessels of the legs are affected in diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the occurrence of paresthesia in these patients willdefinitely. In the treatment of diabetes in the treated complex and loss of sensation.
  7. diseases of the arteries of the legs, multiple sclerosis – these diseases also cause loss of skin sensitivity.

diabetes is one of the causes paresthesia

These are paresthesias that do not require treatment. This:

  • the deficiency of vitamins of group In;
  • headache;
  • position with compression of the extremities in which the person forced to be a long time;
  • excitement, emotional stress.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of this disease has been successfully implemented using various methods of physical therapy effects. Good results are obtained with the use of different types of massage. It is also used treatment with d'arsonval apparatus, an electrophoresis with nicotinic acid. Effective galvanography application, acupuncture, exercise physical therapy.

Medication Treatment in combination with fiziolechenie significantly improves the result. In these cases, preferred medicines, which reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation in the brain and in the periphery. It tools such as nicotinic acid drugs, Piracetam, Cavinton, nootropics.

Good effect of antioxidant drugs: Actovegin, Mexidol, Berlition.

Treatment of disease can be carried out with the use of traditional medicine. For this purpose, mainly used in infusions and decoctions of such herbs as sweet clover, horse chestnut, willow bark, birch leaves. They have the ability to enhance blood circulation and vasodilator effect. It is important to properly prepare and take the decoction, without changing the recommended dosages.

Prevention of the disease. Paresthesia can you give a recurrence at the wrong lifestyle and regimen. Vasodilator drugs many patients take for life. It is desirable to accept the preparations based on vegetable raw materials. Frequently used tools with extract of Gingko Biloba: Tanacan, Bilobil, Amoplant.

In Addition to medication, it is advisable not to stay in place to lead an active lifestyle, play sports. Optimum sport in this disease is swimming, since there are all the muscles of the body, including the feet.

Of Course, you must remember that Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are a cause of many diseases and certainly not to be useful for paresthesia.