Massage and physical exercises for sciatica lumbar

Sciatica (or radiculopathy) is a disease of the nervous system that develops due to compression of the spinal nerve to exit the spine. Squeeze the nerve may a herniated disc, bony outgrowths (osteophytes), as well as the vertebrae, deformed because of an injury.

sciatica is Manifested by pain, impaired motor function of the extremities, decreased skin sensitivity. Usually, the first onset of pain is due to excessive exercise. Most often the nerve compression occurs in the lumbar and cervical.

massage for sciatica

Treatment of sciatica involves administering anti-inflammatory medications, and the means of relieving spasms of skeletal muscles. During the recovery period is crucial massage and medical gymnastics.


Massage therapy for radicular syndrome is aimed at relieving spasm of the skeletal muscles in the back, improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the area. The muscles of the extremities with sciatica on the contrary can be lipotropnye, sluggish. Massage helps to bring them in a normal tone.

Stroking, rubbing, kneading, percussion technique – massage for patients suffering from sciatica is activated in the majority of existing massage techniques. A massage course should be an experienced professional, since unprofessional technique can worsen the disease.

Massage is contraindicated in the acute phase of the disease. But in the recovery period, he should not be undertaken in isolation, out of connection with other rehabilitation methods.
