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Causes, symptoms and treatment of osteopenia at the femoral neck

Osteopenia at the femoral neck observed in old age. Pathology associated with impaired bone mineralization. She is a precipitating factor of fractures of the femur. To identify a pathology is difficult because it is not diagnosed by a bone density test – a diagnostic procedure designed to determine the degree of osteoporosis.

because of difficulties with the diagnosis of the disease, its treatment is not carried out. Only when there is a fracture of the femoral neck in the elderly, doctors pay attention to her low bone density.

osteopenia at the femoral neck

The chest x-ray by a qualified radiologist clearly distinguishes osteoporosis from normal patterns. However, osteopenia is not characterized by a significant decrease in the concentration of calcium in the bones, therefore the picture shows the pathology is not detected.

General information about pathology

Osteopenia is a pathological condition in which a person does not arise of pain or clinical symptoms. Periodic "tingling" in the thigh is debited to a blood disorder.

In old age in humans, as a rule, there is a variety of secondary diseases. On the background of numerous possible symptoms, so a short-term loss of sensitivity of the skin of the hips the doctors is also not considered to be symptoms of reduced bone density.

The progression of the disease over time leads to femoral neck fractures. That's when the experts and pay attention to the pathology. But often too late, as the pathological process has acquired a systemic nature and is observed in all bones and joints and spine.

Pathogenesis leaching of calcium from bones

To start timely treatment, researchers are advised to undergo densitometry at the femoral neck for men after the age of 35 and women after 30. Experimental studies have established that the modern processes of resorption to predominate over bone formation at a young age.

It Turns out that as soon as the ossification of the spine (the deposition of calcium salts in the cartilaginous structure), genetic gradual destruction of the bone. The fact that the body may need Ca ions for muscle system and the heart. With a lack of them in the blood he takes calcium from the bone.

Obviously, the athletes must be osteoporosis or osteopenia. However, this assertion is false.

Osteogenesis (bone formation) is closely associated with the functioning of the muscular system. When a large muscle mass grows and the bone tissue, as the muscles "pull" osteoblasts.

Scientific experiments have shown that the destruction of the femoral necks observed in thin people with reduced mass.

How to timely detect the disease