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Prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men aged

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by bone tissue loss increases risk of fractures. The symptoms usually start to feel only in old age, although to begin to develop osteoporosis may long before old age. But if a person is attentive to their health and helps prevent osteoporosis, he can avoid all the hassles described below.

during the life of the human body constantly occurs resorption (destruction) of bone tissue and osteogenesis (recovery). In a healthy person between the two processes is set balance: the amount of bone formed equals the amount destroyed. Osteoporosis starts to develop when the number of destroyed bone mass prevails over restored.


Categories of people, those at risk

In the first place in order to prevent osteoporosis it is necessary to estimate the probability of his existence. For analysis you need to consider a few facts:

  • features of the Constitution of bodies;
  • the presence of osteoporosis in the immediate family;
  • overall health
  • features lifestyle;
  • diet;
  • hormonal pattern of the body.

More than just osteoporosis-prone:

  • women are fragile Constitution, bone mass is small and therefore the faster it wears out;
  • people who have experienced childhood hunger. It was during the period of active growth of the skeleton they have reliable basis for bones
  • women who have estrogen deficiency
  • women who have stopped early menstruation (before age 45)
  • people who have shortage of solar radiation, whereby the body receives less vitamin D
  • people who take substances that promote the excretion of calcium (corticosteroids synthetic origin, as well as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc.)
  • women whose mothers suffered from osteoporosis.

stage of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

If you or someone close to you is in the risk group, it makes sense to take certain preventive measures to prevent the development of osteoporosis.

How to prevent disease

The First preventive measure for any disease – maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. And to do them not in 50 years when the disease is already making itself felt, and in his youth, or at least at maturity.

Bone is actively regenerated to 30-35 years. Just before that time must lay a strong bone Foundation that will not be rapidly dissipated into old age and menopause in women. For this reason, a healthy balanced diet and a complete rejection of bad habits will protect the human body from many diseases in old age.

Everyone should remember that alcohol, even in moderation, contributes to lowering bone formation and disrupts the metabolism of calcium. Tobacco products lead to prolonged constriction of blood vessels, which prevents the penetration of mineral substances in the bone tissue, especially in the mountains. Caffeine causes loss of calcium from bone and its excretion with urine.

the Right diet

A Balanced diet to prevent osteoporosis, rich in vitamins and minerals, is directed primarily to saturate the body with calcium. If during the accelerated growth of the body will feel the lack of this component, in old age and menopause may be a manifestation of negative consequences.

Sesame, champion of calcium

In Addition to food rich in calcium, daily people need to consume foods with a high content of phosphorus and magnesium. Their presence is necessary along with vitamin D. All of the above elements are contained in large quantities in the following products:

  • sesame seeds, nuts;
  • yolks of eggs
  • liver
  • saltwater fish
  • fresh herbs
  • cereals.

In addition, grains (soybeans in particular) contains a large number of natural analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen, which has the function of regulation of processes in bone tissue and which develop abruptly stops at menopause. For this reason, many women the disease develops, which is called "postmenopausal osteoporosis".

If we talk about the products, the use of which is restricted for the purpose of prevention, we should mention those in which a small percentage of fat and a lot of salt.

Many girls and women mistakenly believe that in full refusal of fatty foods they lose weight. Indeed, the consumption of large quantities of animal fat (fish is the exception) is bad for health. And the oil contained in plant foods such as olives, nuts etc.,helps to build structures of the body and regulate many of the processes.

While excess salt products in the diet of human bones can leach calcium. Because from the too salty food should also be avoided.


If people for some reason can't get the necessary daily dose of calcium with nutrition, he may start taking drugs of digestible calcium (gluconate, lactate, etc.). Such substances are prescribed in the treatment of osteoporosis in old age and during menopause, and as a preventive measure.

Bonviva - medication for osteoporosis

To give preference to is the drugs that contain a balanced complex of minerals.

Women during menopause are advised to take substances that contain estrogen. It is desirable to have the medicines with herbal equivalent of estrogen, called phytoestrogen, as taking these drugs does not carry any threats for the health.

Today for the prevention of osteoporosis in women at older age is recommended to apply the preparations of the group of bisphosphonates. These substances inhibit the activity of cells that destroy bone tissue in women and men. These drugs are highly effective and characterized by ease of use (some can be taken once every 30 days).

Still produced supplements with phytohormones – analogues of the hormones of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, promoting proper metabolism of calcium. Drugs of this kind can be purchased even without a prescription

Physical activity

Regular exercise also contribute to the preservation of the tissue density of bone in women and men. It should be remembered that physical exercise is good for prevention, but not always for the treatment of osteoporosis.

Long peace of the muscles leads to demineralization of the skeleton. Compare: the absence of physical exertion for three to four months reduces bone mass to 15%. During this same period, ordinary exercises can increase bone tissue for a couple of percent.

lifestyle against osteoporosis

we should Not aspire for the master of sports, just to avoid menopause osteoporosis. The load on the muscles should be moderate. This can be going to dance class, aerobics, Pilates – a lot of variants. Good impact strength exercises. Most importantly, the lessons should be systematic, and then in old age will see the result.


The Benefits of solar energy have long been known. Especially this point is important for those people who live where the sun body lacks. To compensate for the solar radiation is desirable, annual trips to warmer climes. In the absence of such opportunities, you can use a great alternative to tanning with UV quartz lamps.

the Sun's rays against osteoporosis

But it should be remembered that too long exposure to the sun, especially at midday in summer may lead to more disastrous consequences than osteoporosis. Therefore, it is not necessary in the summer heat to wallow in the beaches. You can just go Hiking and Cycling in the morning or the afternoon.

Therapy of chronic diseases

If you have any pathology leading to the violation of gallonage metabolism, we should try to get rid of these ailments. On the background of other diseases can develop so-called idiopathic osteoporosis, which is their consequence.

such illnesses include the following:

  • hormonal disorders
  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • digestive diseases.

If you cannot complete cure of a chronic disease patient with advanced osteoporosis, the doctor prescribes the drug therapy with the combination of minerals.

Regular medical examination

generally, osteoporosis is asymptomatic and is detected at a late stage after the fracture. In this case, long-term treatment and high risk of re-injury. In order to prevent trouble, it is recommended to undergo medical examination. Medical service is free of charge every three years in the clinic by place of residence.

Bone density test

Willing to undergo medical examinations turn to the therapist. The specialist estimates the risk of fractures in appearance, lifestyle and complaints of the patient. At the age of 45 years, osteoporosis has an effect in hormonal disruption, chronic and hereditary diseases. Later problem can affect healthy people, and after eighty osteoporosis find every second.

Time to notice age-related osteoporosis help of modern methods of diagnosis. Mandatory events in the clinical examination for women over fifty and men over sixty years included densitometry. This method of radiation research in bone density safe, accurate and quickly executed. Low-dose x-rays performed on one area of the body – paired bones or the entire skeleton. For men important to measure the density in the femoral neck, while women more often make the densitometry of the vertebraelumbar.

More information about the state of bone matrix gives a combination of four tests, such as:

  • densitometry
  • FRAX – assessment system the risk of fracture for ten years;
  • TBS (trabeсular bone score) – the analysis of digital images of microarchitectonics bone tissue;
  • laboratory diagnosis of increased bone resorption.

Deep inspection allows you to:

  • draw conclusions about the stages of osteoporosis, the rate of bone loss;
  • to make the forecast of development of the disease;
  • to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Details about these methods can be found in the article “osteoporosis Diagnosis: laboratory tests, markers, types of examinations and tests”.

based On the results of the examination, the doctor will tell you how to prevent osteoporosis in your particular case, prescribe prophylactic or therapeutic diet, vitamin, mineral or specialty drugs, advise on the allowable physical activity. In the case of detection of high risk of fracture, the patient is put on the account to the orthopedist-the traumatologist.


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