Spotted what is osteoporosis and what are its features

Osteoporosis is a severe metabolic disease of the musculoskeletal system of the person. In many countries the disease is detected at early stages thanks to early diagnosis. But, unfortunately, it doesn't always happen, and osteoporosis can slowly and subtly progress, causing irreparable damage to the body.

patchy osteoporosis

disease Description

To start is to consider the topographic classification of the disease. Osteoporosis there are two main forms: local (local) and overall (generalized). The local form is divided into two subgroups – spotty osteoporosis and uniform.

The Main difference between these subgroups is the extension of the zone of the pathological process in specific bones. If the area of depletion of bone substance has focal placed randomly in nature and on the radiograph looks like the circles and ovals of different sizes, this focal subgroup.

If the pathological process is evenly distributed across the area of the bone and looks on the radiograph as enlightenment universal bones compared to the other is a uniform option.

so, focal osteoporosis can be diagnosed only by means of visual examination of the radiographs. In the literature there is another name of this disease – spotty osteoporosis.

For a more accurate evaluation of radiographs of the picture do not focus on one limb, but for two. This allows to clearly differentiate the area of pathology and healthy bone tissue.


Local form of osteoporosis most often occurs on the background of local tissue damage. These include fractures, dislocation, cuts, bruises, inflammation, hypothermia, burns, intoxication, effects of radiation, effects of toxins. Drug use and alcoholism can also lead to pathology.

Iatrogenic etiology of osteoporosis occurs in case of fault injection techniques, manipulations and surgical interventions. Also the causes can be generalized processes such as diabetic neuropathy and angiopathy, autoimmune disease (systemic red lupus or systemic sclerosis).

This disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. In times of acute pain in bones and joints increases and the patient requires non-narcotic painkillers. Pathological processes during exacerbation "plow" to the max, all while reducing the percentage of healthy bone substance.

During the remission process is suspended, the pain subsides, resulting in the patient begins to feel much better.

Severe complications

Spotty osteoporosis of the femur can lead to very dangerous fracture of the femoral neck. In such a case the patient could not walk for a long time, but bed rest may lead to congestive pneumonia.

Also the severe consequences of osteoporosis are embolism. After all, while minor fractures and cracks of yellow marrow from the bones gets into the blood stream. Vessels these fat emboli are in pulmonary arteries, clogging them. This process is called pulmonary embolism (PE). This causes pneumonia, pulmonary edema, ischemia and infarction.

The Offset range may lead not only to changes in posture, but also to the pinched spinal nerve roots. This variant of the pathogenesis is characterized by pain in the course of the nerve innervation, impaired sensation in the area.