Treatment of cervical and lumbar chondrosis folk remedies at home

Many modern diseases were known to our great grandparents and great-grandparents, who, not being able then to be treated in qualified medical institutions, and used methods of folk medicine. Treatment of chondrosis folk remedies have also been known to our ancestors, and many recipes have survived to the present time.

Today there is the traditional therapy, which makes life easier for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but in addition it is possible to use and alternative therapies.

chondrosis treatment of folk remedies

Basic principles of self treatment

The Main drugs used at home to treat chondrosis, are:

  • components of plant – stems, roots, vegetable oils;
  • raw materials of animal origin – honey, fat, eggs, the venom produced by bees, etc.;
  • chemical substances which are anesthetic, and warming properties, – iodine, alcohol, turpentine.

Agents of vegetable origin can be used for external (in the form of lotions, compresses, etc.) and internal applications. Animal material is used as a basis for ointments, compresses, rastirok, is used for warming and anesthesia.

Chemicals in the home used for rastirok and compresses. Due to its warming properties they cause dilation of blood vessels on affected area and increasing blood flow, promote muscle relaxation and to relieve pain.

As with traditional medicine, folk remedies can be harmed if you use them inappropriately or in excess. As side effects may appear rash on body, itching, and even intoxication.

very carefully at home you should use a poisonous herb, poison, produced by bees, and snakes, you have just to follow the dosage prescription. Using folk remedies in the treatment of chondrosis neck, chest or lower back, it is necessary to consider their compatibility with medical drugs prescribed by the attending physician.

Folk remedies for the treatment of chondrosis any spine versatile – they are equally effective in resolving cervical, thoracic and lumbar-sacral Kondratov.the treatment of cervical chondrosis folk remedies

Compresses and rubbing

When chondrosis person may feel a constant nagging pain in the neck, chest or lower back. To reduce the suffering of the patient, you can use the following grinding in the neck, chest or lower back:

  • 0.3 l of ethanol;
  • 10 ml of iodine;
  • 10 tablets analgin
  • 10 ml of alcohol camphor.

Is Prepared by the liquid mix and then they dissolved tablets. This means you must RUB the place of the pain. When applying the patient may feel a burning sensation. It is prohibited to use a similar product when chondrosis in the damaged area of the skin.

Such a anesthetic, you can prepare and carry. In case of attack, severe pain, you can use it to improve the General condition.

The Following recipe is effective for treatment of the cervical and lumbar chondrosis in the later stages. Having done for 2 weeks following procedure, you can improve the General condition of the patient for many months. For the course you must prepare two tools. First:

  • 50 g of mustard powder
  • 50 ml diluted ethyl alcohol or vodka;
  • 50 ml of alcohol camphor;
  • 3 whipped egg whites.

All the ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass and left for 12 hours in a cool dark place.

The Second mixture is prepared as follows:

  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 150 ml diluted ethyl alcohol or vodka;
  • 50 ml of aloe juice.

Mix until smooth and leave to brew for 12 hours.

The Volume of these mixtures will last for a full two-week course of therapy of the cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral chondrosis.

To Use the tool you need: both mixtures be applied to the affected spine (neck, chest, rump) in the form of compresses twice a day. The cloth (napkin, towel, handkerchief) it is necessary to moisten the mixture, apply to body and leave to dry. The first 3 days the mixture is applied first, then three days the second, then first again, etc.

Fast pain relief

If there is a need to quickly eliminate pain in the neck, chest or lower back, instead of pain pills to use the recipes of traditional medicine.

Compress with honey and potato is done as follows: raw potato rubbed on a grater and mixed with honey (ratio 1:1). Pain is removed very quickly, but the effect is short-lived.

Prepare herbal tea, brew one teaspoon of birch leaves and a teaspoon of cranberry leaves. Strain and drink a Cup of the mixture throughout the day.

The Following method is effective, but has one drawback – the pungent smell, as it isa poultice of kerosene. To prepare a compress soak a cloth in kerosene, wring out and apply on the sore spot on the ridge. From top, apply a polyethylene and a layer of cotton, fixing a compress with bandage. Wear it for 2-3 hours.

Baths with herbs

For such baths can be used ready-made herbal teas that can be purchased in every pharmacy, but you can use freshly picked herbs. For one bath you want from 300 to 500 g of dried plants.

Several options for the treatment of chondrosis at home by using herbal baths:

  1. tub with the fruits of horse chestnut. The fruit is crushed, pour water and boil for about 15 minutes, the mixture is then poured into the bath and take her no more than 20 minutes.
  2. bath with birch leaves. Dry birch leaves may filled with boiling water, brewed and poured into the tub. Such a tub can take up to half an hour.
  3. tub with flowers of chamomile also has a beneficial effect on the General condition when chondrosis. The flowers are filled with boiling water, infuse for half an hour, and filtered by bath solution.

These procedures must be done 7. People may feel relief after one session. To consolidate the effect of bathing with herbs can be done in combination with other folk remedies – wrap in the neck, chest or lower back, manual therapy, rastertime, etc.

Remember that the best solution is when the first symptoms of chondrosis to consult a doctor and already consult him about the use of folk remedies in conjunction with conventional therapy.