Therapeutic swimming and pool exercises with osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar

Swimming in osteochondrosis is used to relax the musculature and correct the asymmetry of her muscular frame. When the human body is in the water, eliminated the natural pressure on your back. The condition leads to an increase in the distance between the vertebrae, thereby eliminating pinching the nerve roots. Thus, treated pain.

nevertheless, one should not expect that the pool will help to cure diseases of the spine, if you will not comply with the rules and principles of medical procedures.

swimming in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

In this paper we describe all the details of the treatment of diseases of the spine swimming.

Basics steps of water treatment

Swimming in osteochondrosis brings a good effect, if properly complied with all the requirements for training.

The basis of the therapeutic action of water treatments on degenerative diseases of the cervical and lumbar lies with the unloading mechanism of muscle of the back frame. During long workouts, eliminated asymmetric tone of the muscle fibers. Disappears radicular syndrome (pain in the nerves) and prevented the progression of the disease.

The Basis of degenerative diseases – damage to the intervertebral disks on the background of dehydration, nutrients and blood disorders. Unfortunately, these changes cannot be treated. Swimming only helps to prevent compression of the nerves, eliminate inflammation and to normalize microcirculation in the spinal column.

On the background pathology of the disturbed mobility of the vertebrae. This phenomenon effectively eliminates not only manual therapy of the cervical or lumbar, but visiting the pool.

while swimming actively functioning all the muscle groups. Unlike massage when on the water is also stimulated by deep skeletal muscles. It participates in the straightening of the vertebral axis.

When the incorrect posture, sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders, the intervertebral discs are subject to degeneration. They gradually crack, and crack.

With regular practice of swimming training deep muscles, improves microcirculation and supply of nutrients.

The Pool in osteochondrosis allows you to unload your back and relieve pressure on the nerve endings. This removes almost all the parts of the pathological lesions of the disease.

Rules and principles of practice in the pool

Pool Sessions last 45 minutes and allow to increase the height by about 1 cm. It occurs because of expansion of intervertebral gaps. However, swimming not only helps but also can lead to further progression of the disease.

The Rules of practice in the pool in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • maximum relaxation of the spine is achieved by the following styles: backstroke and breaststroke;
  • when doing on the water must wear a water vest. It will help in the initial stages of training to relax the back. Over time with the instructor you can work out the correct principles of training and give up wearing vest;
  • proper breathing for staying on the water will improve the ventilation of the lungs;
  • classes should be alternated with rest for 5-10 minutes.

In any case, degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine and neck of the pool you should visit only after you've mastered the therapeutic swimming styles together with a professional instructor.swimming in osteochondrosis of the lumbar


To learn how to swim in case of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the neck, observe the following safety rules:

  1. perform the exercise on a small place;
  2. area of the basin must be protected and have protective buoys;
  3. be sure the medical swimming is carried out under the supervision of instructors;
  4. exercises can be done no earlier than 30 minutes after meals;
  5. before entering the water you need to perform warming exercises (circular rotation of the arms, squats, torso twists);
  6. control the residence time in the water – it should not be more than 30 minutes;
  7. after finishing the procedure take a contrast shower, make relaxation exercises and drink warm tea.

Attention! Being in the water, you should swim on your back. Do not allow yourself to freeze during workout, as this significantly decreases the therapeutic effect.

Style stay in the water

When brass short pause slide provides the maximum therapeutic effect in degeneration of the lumbar spine. Its complicated, so before you start treatment, you need preliminary training with an instructor.

The Correct brass for the treatment of pathologies of the vertebral column as follows:

  • strokes hands aresimultaneously with shocks to the feet;
  • if movement should occur slide, increases tension of the muscle tissue
  • stretching and straightening at a static tension of muscle fibers more efficiently, if track length is not less than 25 meters.

How to perform swimming exercises on dry land

If you cannot swim, you can perform exercises on land. Mechanism practice similar to the one that runs on water. Before the procedure, you should do the workout.

To prepare the lumbar to subsequent loads need to be prepared prior with the instructor. Special simulation exercises on land will prepare you for the correct execution of the procedure in the water.

Work out the rules and principles for the implementation of the water facility along with a trainer. Learn how to swim breaststroke.

Thus, the pool osteochondrosis is a quality tool for the treatment of diseases of the lumbar and cervical spine. With the right exercises can prevent pain and quickly eliminate curvature of the spine.