Why reduce cramps and numb cheeks, hands, other extremities osteochondrosis

Patients with degenerative disc disease Often complain that the hands or feet become numb periodically. However, they often don't even know about their disease. Numbness may be accompanied by tingling, pulling, burning or pins and needles feeling. Sometimes the limb even lose temperature sensitivity and can not distinguish cold from heat.

Of Course, the numbness is the first symptom of osteoarthritis, but evidence of his neglected and untreated. Often before a limb starts to go numb, you experience regular pain, stiffness, and disorders of motility. Sometimes it can even be accompanied by painful cramps.

numbness of the extremities osteochondrosis

If the arm or leg is numb, this suggests that there is a twist of the nerve or vessel. Because of this, the limb is not getting enough oxygen. If time does not eliminate the pinched, you may experience complete loss of sensation. And deep in severe cases – loss of mobility and even partial gangrene.

When one of the pinched nerves in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can often go numb hands. This may be a partial loss of sensitivity, for example, in the left hand, shoulder, or full – entire left arm. Often a trapped nerve or vessel in the cervical spine leading to numbness of the skin of the cheek, ear or chin.

When pinched in the lumbar spine when there is a pathological sensitivity in the lower extremities. Especially often it happens after long periods of sitting in a forced position is typical for people leading a sedentary lifestyle: drivers, programmers, office workers.

Identifying the causes of unpleasant symptom

The Numbness should not be considered a separate disease and symptomatic treatment. It is extremely important to identify the cause of the loss of sensitivity, otherwise over time it will progress.

Often when you are numb, for example, the left hand or foot, patients develop uncontrolled and take anti-inflammatory painkillers. But they only cropped the pain for a short time and in large amounts, this treatment has no side effects on the liver.

To identify the exact cause of the numbness and cramps of limbs, you need to consult a doctor-neurologist. In addition to visual inspection, a doctor will prescribe x-rays, CT or MRI of the spine.

using a snapshot, it is possible to reliably determine not only affected by osteochondrosis of the spine, but also to find out the number of the vertebra has shifted. Often slipped disc in osteochondrosis is accompanied by a herniated disc.

the Occurrence of paralysis in other diseases

If the picture shows spinal column not found, the physician should suspect another pathology. For example, loss of sensation in the left arms or legs may occur with thrombosis of the respective vessels, or after right-sided stroke.

This symptom also often appear in advanced stages of diabetes mellitus and arterial obstructive disease, when the blood vessels are overgrown by connective tissue and occluded.

Rarely hands and feet go numb with a pinched nerve in the bone canal (carpal tunnel syndrome) and Raynaud's disease. Also paresthesia of feet and hands associated with a lack of vitamin B12 is responsible for nerve conduction, and all kinds of intoxications.


To get rid of cramps and restore sensitivity, it is important to eliminate displacement of the vertebrae, to compress the vessel or nerve. To do this, use manual therapy and massage. Once the offset is resolved, it is important to fix the result by strengthening the muscles of the spine so that it does not happen again. For these purposes, serves as therapeutic exercise.

If the offset is accompanied by degeneration of the intervertebral disc, the physician prescribes in a complex with physical exercises the effect of currents, and laser treatment that stimulates the circulation and repair of cartilage.