Causes, symptoms, treatment of advanced degenerative disc disease

Osteoarthritis is a metabolic disorder in humans that affects the priority of the intervertebral disks, causing them a number of pathological changes. This pathology is degenerative in nature and most often causes sciatica.

The Disease occurs often enough. All because the current way of life is a huge stress factor for our body. Methods of prevention, though well researched, but is ineffective.

To deal with this disease, it is necessary to study its classification. There are a few basic classifications that clinicians use at the time of diagnosis.

common degenerative disc disease

so, depending on the location of the lesion distinguish:

  • neck;
  • breast;
  • lumbar
  • sacral
  • at random. In some cases, this form is generalized in nature and is allocated a separate form is common.

depending on the extent of the lesion is isolated monosegmental and polysegmental form. Common degenerative disc disease refers to polysegmental form.

Etiology and pathogenesis

This form of osteoarthritis is undoubtedly the most difficult among all. It's one thing when the degenerative process affects only one or two intervertebral discs, but quite another when all of the affected intervertebral discs.

because of such prevalence of the symptoms of pathology will be clearly expressed and will immediately force the patient to seek help.

Extensive degenerative disc disease rarely manifests clinical symptoms. For him it makes his complications which developed radiculitis neuralgia.

The Most common osteochondrosis of the spine occurs in systemic pathologies, since point lesions rarely extend to the entire spine. But it is worth noting that in the case of a significant reduction of protective functions of the organism, even the smallest point, the pathology may lead to the spread of the entire spine.

The Most frequent reasons for the common occurrence of degenerative disc disease of the spine:

  1. systemic autoimmune diseases
  2. congenital anomalies of the spine or connective tissue;
  3. some forms of cancer;
  4. strong infectious diseases of the spine;
  5. extensive injury of the spine;
  6. blood poisoning
  7. osteoporosis
  8. other point of the disease, but only in the case of reducing the protective mechanisms of the body.

Identification of the real cause of the disease is very important, because only in the case of a well-defined etiology can be assigned an effective treatment.

The Development of lesions begins after exposure to malicious factor on intercostal disks. On the background of the pathogenic effect immediately develops damage to the cartilage. It formed a toxic substance and harmful metabolites that cause irreparable harm to the intervertebral discs.

Injury of intercostal disks leads to a change in their properties and shape. Our bodies are almost not adapted to the loss of function of the intervertebral discs, therefore, immediately arises irreparable damage.