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Pain in the scoliosis after the baby is born


Hello doctor. I have the following problem. Since childhood, back problems, scoliosis. Doing the right treatments, massages, but nothing helped. Recently had a baby. And my problem worsened. Lower back aching so, though on a wall climb. And if for example you lay on your stomach, then stand up for me. Something like crazy. Get up very slowly and through the pain. What can I recommend?


Good day. On the background of scoliosis is really difficult to cure the infringement of the nerve roots. However, sin only on the curvature of the spine should not always. Perhaps you have intervertebral hernia or muscle hypertonicity on one side. Suggest that you find out the cause of pain. If you know it, write to us.

What can be recommended for low back pain:

  1. limited physical activity
  2. to strengthen the muscle corset back;
  3. the Use of muscle relaxants
  4. Removal of subluxations in the vertebrae through manual therapy.

Similar councils exist in all physicians, but in practice they are difficult to implement. If You are truly ready to do my lower back, ready to help.

Follow these tips:

  • Do an MRI of the spine to exclude hernia;
  • do Not carry the baby in their arms. For these purposes, you can purchase a bag-a kangaroo;
  • Daily engage in physical therapy. The principles and features of its use in diseases of the spinal column look on our website;
  • Muscle relaxants help relax muscle tissue. Recommend to take tablet of mydocalm. If the pain disappears, infringement of a nerve due to the muscle tissue. The drug gently reduces blood pressure.

due To the fact that pain is pronounced, we recommend you to purchase a support corset. The device should be worn throughout the day. Especially during physical exertion. If You can't get up without pain, wearing orthopedic products will help to prevent the infringement of the nerve roots. However, if you constantly use the device, muscular back gradually will refuse to function. To avoid this, you should do physiotherapy exercises daily. Massages and physiotherapy is used together with the charge.

Believe me. No doctor will cure problems with the spine pills. You must do them, to strengthen the muscles and avoid lifting heavy objects.

Avoid strenuous activity and regularly engage in therapeutic exercises, gradually the pain will disappear. Only you should not perform exercises if you feel discomfort in the back. There are many different exercises from which you can choose the one that you will not bring inconvenience.

by the Way, good effect for analgesia has prolonged electrophoresis with diprospana. You can spend a few procedures in front of the complex physical therapy, to improve the performance of the procedure.

In General, the treatment of the infringement of the nerve root scoliosis it is necessary to conduct long-term and regularly. One should not expect that massages and steam treatments will relieve You forever from the disease.