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Vaccination against poliomyelitis in children: graphs and charts vaccination and revaccination

The Polio vaccine, the vaccination schedule designed to protect babies from dangerous infections, which in its wild form is widespread in South Asia and Nigeria. She ends up in our North country, along with food and threaten the health of children.

Oral vaccination for polio

the State taking care of children's health, introduced in the vaccination calendar, vaccination for the prevention of polio., the Causative agent of the disease is so aggressive, that a child's body is unable to cope with the infection without complications.

Parents refusing vaccination put their children at unnecessary risk.

The Risk of complications after vaccination is minimal and unvaccinated children fall ill with poliomyelitis when the virus is almost always. After infection they either die or are disabled by the fault of their parents.

What is polio?

Polio is a long – known disease that begins in children after ingestion of the virus, which actively replicates in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and intestines. In the period of growth and activity of enterovirus lesions of the Central nervous system and brain. Particularly affected are the motor neurons that leads to the development of irreversible motor disturbances.

Violation of motor neurons in polio

Infection occurs from carriers of the polio virus. Transmission occurs through airborne droplets by sneezing or coughing. The virus also can be transmitted through foods of plant origin and water. He has the ability to proliferate in the gut of a sick person and via feces into soil, where for a long time. Children on the walk can easily pick up an infection that gets them in mouth in case of contact with unwashed hands.

There are three Known forms of the disease:

  1. Abortive form accompanied by fever, runny nose, and cough. Thus there is nausea and irregular bowel movement.
  2. Dangerous meningeal form, the symptoms of which are headaches, vomiting. It starts spontaneously due to the brain lesion and not associated with eating. Without timely treatment, this form of polio ends with the death of a child.
  3. Paralytic form causes paralysis or paresis.

Vaccination – prophylaxis of infection

The Ministry of health forms immunization schedule, which strictly adhere to pediatricians. It includes all vaccination required for the formation of the immune system. They need today's children to grow up healthy and not die from dangerous infections.

the polio Vaccine

For the formation of persistent immunity in children, obtained by artificial means, required the vaccination and revaccination. Vaccination can be both single and multiple. It is used in the vaccine of a different type. First, use interactive, containing only the toxins from the virus in the process of life, and then apply live containing pathogens in minimal amounts.

A Booster is needed to fix the effect for a long time. It is carried out according to the schedule some time later to maintain immunity, which managed to develop during the vaccination. Revaccination may also be single and multiple.

To avoid the polio vaccination; the vaccination schedule regulates the process of vaccination and revaccination.

The First and second vaccinations are in the form of injections given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Pediatricians for this purpose, inactivated vaccine that contains no live pathogens, and therefore cannot cause polio infection. This vaccine does not cause complications and allergic reactions, so is gentle for all children. When inoculated, the child examined by a pediatrician making a decision about vaccination. The schedule is as follows:

  1. the First vaccination against polio is done for all children during the first 3 months of life.
  2. Second vaccination is carried out after eighteen months, when a baby is 4.5 months.
  3. Third vaccination is 6 months. Healthy children she is done with a live vaccine, weakened, with a history of HIV infection, Oncology, born to HIV-infected mothers and children in baby homes and injected inactivated vaccine.

the Introduction of inactivated vaccine

Revaccination with live vaccine do children from 18 months. The tool is administered to the child in the mouth with disposable syringe, Spryskova on the tongue. Then the kid within the hours you cannot give the breast, eating and drinking.

Live viruses will facilitate the development of immunoglobulins in the mucosa of the nasopharynx and mouth, allowing you to develop full protection against the ingestion of wild virus.

Second, boosting is carried out at 20months.

Third revaccination is performed at the age of 14 years with a live vaccine. On this circuit end.

Such preventive measures lead to the emergence of persistent lifelong immunity, which easily copes with the disease agent.

how dangerous is live vaccine?

Live vaccine, introduced into the mouth, in some cases, can cause disorder of the chair. Very rare in children diarrhea begins, which rapidly goes away on its own.

After its introduction the child may begin allergic reaction. To avoid this, children suffering from diathesis, after consultation with a paediatrician before vaccination can be given antihistaminic agent.

Very rarely you may experience a slight rise in temperature, moderate weakness that run through the day.

Immunocompromised children with a history HIV infection, cancer, born from HIV-infected mothers and babies who are brought up in orphanages, after vaccination with a live vaccine to get a more dangerous complication. This vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. But pediatricians, watching the baby from birth, usually do not commit such errors. These children live vaccine is not injected.