What are the signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis in women

The Signs of multiple sclerosis in women is very diverse. This is because the disease affects the brain and spinal cord, resulting in disturbed functioning of almost all organs and systems.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis in women

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which there is destruction of nerve tissue and fibers. This pathology often vulnerable young women aged 20 to 40 years, in rare cases, the disease can strike children and adolescents. The disease occurs on the background malfunction of the immune system and practically not be treatment.

Characteristics of

Start a multiple sclerosis it is impossible to determine since its symptoms only begin to appear a few years later, when the lesions of nerve membranes has already occurred. Pathological process in comparison with other diseases, is pretty slow, but gradually leads to permanent disability of the patient, both physically and on an emotional level.

The Exact cause of the disease is difficult to determine. There are many factors which on the background of violations of the immune system can trigger the disease: stress, heredity, bacterial and viral infections, lack of vitamins. It should be noted that women have multiple sclerosis three times more often than men.

Stress is the cause of multiple sclerosis

The disease is characterized by the formation of plaques that appear due to immune system production of antibodies. These formations are located in the white matter of the spinal cord and brain, in the cerebellum, the hypothalamus and disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses that, in turn, leads to severe autoimmune changes.

early signs

Multiple sclerosis is characterized by a very long latent period. In some cases, it may take several years. This is because the function of the affected nerve fibers some time is offset by the healthy. So the first symptoms appear only when the damage to the fibers is forty percent or more.

For this disorder there are no specific initial symptoms, each person has the disease manifests in different ways. Most often it starts with vision and sensitivity.

Violation of visual acuity as a symptom of multiple sclerosis

The Initial stage of multiple sclerosis is characterized by such features:

  1. Eye disorders. The disease affects the optic nerve, so the patient may feel strange changes in visual function: pain in one eye or both, a feeling of dryness and discomfort, blurry and double vision. The most alarming symptom is the uncontrolled spontaneous movement of the eyeballs.
  2. the imbalance. Under the influence of the disease on the spinal nerve may experience symptoms such as: dizziness, staggering when walking, loss of balance. A sick person might notice that it difficult for him to ride a bike, skating or rollerblading.
  3. sensitivity. The onset of the disease may indicate symptoms such as: numbness in extremities, tingling in the fingers, like the "creepy" run through the body. Sometimes the patient can feel the causeless tension in the muscles of the arms and legs.
  4. Tides of heat or cold. The affected nerve fibres can pass into the brain different signals, due to which the patient will feel sudden hot flashes or cold. This symptom occurs regardless of the ambient temperature, occurs in waves, starting with fingers or toes and spreading throughout the body.
  5. disruption of the menstrual cycle. Nerve damage can lead to the total disorder of the reproductive system and hormonal background.
  6. Intestinal disorders. Sudden unexplained constipation can be one of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Often the disease is accompanied by noticeable weight gain and constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  7. Problems with his hands. The disease is accompanied by such symptoms as trembling of the hands. A sick person might notice that he had difficulty buttoning buttons, hit the thread in the needle or the key in the keyhole.
  8. memory Problems. The deterioration of memory and thinking skills are the surest symptoms of the disease. The patient may notice that it became harder to perform mental work that does not remember what happened yesterday.
  9. the Feeling of constant fatigue. Feeling tired in the morning or upon waking is the most common symptom of multiple sclerosis. Sometimes this feeling can come suddenly sick, for example, on the street.

fatigue in multiple sclerosis

Insidiously the disease is that its symptoms are inconstant. Todayhurt my eyes, tomorrow felt weak and dizzy, and the next day the patient can feel, and a visit to the doctor seems unnecessary. In addition, signs of multiple sclerosis very similar to other diseases of the nervous system, so to establish an accurate diagnosis quite difficult.

Symptoms of advanced stage

At a later stage of the disease, there are many other signs of multiple sclerosis in women: the lesion of some cranial nerves, overt cerebellar disorders, disorders of sensibility and motor function.

the Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

For a deployed stage is characterized by these symptoms:

  1. Violation of the tendon and muscle reflexes. Abdominal reflexes become weak or completely absent, the deep reflexes may be increased.
  2. Ataxia (impaired coordinated movements). Almost always, the disease manifests itself with symptoms such as: decreased muscle tone, poor coordination and slow of speech, patient difficult to cope with objects such as a spoon.
  3. Paresis – paralysis of the limbs is the most common symptom of multiple sclerosis.
  4. sensitivity. First, a reduced sensitivity in the muscles and joints of the feet, which leads to the immobilization of the patient.
  5. Pathology of nerves. In multiple sclerosis deep degree often there is impairment of the optic, facial, trigeminal and efferent nerves.
  6. Adverse reaction to heat. Patients may experience worsening symptoms while taking a hot bath or food, but these will quickly pass.
  7. Disorders of excretory functions. The disease is characteristic symptoms such as: constipation, frequent or infrequent urination, violation or complete absence of menstruation.
  8. Paroxysmal disorders: muscle cramps and spasms, epileptic seizures, episodic hallucinations are frequent symptoms of the advanced stage of the disease.
  9. Intense pain. Headache, muscle, joint, pain caused by pinched nerve roots are common symptoms of the disease.

Almost all patients at the late stage of the disease are diagnosed by neuropsychological disorders: asthenia, autonomic disorders, hysterical reaction. Depression is a constant symptom of multiple sclerosis, which is present in the patient during the entire period.

the Shape and course of pathology

Multiple sclerosis is characterized by a chronic course, so the disease is characteristic of periods of exacerbation and remission, as well as periodic relapses. The disease develops in parallel in two directions, one of which is the formation of inflammatory lesions (sclerotic plaques in the brain, spinal cord and brain). Due to the formation of these plaques there is an exacerbation of the disease. The second is degenerative changes that lead to atrophy of certain brain regions.

At a late stage of the disease is dominated by atrophic changes that are characterized by periods of exacerbations. This new outbreak of manifestations of a neurological nature, they last a few days or even weeks, depending on the extent of damage. After each exacerbation of some symptoms go away, but some remain, resulting in a sick person gradually becomes disabled. Multiple sclerosis can develop in different ways.

what the duration of the period between remission and exacerbation depends on the prognosis of the disease.

What is less likely to occur the longer the exacerbation and remission, the greater the chances of successful recovery or at least slow down the disease.