What is antispeciesist, its symptoms and treatments

Anticonvlusants – the offset of an overlying vertebra anterior to the underlying. However, people are not interested in "slipping", and the methods of conservative treatment. On surgery rare agrees the number of people with this disease and only after appearance of neurological disturbances and severe pain in the lower back.

a vertebral body

Causes displacement of the overlying vertebra anteriorly

Anticonvlusants L5 (fifth lumbar vertebra) occurs most often among all variations of the displacement of the vertebrae. Because of high depreciation burden, which falls on the lower part of the spinal column. Most often back pain is accompanied by numbness of the limbs and spastic contraction of the muscular system of the lower limbs at the expense of the sciatic nerve.

The Above symptoms appear not only because of the displacement of L4 or L5, but also due to degenerative disc disease, accompanying disease.

The Cause of degenerative spondylolisthesis, up to the present time is a matter of debate among scientists. Depending on the precipitating factors antispeciesist can be:

  • True;
  • Paralysis
  • Spondylolithesis;
  • Traumatic
  • is False.

Types of pathology classified as:

  • Congenital
  • Acquired.

Characteristic symptoms

Anticonvlusants accompanied by the following syndromes:

  1. Vascular-vegetative;
  2. Compression;
  3. Neurological.

Vascular-autonomic changes in the disease occur due to impaired blood flow at the injury site of the spinal cord. Inflammatory reaction in the soft tissues of the spine and affect nerve fibers, leading to the formation of reflex syndrome. His result is:

  • narrowing of the arteries in the soft tissues;
  • Persistent spastic contraction of muscle tissue;
  • Increased lumbar lordosis;
  • disrupt the process of urination and defecation;
  • Constipation and diarrhea in the intestines.

Compression syndrome occurs on the background of anticonvulsantsa L4-L5 at the expense of the nerve roots. With 3 degrees of pathology appears lumbago – acute sharp pain in the lower back, making it impossible to straighten.

Neurological syndrome occurs because of damage to the nerve roots L4-S1 are responsible for the innervation of the pelvis and lower extremities. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the perineum and legs;
  • Violation of skin sensitivity
  • Weakening of knee and Achilles of reflexes
  • Limitation of mobility of the hip joint;
  • Rapid muscle fatigue after walking.

The Symptoms greatly depend on its extent:

  1. degree – the displacement of one vertebra on ¼ of its length;
  2. degree–½;
  3. degree – 2/3
  4. degree – sliding on the entire length.

Anticonvlusants L4 is quite a formidable disease, which when expressed within leads to disability. The reason – infringement of segmental nerve cauda equina (located in the lower part of the spinal cord).

Conservative treatment

The displacement of L4-L5 vertebrae conservative treatment can be applied on the 1st and 2nd stages of the disease. It includes:

  • the Appointment of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, Movalis, Ketorolac);
  • physical therapy for strengthening the abdominal muscles and limits mobility of the affected segments of the spine;
  • if an Epidural compression syndrome is not relieved by pharmaceutical analgesics;
  • Corsetteria to prevent further progression of the disease.

Among physiotherapeutic procedures should highlight the efficiency of electrophoresis with Dimexidum. This drug penetrates the skin and maintains concentration during the week. To improve the circulation in the spinal column are used diadynamic currents, mud.

Epidural anesthesia is performed when conservative treatments not possible to eliminate pain. It involves injecting novocaine into the epidural space of the spinal cord. The procedure effectively relieves pain syndrome, but it cannot be done more than 3 times a year.


Surgery when displacement of the L4 and L5 vertebrae are held with grade 3 and 4 disease where there is a risk of serious complications or the patient has a strong pain, which cannot be managed by conservative methods.

The Operation is performed at front, rear or side access. Minimal tissue trauma is accompanied by laparoscopic intervention, as it formed a small incision (about 5 cm), necessary for the penetration of the laparoscope into the abdominal cavity. This type of intervention is only rational when uncomplicated ancestorlistener.

In other cases, "loose" the vertebrae are fixed with special designs with front or rear accesstranspedicular surgery. If you are unstable spinal segment is fixed constructions representing axial rod with screws.

Folk remedies

Antispeciesist at levels L4-S1 can be treated folk remedies in conjunction with doctor's recommendations.

Folk recipes for spondylolisthesis:

  • Ointment made of mustard, camphor, 20 grams of alcohol. These ingredients infuse for a few hours and then apply on the skin above the area of pain. The warm compress wrapped cloth;
  • When anticondensate L4 in the last century doctors recommended that the infusion of lilac. She rubbed the lower back covered and warm scarf
  • To eliminate the pain and inflammatory changes in the spine, you should prepare a mixture of radish and ½ Cup of vodka;
  • With the help of Shilajit is good to treat inflammatory changes in the spinal column. It can be taken orally or to lubricate the skin.

Treatment of anticonvulsantsa L4-L5 depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of the clinical picture. It should be prescribed and monitored by a practitioner.