What are the indications and contraindications to the mud treatment?

Mud therapy is a popular and frequently used method of balneotherapy. About mud therapy, indications and contraindications to it everyone should know who wants to try the effect of healing mud.

the Benefits of treatment sakskimi a dirt

Mud (another name for pelotherapy) is a long – known method of treatment that has not lost its popularity today, despite the fact that every day modern medicine offers new treatments of various diseases.

so, let's try to understand what are the indications and contraindications has this method of treatment.

General idea about the mud

To date, the treatment of mud is one of the main methods of balneotherapy and balneology used at the resorts (Caucasian Mineral Waters, Belokuriha, Altai Krai, Black sea resorts, etc.), and is widely used and world-famous resorts (Israel, Czech Republic, etc.). However, they use dirt not only in conditions of sanatoriums and other medical institutions. Mud therapy at home is also very popular. He has a lot of advantages. Basically it is, of course, its naturalness.

Mud is a substance that has a natural origin and rich in mineral composition, which has a beneficial effect on the organism in General and specific organs in particular.

Ready mud solution

The composition of the mud includes the following components:

  • base mud, which is mainly represented by magnesium salts and calcium
  • mud solution, which is represented by the dissolved salts of lye and organic acids.
  • complex colloids, which consists of organic elements and compounds.

Classification of medicinal mud

There are the following types of medicinal mud: peat, sapropelic, silt, etc.

Peat have great thermal properties. Their main action is due to the high activity of enzymes and bactericidal properties, as well as acceleration of processes of healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Sources and places of distribution of these types of therapeutic mud are swampy areas in Russia, Belarus, Slovakia, etc.

Sapropelic muds are benthic freshwater reservoirs. They have a high thermal quality, rich in ingredients, organic elements, compounds and Bavani. Sources and places of distribution of these types of therapeutic mud are the resort areas of the Urals, deposits in Belarus and Poland.

Views mud

silt are sediments salt water, containing water soluble salts and iron salts. Thermal properties of mud of this species is low. They are rich in different gases, pigments, etc.

Indications and mechanism of action

Indications for use of mud:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men;
  • skin diseases (including eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, etc.)
  • gynecological problems, including infertility;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (diseases of the joints, in rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

In accordance with the component composition, which is individual and unique for each type of mud is determined the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, trophic, healing effect.

Mud cleanses the skin, improves skin tone and blood circulation in tissues, stimulates regenerative processes.

Psoriasis as an indication for the use of mud

The beneficial effect of this treatment is achieved using the following basic steps:

  • heat;
  • chemical
  • mechanical
  • adsorption.

Thermal effect is expressed in the form of exposure to thermal stimulus. Thermal irritant effect on tissue trophism and metabolism, as they are able to expand the vessels, improve lymph circulation, activate metabolism.

Chemical action is expressed due to its chemical composition, the mud is able to provide astringent and tanning effect on the skin, stopping further growth of microorganisms, etc.

The Mechanical action, usually expressed through mud applications, wraps or baths, because there is mechanical action on the tissue and joints, massage. Thus, it increases blood flow, improves metabolic processes, etc.

Pain as the indication for the use of mud

The Adsorption action of this treatment is reflected in the fact that the dirt can absorb the products of metabolism, thereby providing a cleansing function, as it removes the toxins.


Despite the ease of use, naturalness and natural origin of this treatment, for the application of mud, you must use a sound approach and complete examination of the patient before treatment. The active effect of this method may provoke an increase of the tumor, if it already exists.

This is Especially dangerous for malignant tumors, in such cases, the mud is strictly prohibited.

So before you use this treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Often even benign tumors are a contraindication to the use of mud, because it's very individual, given the kind of education, its size, etiology, clinical picture.

Asthma as a contraindication to the mud

so, contraindications to this method of treatment include:

  • diseases in acute form;
  • chronic conditions in the period of exacerbation;
  • epilepsy
  • blood disorders in the period of exacerbation;
  • systematic bleeding of different etiology;
  • an occupational disease, have chronic form, acute;
  • cachexia
  • diseases of the sexual sphere in the acute form;
  • acute infectious condition;
  • tumor (malignant)
  • asthma in the acute stage.

In connection with the above mentioned contraindications, before using of therapeutic muds consultation with a specialist is required. Such advice can usually be obtained directly at the popular Spa resort, where you expect to be treated as the experts at these spas, due to the nature of their work, more knowledgeable about the indications, contraindications, advantages, positive effects of this treatment.

Preparation for fiziolechenie

There are basic rules which must be adhered to for all methods of mud therapy. Before the procedure the patient should always take a shower, but without any detergents. If the skin has open wounds or cuts, it is necessary to apply a cream or ointment containing petrolatum. This is done in order to protect the skin from possible inflammation and active exposure to dirt. During the procedure, the patient should be calm and relaxed. Because of this the dirt on the body will be affected more deeply, because the person in a calm state, there is less sweat and grease. Next comes the procedure, after which the patient should again take a shower, just as before the procedure without detergent. Body after a shower it is necessary to wipe dry with a towel.

After the session mud can lie down on a sofa or couch for about 20 minutes. This way you give your body to cool down and relax.