Prevention of different types of arthritis

For many people, prevention of arthritis is of paramount importance, although they do not suspect. The reason is that in the modern lifestyle many are at risk of developing the disease. But functional of joint damage is a very serious problem that interferes not only in professional activity but also everyday life. Constant pain at the slightest movement causes discomfort, distraction from work, and impedes the performance of everyday Affairs. For these reasons it is crucial to understand how prevention and treatment of this disease. Do not think that this information can be useful only for older and inactive people. Joint diseases affect both children and active young people. Proper prevention is important for any person.

Symptoms rheumatoid arthritis

Prevention of joint dysfunctions

first of all, you should learn how to prevent arthritis and similar diseases. If competent time to take preventive measures and regularly observe them, then the chance of developing joint diseases is significantly reduced. Especially important is the prevention of arthritis and arthrosis for those who are at risk. Permanent orthopedic patients include people with the disease the following metrics:

  • trauma to the joint (very often this affects athletes);
  • excess weight that put joints under considerable pressure;
  • infectious diseases (amid a General weakening of immunity);
  • genetic predisposition to joint diseases (gout, rheumatoid arthritis)
  • autoimmune diseases.

In Addition, the high likelihood of arthritis or osteoarthritis in healthy people, working in conditions that give joints special loading. And, of course, the risk groups are the elderly of 60 years. For the prevention of inflammation and dysfunction of the important joints physical activity and maintaining body in shape.

Trauma is the cause of arthritis

For this reason, the most effective recognized measures such as:

  • competent regular physical activity and exercise;
  • healthy food and balanced diet;
  • massage.

physical exercises will allow you to maintain muscle tone and help avoid problems such as the appearance of excess weight. exercise have a beneficial effect on many muscle groups, joints and tendons and relieve unnecessary stress on the joints. Experts note that to prevent arthritis especially helpful following exercises:

  1. Physical activity aimed at restoring the elasticity of the muscles;
  2. Walking and Hiking
  3. swimming (important to keep the water temperature – it should not be cold)
  4. Work on machines that do not have severe axial loads on the joints and spine.

But not all exercises are equally useful. Some may worsen your condition and increase the risk of inflammation of the joints. To avoid the costs of such stresses, such as intense running, jumping and lifting weights.

overweight is the cause of the arthritis

In Addition physical activity, a beneficial effect on the joints can have a proper and balanced diet. Eating fruit or vegetables that are rich in rough fiber that will help to rid the body of toxic substances. It is believed that the products of gelatin can improve the condition of your joints. Fish and foods rich in vegetable fats, are a recognized source of useful acids, necessary for normal functioning of tissues. Therefore it is recommended to include in your diet. And you must limit the intake of salt, sugary foods and food rich in cholesterol.

How to prevent arthritis

If you already having pain and discomfort in the joints, that in no event it is impossible to put a diagnosis on their own. In this case it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a complete diagnosis. Because often pain is only a symptom of the disease, directly to the joints have no relationship. Standard methods of examination and detection of joint diseases are:

  • imaging
  • artrografia;
  • ultrasound
  • x-ray joints;
  • blood test for the detection of inflammatory processes.

Massage for arthritis

If you experience painful sensations yourself people often try to avoid discomfort. This is usually done either with medication or using traditional recipes.

But choosing a way of dealing with the pain, you must consult a doctor.

do Not forget that many drugs and techniques there are contraindications. Trying to cope with the problem by yourself, you can only exacerbate the resulting inflammation.

If you have been injured, be sure to go on reception to the surgeon and get x-rays of the affected joint. Even if the injury seems minor, then in future it can turn into serious trouble. Inflammation often arise due to chronic injuries, which had not been treated.

the Correct distribution of loads

If you spend much time at the computer, you should not neglect the special exercises, which aimed at regaining joint mobility and the resumption of proper blood supply. Experts say that arthritis of the hands rapidly in recent years "younger". As the fingers and wrist of a person operating the keyboard and the mouse are constantly in an unnatural position.

This Passion for power sports, including weightlifting, also does not benefit the knees, elbows and spine. If you want to get shredded, it is wiser to contact an experienced trainer who will choose an individual complex of exercises.

This set should be sure to consider not only the overall health of a person, but his age, weight and lifestyle. Extreme hardening, for example, winter swimming, also often lead to the emergence of inflammatory processes.

And remember that it is wiser to prevent disease than to treat it. Prevention of arthritis and other joint dysfunctions in the future will save you a lot of time and money. In addition, competent preventive measures will have beneficial effects on the entire body, strengthening the immune system and developing body.