Why joint pain legs feet: possible causes and treatment

If the joint pain legs feet, pain nature is unknown to many. A more accurate title for the problem – the pain in the ankle joint.

the Problem of pain in the joint in the foot

causes of pain in the ankle

  • subluxation of joint;
  • arthritic inflammation;
  • gouty deformation of joint;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • fracture of the fibula, tibia, talus, and metatarsal bones.

To understand what caused the pain in the specific case, it is necessary to remember, in what time occurs the discomfort. Bouts of arthritis occur at night in 3-4 hours, in the afternoon when walking the pain subsides. For all other reasons there is no such relation. It is very important that happened before the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. All types of fractures was preceded by a well-remembered trauma.

A Bit different situation with the dislocation. Sprains of the ankle most often occur in very fat people or people with deformed ligaments. The man tucks his leg, and then feels pain, edema gradually formed. Swelling is a characteristic by which it is possible to separate one disease from another. So, when a dislocation of the joint swells and the surrounding area.

Swelling of the foot injury

At the turn of the strong and swelling may be bluish. If the fracture is open, there can be seen fragments of bone, in this case, to cope with the pain by yourself is extremely difficult. If the talus fracture of the foot flattens, the movement is impossible, the edema may rise to the ankle. Stop on the inner side of the cushion-like. When deforming arthrosis pain was preceded by serious trauma. Deforming arthrosis is a complication of dislocation or fracture history. If arthritis affects other joints. As arthritis starts with small joints of the hand, by the time the lesions of the ankle the diagnosis is already known. The same applies to the defeat of the gouty joint. First, deformed big toe, and much later the ankle joint. What to do if you missed the beginning of the disease? You need to consult a specialist, he will prescribe the necessary examination, and results of treatment.

It is worth noting lesions of other organs, leading to edema of the tibia without traumatic component. These are the diseases of the cardio-vascular system, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis in the legs, some infectious diseases. In this case, the period of appearance of the swelling is rather long and is symmetric in nature.

What diagnostic activities carried out by the doctor?

On reception at the doctor the patient with a complaint of that sore foot, prescribe x-ray examination. It is informative, because it shows fracture, if there is one, and will mark the deformity of the joint. To investigate the state of the vessels of the lower extremities is carried out reovazography. Can assign a venous blood collection.

X-rays for sore joint in foot

be sure the Doctor examines the injured limb and asks the patient, palpates the joint.

What treats pain syndrome?

The Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after his visit, depending on the reasons for the defeat of the ankle joint.

If it's a subluxation, the patient should immobilize the limb with an elastic bandage, to reduce the load. Within 2-3 weeks the condition improves significantly, at 4 weeks there is complete recovery.

If diagnosed the fracture, under anesthesia can perform matching of fragments and a plaster bandage. Prescribe analgesics for 5-7 days. The fewer days taking pain medications, the better, as they damage the liver and kidneys, but it is not necessary to replace them folk remedies deal with pain. Plaster cast is removed after 4-12 weeks depending on the severity of the fracture. Appoint and chondroprotectors, drugs of cartilage.

If it's arthritis or osteoarthritis, prescribed pain ointment finalgon, sometimes Fastum gel and others, and also prescribe drugs for the treatment of the underlying disease. The same is true for arthritic pain.

Diet for joint pain

To return to the patient functions, the joint physiotherapy is prescribed.

This can be the electrophoresis with drugs, magnetic therapy, phonophoresis. Useful sanitary-resort treatment, it complements the main course of mud therapy, warm waters, massages, etc.

Folk remedies at home

There are also folk remedies for relieving joint pain, but you can access them only after a visit to the doctor. If you have a sore foot joint – do not self-medicate, because very often it leads to deterioration of health and additional costs. Although traditional methods and can relieve the pain, but the cause of the disease they can not affect. Nomore effective means of prevention. What is the prevention of pain in the joint of the tibia?

If you have gout or a predisposition thereto, it is necessary to follow a diet. Namely, how to eat less meat, to not eat foods that contain oxalic acid. Eat vegetables, fruits and dairy products. If you suffer from excess weight or tend to be overweight, you should also reconsider your diet. If possible consult a nutritionist. Reasons high weight can be very diverse, and not in all cases it is overeating. When a large mass increases the pressure on knee and foot.

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you should regularly undergo courses of treatment, to abandon admission of alcohol. It reduces the effectiveness protivorevmaticski drugs. That's not to mention the detrimental effect on the whole body. Regular exercise will help you feel better and prevent the appearance of excess weight.

Can be manufactured at home, the infusion on birch. For the preparation you will need to take 5 grams of dried birch leaves, 5 g of willow bark, 5 g of dried flowers of a black elder. Birch leaves should be collected in April-may, at the same time, we should gather willow bark. Black elder flowers are harvested during the flowering period. Prepared raw pour 250 ml boiling water and infused for 8 hours. Drink 50 g three times a day for 14 days, also the solution you can apply warm compresses.

brown Still makes the product. For this you need a ripe fruit of chestnuts, which are harvested at the end of September, and vodka. You must assemble the package of chestnuts, about 2 kg. Further to clear of the dense shell. Kernels grind in a meat grinder. In half-liter jar to collect the mixture and pour 250 ml of vodka. Cook in a water bath for 20 minutes, do not boil. Lubricate sore joints. It is desirable to grind chestnuts into flour, as coarse particles may injure the skin.

These same tools can be used for pain in the knees.