Why sore joints fingers during pregnancy?

If the woman has pain in her joints of fingers during pregnancy, special anxiety and panic this phenomenon should not cause, as a similar reaction in this situation is considered quite normal. Because childbearing is a special time in the lives of women, when the body tends to undergo some minor changes. During pregnancy the expectant mother becomes hypersensitive, so a woman may in some parts of the body to feel pain. Yes, it's unpleasant and perhaps even unusual, but not to suffer and not to suffer, should seek help from a qualified physician.

Pain in fingers during pregnancy

Apart from the fact that the pain may appear in joints of the fingers, it may also occur in the feet, and knees. Of course, the reason for this disease can be very diverse, but basically it is closely interlinked with pregnancy.

Pain in the joints of the hands and their underlying causes

Sometimes, pain in the joints very rarely remind myself and the woman they especially do not disturb. As usual it is free to do business, but, unfortunately, for some women, they are permanent and become unbearable. In any case you should not hope that these feelings will pass by themselves, or, worse, to self-medicate, relying on methods of folk medicine. To consult a doctor in such case is simply necessary. Because such actions may affect the future baby.

As a rule, common cause of pain in the joints of the hands of pregnant women lack calcium in your body. However it can detect only a doctor, after passing all necessary tests will be able to determine whether or not the body needs calcium. After that, he assigns a regimen of this vital element. In addition, a qualified specialist will recommend the expectant mommy is right and having a balanced diet. After all, we know many cases when I have a woman in an interesting position to change the diet of their usual diet or to substitute some foods for others, the pain immediately passed. But you should take note that products such as cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese should be present in your daily menu. Well to accustom oneself to eating seafood, which will have a beneficial impact on the health of not only moms, but also the unborn baby.

Lack of calcium - cause of pain in the fingers

Another cause of pain in the joints can be inflammation. If a woman before pregnancy faced a similar disease, and during pregnancy it is necessary with them to encounter, since possible exacerbation. Indeed, at this period a woman's body is reconstructed, resulting in the body's immune system is weakened it does not cope with its tasks. In this case, medical attention is absolutely necessary.

Especially sensitive are women in the third trimester, when they begin rapidly gaining weight. The load on the body is significant, and the enormous pressure on the entire musculoskeletal system just can not be avoided. Moreover, these pains are accompanied by swelling of the upper and lower extremities. Therefore, pregnant women are very desirable to carefully monitor their diet and weight. However, after giving birth many women get rid of such problems once and for all. There is a high probability that the pregnancy began the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, however during pregnancy it was reinforced in the way to show themselves to panic and you just need to follow all the prescribed recommendations of doctors.

The Excess of relaxin is another reason of pain in joints of hands. This hormone is produced mandatory for all pregnant women. This substance is responsible for the pregnancy and its flow. The presence of this hormone all the joints in the body are softened. This process is necessary and is provided by nature, that during childbirth the baby could successfully pass through the birth canal. However, relaxin is not only a positive effect. Under his influence may be pain in the extremities. However, if the woman is the increased production of this hormone and pain associated with this phenomenon, it remains as just be patient and wait.

Rapid weight gain - the cause of the pain in the fingers

Symptoms of joint pathology

Very disappointing statistics show that almost every second woman during pregnancy suffers from pain in the joints of the hands, feet and back.

The Pain in the fingers pregnant is what happens the trapped nerve tubes, which connect the brush with the hand. However, it should be noted that pain is not the only symptom. There are a number of other accompanyingsigns, namely:

  • numbness of hands;
  • numbness individual fingers: thumb, middle and index (signs tunnel syndrome)
  • burning and itching of the palms and fingers;
  • pain in the forearm that are usually sudden and acute.

Useful tips

Of Course, given a fickle pain the woman very well and can help themselves and to cope with the flood of affliction.

The Main thing is to understand that nothing terrible happens, and not succumb to panic, to worry much, and even more lose heart.

self – Hypnosis here's something you should avoid in this situation because after the birth it goes.

fresh air with pain in the fingers

so, what useful tips and tricks you should use to get rid of pain in the joints of the fingers, or at least to relieve them?

  1. it is Necessary to walk in the fresh air. Highly recommended not to sleep with my hands under my pillow.
  2. At the slightest manifestation of pain will be useful to move hands, to massage each finger individually. Do not get involved in monotonous work.
  3. not recommended to keep constantly hand lowered, because the blood ows to the extremities in large quantities and occurs swelling. It is recommended not to stay long on his feet.

Practical arrangements

Rubbing of the hands is a very effective way to get rid of unpleasant pain. You can use a bag of ice and apply it to your hands. Only delay for too long, it is not necessary, in order to avoid hypothermia. And you can use ordinary bowl of cold water, and placed where the hands. Of course, this method helps not all.

It would be Good if someone did a back massage. Blood circulation will improve dramatically, and the pain will go away.

You Can try to use essential oils. In the bowl of warm water added 3 drops of oil. The obtained liquid need to RUB inflamed areas.

Effective assistance will have a mixture of dry mustard and salt. These ingredients should be taken in equal proportions, for 200 g. There is also necessary to add a little paraffin wax, mix the ointment and obtained leave for the night. In the morning the ointment is ready. RUB it should be good so that it soaks in completely.

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, requiring attention and careful care, because in this situation it is important not only his own life but the lives of future little man. Therefore, when any manifestation of pain don't delay.

Better to prevent disease than to make great efforts to cure it.