Why pain in all joints of the body: possible causes and treatment.

It is Very important that the patient seek timely medical help when pain in all joints of the body, the cause, the treatment of their set only by a specialist. Your doctor will analyse the symptoms and tell you exactly where to go. As people age, the joints begin to wear out gradually. Therefore, in most cases, complaints of pain are patients of advanced age. But in some cases it may complain and young people. What is the reason that a person begin to hurt several groups of joints, and how to cope with this problem?

the Problem of pain in the joints

risk Factors

There are several risk factors that can lead to disease. One of the most common is heredity. If, for example, my grandmother and mother were ill at the same time several groups of joints, and subsequent generations sooner or later you may experience this problem.

Gender is another risk factor. It is noticed that among women, diseases of the joints occur several times more often than men. This often affects women after the onset of menopause. This is due to the fact that it is women "protect" their own sexual female hormones. With age, the number begins inexorably to shrink, and after they almost disappear, the woman becomes to protect no one, and the joints begin to deform and collapse. In men, this problem practically does not occur. So the joints because of hormonal disorders they get sick less often than women.

In men, pain in the joints occur mainly due to heavy physical labor. This is because they are constantly exposed to high load. Gradually, the cartilage begins to wear out, the joints to become inflamed and deformed.

People, often suffering from disease, such as angina, can complain that they will start to hurt the joints. This is because the bacteria that cause sore throats can have a negative impact on the joints, especially large ones.

X-rays for the diagnosis of joint disease

Causes and treatment of pain in all joints of the body are closely interconnected among themselves.

joint pain Causes

Often patients ask their doctors, why get sick at once almost all the joints and back? For this there are a lot of different reasons.

Age. In bone there are two groups of cells. One group, the osteoblasts and helps bone tissue to be updated. And the second group, the osteoclasts, is directly involved in the destruction of bone. With age, the joints are being violated more and more, so in old age they are deformed and destroyed. This is the main reason that the elderly begin to hurt the joints and spine.

lack of exercise, which is suffering the majority of the population, can cause a person start to hurt several groups of joints. Injuries to joints can also cause begins to develop the disease. This problem may also occur in athletes who are professionally engaged in sports. Most often it is because during intense workouts the cartilage in joints wear out quickly.

ultrasound for the diagnosis of joint disease

Communicable diseases and their complications quite often result in pain of the joints throughout the body and back.

Very often a diagnosis of arthritis, i.e., inflammation of several groups of joints, is those people who have some problems with the extra weight.

Some are wondering whether there is any relationship between poor diets and diseases of the joints throughout the body? Experts unequivocally: Yes, and the most direct! Wrong nutrition, which is excessive consumption of fried, fatty, spicy foods and alcohol-containing drinks, leading to metabolic disorders. As a consequence, the body begins to produce high levels of substances such as uric acid. The excess and are deposited in the joints. This leads to the fact that the person will start to hurt almost all the joints and the spine.

Long taking some hormonal drugs, particularly corticosteroids, results in a gradual destruction of the joints. The lesion mainly affects large groups of joints. Most often suffer from hip, knee, wrist and entire spine. While pain in the whole body, including the back are so intense that ordinary anti-inflammatory painkillers to remove them is very difficult.

overweight is the cause of joint pain

A Sharp pain may occur when a person when you fall on your back hits the surface of the vertebral body. In this case, a possible fracture of the spine, it requires a long period of treatment in hospital and then at home.

Reasonsthe disease varied. TOOOherefore, before drug therapy is necessary to identify what led to the defeat in this case.

The Diagnosis is made not only on the basis of complaints of the patient, examination, but also on the results of laboratory data and additional methods of examination. The most informative method of diagnostics of diseases of joints and spine x – ray. Another method to confirm or refute the diagnosis is computed tomography.

laboratory studies the most informative is the General analysis of blood with the expanded formula. The recent defeat of the joints throughout the body is called an autoimmune reasons, therefore, may be informative and immunological analysis of blood, it allows to identify antibodies that are produced by the cells of the joints of his body.

Treatment of diseases

Treatment of diseases should begin after will be exactly the causes of their occurrence.

As the pain is mainly causes a person to see a doctor, the first thing that you must do in any event – analgesia. This can help conventional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Very often the disease is accompanied by fever, pain and aches. It must also be considered when assigning treatment. Usually these symptoms indicate this disease, as rheumatism. It is autoimmune, so it affects not only the joints but the whole body. For its treatment is necessary the appointment of immunomodulators.

non-pharmacological methods should include therapeutic measures such as massage and physiotherapy. But it is necessary to take into account that they practically patient should not feel pain.

If the cause of the disease is severe physical exercise, the experts recommend to use, for example, elastic bandage, which will reduce the impact stress on joints.

Preventive measures

In order to preserve your joints, you need to constantly protect them and to do preventive work. It's no wonder people agree with the statement that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The first thing to do is to avoid hypothermia, as it can lead to such a disease as angina. And she, in turn, can cause complications. And itself hypothermia can lead to inflammation of several groups of joints.

Both women and men, you should be very careful to watch your weight because excess weight is a direct path to deforming arthrosis of at least knee and hip joints. Men and women need to monitor their physical activity. When driving there is no stagnation of blood and joint fluid. The joints are not deformed and do not hurt.

One should also keep track of your drinking regime. It is known that the average adult person needs to drink a day not less than two liters of fluid. In this case, synovial synovial fluid is constantly being updated. If liquid is not enough, the cartilage begin to RUB, causing severe pain, and the joints begin to deform.

If you carefully watch their joints, problems with them will not arise.