Trochanteric bursitis of the hip: causes, symptoms and treatments

This theme is likely to be of interest to athletes who know firsthand what is bursitis in the hip joint symptoms and the causes of the disease, which is also called as trochanteric bursitis. First we need to understand what it is and where it is possible to receive such an unpleasant diagnosis. Bursitis of the hip is an inflammatory process that occurs in the hip joint, namely in periarticular bag. It is designed for easy sliding of muscles to prevent strong friction in the joints between the bones and connective tissues in them.

Symptoms of bursitis of the hip joint

Main causes are

The Most common cause of this diseases are trauma, excessive exercise, and various broken bones of the hip joint. Any of the following factors can cause inflammation of the synovial bags:

  • problems with the spine such as osteoarthritis, scoliosis or arthritis;
  • daily excessive physical stress on the feet and joints or constant sedentary sedentary jobs;
  • congenital or acquired unequal leg length, curvature
  • salt deposits in the joints;
  • are overweight
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • previously undergone surgery on the hip joints;
  • strong supercooling;
  • age;
  • penetration infection;
  • wrong endocrine system or diabetes;
  • "red spurs" or osteophytes.

Physical activity is the cause of bursitisspeaking about occupational disease, trochanteric bursitis of the hip is diagnosed in runners, cyclists, gymnastics is also considered a sport with a strong stress on the joints. Negatively on the condition of the synovial bags affect how frequent walking on the stairs, and stand-up work – it is causing a great load on the leg joints and, as a consequence, inflammation. Bursa is inflamed and at different length legs, which formed a wrong distance and difficulty of movement.

Various surgical interventions, namely arthroplasty, can also cause in the future, bursitis of the hip. But at risk are not only athletes, but also ordinary people who bumps, accidental drops can make damage and osteophytes that appear in the tendons, and becomes the direct cause of bursitis of the hip bone.

Symptoms of trochanteric bursitis

As with most other diseases of the joints, the first sign of inflammation of the trochanteric bags have become an acute pain. Even with the slight physical exertion you will feel pain and discomfort in the area of the base of the femur in its outer parts. The symptoms of inflammation are manifested even during normal walking, the pain improves with time, especially in moments of climbing the stairs.

overweight is the cause of bursitis

People can simply rely or uncomfortable to sit on the affected side, and trochanteric bursitis will be felt. If not immediately start treatment of inflammatory processes, the symptoms may wear off, but the inflammation will spread to all of the hip, striking nearby portions of tissue.

Signal of the emergence and development of trochanteric bursitis is pain during flexion of the leg, when you try to sit down or stand up after long periods of sitting immobile. Many patients come to the doctor with similar complaints, citing arthritis, try to use analgesic ointments and other pharmaceuticals. Unsurprisingly, they do not help. The main difference between these two diseases of the joints – is mobility. Even through bursitis pain in hip joint leg functioned well, while arthritis greater mobility significantly lost.

Inflammation of the trochanter occurs when the penetration in synovial bag of the infection. In this case, the main symptoms are swelling, ulcers or abscesses on the skin in the affected areas. In any attempt to move my leg or take a step to the side will be severe pain as a signal of infection. Symptom of hip bursitis is the change in the vascular system in the affected tissues: occurs in venous stagnation in the foot or the entire limb.

Sedentary lifestyle is the cause of bursitis

treatment disease

How to treat inflammation of trochanteric bursitis should be decided by the doctor. But to start the treatment of this disease of joints is necessary to reduce any physical activity. As corny as it was, but it was resting the joint for a speedy recovery. Doctors also refer to conservative treatment, and patients do not recommend vigorous activity that provokes pain and discomfort in the area of inflammation. To remove the infection, the patient is prescribedmedication: most often it is a non-steroidal drug with anti-inflammatory components. To relieve pain hormonal medication. It is important that their dosage has been discharged correctly and the reception was in conjunction with local anesthetics.

If the patient went to the doctor on time and has not started stage of bursitis of the hip joint, is assigned to outpatient treatment.

In some cases, a single administration to the patient of the drug in the inflamed synovial pouch. If necessary, the attending physician may take a second injection.

Age is the cause of bursitis

In the course of treatment of trochanteric bursitis includes special physical exercises. Your doctor should, in accordance with the degree of development of disease to choose a set of exercises to complete recovery of the limb and to prevent such diseases in the future. But the first step of treatment is the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. Also bursitis of the hip joint used electrophoresis, ultrasound and physiotherapy.

Methods of treatment folk remedies

Although doctors do not recommend in this disease to do self-treatment, sometimes not everyone has the opportunity to immediately consult a doctor. Therefore, to relieve symptoms and reduce inflammation there are several recipes of traditional medicine.

for Example, the essence of any method of treatment of trochanteric bursitis is not just in fighting infection and in preventing future manifestations of this disease and chronic development. To do this, except taking pain and anti-inflammatory drugs you need to make a compress of plantain leaves, sage, calendula or pine buds. All these plants have medicinal properties, provide anti-inflammatory effect and significantly relieve swelling of the extremities.

Of Course, not in all cases, you can do this treatment folk remedies. There are advanced cases when surgical intervention is necessary. If prescribed medications do not help, then the only option is to remove the inflamed Bursa. We should not worry about the future functioning of the limb. This operation will not affect the functionality of the hip and legs.

Preventive measures

Among all the recommendations of doctors about the prevention and the prevention of trochanteric bursitis the most common are considered the reduction of load on the joint and the exclusion of any injuries and shock. Experts recommend that patients suffering from obesity, reconsider your diet and monitor the body weight. To maintain the health of muscles and joints need to constantly keep your body in good shape, thus eliminating excessive physical activity.

The problem With legs of different lengths modern medicine offers a solution here. Today there are special devices to compensate for the difference in length without complex surgery.

And for workers in standing professions doctors recommend daily complete rest and General health.